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  • Resistance - Feedback needed!

    LeeChen - - General Feedback


    The moment that a game turns to individuality, it comes in pursuit of commercial purposes(yang-won-char trading) because a player who can do anything alone doesn't have to explane for anyone.The game should appeal to groups as it used to be. Therefore, everything in the game must be a little difficult. BlueShade exactly! in this way, many boss revenue on each server, belongs to several players.(meley-razador-beran setaou-nemere-jotun) The first version of the 18.4 update was very good in accorda…

  • Resistance - Feedback needed!

    LeeChen - - General Feedback


    I have a diffucultly understanding most of the players.Why do you want everything in the game to be so easy.I don't think it's right to raise resistance again and I don't want it. 2 players finish the dungeon for 16 people.(Meley - is it normal?) You can be from 1 lvl to 120 lvl 1 month. (is it normal?) The game is individualized when it is so easy.No one does anything as a group.There's no point in being in the guild. I do not agree with other players.Resistances must be reduce and the game mus…

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    LeeChen - - General Feedback


    Quote from Anayra: “Fragments will start dropping today 13h30 (German time) The drop rate is special and just for Beta, to allow you to try the Yutnori game ” 20 Metin Stones (120lvl) and 0 drop

  • Alchemy

    LeeChen - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from root: “This Update are kacke grersgw4rhtrehrththngtwh4ugwt4ngt43n884gtut4ggn8rtwn8wt4rungbmrt4wu8nmgv8rwutmng8uwrtmnbgu89wnmtbu89rmwnbu8gwmrtbgu98mwrtuh8bmnrwtu98bgmnu8rtwmnbrwt8mnhbu8rwtmnu8bh9wmn4 ” what? This protest figure is very absurd and funny