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  • Pet System - Feedback

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Anayra: “Reviving this topic as main thread for the Pet change Feedback ” In my opinion, everything is good about this pet system update. However, there are 5 new pet skills and only 1 is useful (Strong Against Monsters) and maybe the skill that gives chance to restore HP (as an alternative to vampirism).

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from RabbitRun: “Quote from YoTeDoPo: “@Anayra, @badidol, you should check the drop of Iutnori Chests, last years (almost in Spanish Community) that event was considered one of the worst you have never done because the drop was annoying, and now you add it again and magic, the drop is completely the same. Please, remove the drop of lv70 weapons from chests. In addition, the game es too complicated and most of times the computer wins. Also, the score to obtain a gold chest is too high. ” An…

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    @Anayra, @badidol, you should check the drop of Iutnori Chests, last years (almost in Spanish Community) that event was considered one of the worst you have never done because the drop was annoying, and now you add it again and magic, the drop is completely the same. Please, remove the drop of lv70 weapons from chests. In addition, the game is too complicated and most of times the computer wins. Also, the score to obtain a gold chest is too high.

  • yutnori table

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback EN


    Quote from JewNose: “you can Buy it on the table ” What table???

  • Unobtainable Sashes

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    As an idea, they could be dropped when you defeat the final boss (lvel 34 floor) corresponding the boss you are killing. This could motivate people to do different zodiac portals instead of always doing Chen, Chou and Xu which are the easiest, and people would try to do maps like Wei, Mao, Si, Yu and Hai that are more difficult.

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from Oberyn: “but it does appear on the description of the yutnori box ” Yes, and you open it and you received another chest that not says to drop that item.

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from Oberyn: “from yutnori boxes ” It doesn't appear on drop list when you check the NPC of the event

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    @Salsie, where are we supposed to get the item called "Rätselsplitter" in german???

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from hugoW: “Quote from YoTeDoPo: “We miss one crafting item ” Probably dropable right now? ” I have broken some metin stones and defeated a lot of mob and I haven not dropped that item.

  • [Discussion] Yut Nori

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    We miss one crafting item

  • Sash Bonus Transfer

    YoTeDoPo - - Bugs


    Impossible to transfer bonus between sashes with the same absorbtion rate. I have tried with costume transfer and I can't.

  • Alchemy cor draconis

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Olthir: “Currenty the daily amount of cor draconis is set to 5. ” And do you really think is enough?

  • GF, if you don't want to loose most of yout players, stop this alchemy update and find another solution for excellent useless stones.

  • Pet System - Feedback

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Charradas: “Quote from lmcdoss6: “I used the new skill against monters in a razador of lv86 that has 12% rage and at lv20 the new skill gave 7% Could someone test with a new pet nemere spider, money etc ” The Hydra pet (lvl 81) give +9 % Strength against monsters. pOUcPIH.png ” Is legendar??

  • Pet System - Feedback

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from hugoW: “Quote from YoTeDoPo: “I obtained a lv1 prismathish Razador and it grews 0.6-0.7 every 5 levels (HP). ” @Charradas yes, that was what i thought, nobody could get the 14% on berzerk because they simply don't have the type of pet, this "prismatish and myticish" are the ones that give it. One confirmation i had also on Meley lv93: Berzeker: 7% - strong Monsters: 10% - Legendary Berzerer: 7% - strong Monsters: 11% - Prismatish Monkey lv90, i got it on prismatich also, better hp, bu…

  • Pet System - Feedback

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Charradas: “Pet Type Regular Layout (5 by 5 - HP reference) * Sub-Type (HP reference) * Name (German) * - * 0.2 % - 0.3 % * loyal * 100 % confirmed * 0.3 % - 0.4 % * clever * 100 % confirmed * 0.5 % - 0.6 % * legendar * 100 % confirmed * ?? % - ?? % * prismathish * ?? Irregular Layout ( 6 by 6 - HP reference) * Sub-Type (HP reference) * Name (German) * - * 0.1 % - 0-5 % * talienter or tollpatschig * 100 % confirmed * 0.1 % - 0.7 % * talienter or tollpatschig * 100 % confirmed * 0.1 % …

  • Pet System - Feedback

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    A friend told me that the new skill of strong against monster is better in meleys, can anyone confirm in nessie?

  • Please fix polymorphy

    YoTeDoPo - - Bugs


    Quote from Kr8g: “The problem with polymorphy is such a long time, but nothing is done. This is very importent part of PVM mode. Don't work: 1. Berserk from animal and helmet 2. bone earrings 3. attack of the god of dragons 4. porky And I can have better equipment, than another character, but I will be less beat on polymorphy. Stop destroying the game and keep repair Metin2. ” Also, damage on Card System transformations are lower than polymorphysm, this should be changed.

  • Unobtainable Sashes

    YoTeDoPo - - General Feedback


    Quote from Rocket: “ Sash System Update Tired of your old sash? Do you want to use a new one without having to re-do your bonuses? With this feature we’re giving you the opportunity to do just that. Hand Theowahdan 2 sashes with the same absorption rate to transfer your bonuses from one sash to the other. ” If you add these sashes, we could use the new system of transfering bonus, because we could have more variety of sashes to choose :).

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    YoTeDoPo - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Didi: “Quote from GamePriv: “You do not know, you can see the consequences of this update in relation to the new alchemi. Not everything is bad in this update, but please excuse me, I've been playing since the beginning of the Metin2 uprising and I've lived through a lot. This update with Alchemy will be a nail to the coffin. ” Again, different point of view, i think its good a new alchemy level, as a normal player i can sell for higher price excellent poor stones. Maybe for you its a…