I only read the first 3 paragraphs, and it was enough for me not to want to keep reading. Ridiculous. More players who only care about their own characters. "Please, don't change my main, please, please, please." Get a grip. Stop crying because you will actually have to work for something now. "Boo hoo, Runes don't get upgraded. I'm sad." Buh-bye.
Let's get real here: Metin2 is a dying game . Most of us, at least on the Sol Server, are already hopeless about this game, and only play for nostalgia, or due to the fact that we have already spent too much to let go of it. It's like when you've been in a relationship for 5 years, and you feel like breaking up, but you don't do it because you don't want to feel like throwing those 5 years away for "nothing." Am I wrong? With that being said, some of the new proposed changes have made me really …