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  • Increased damage from bosses

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from BigThunder: “yesterday I was doing Razador and I ate a critical that killed me instantly... I thoughtI this would not happen again.. ” I think i read @unforgiven saying sometimes razador or other boss's can give you a big amount of damage... But is rare. Yesterday i have done some razadors and now i can beat him without dying a lot... So the bug is fixed.

  • Increased damage from bosses

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Not just boss damage... They increased all mobs and boss's damage

  • An idea for the upcoming updates.

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Ya, but i think they don't want give + damage to aura or blade... I'm happy if they just give W.Suras a second type of damage.

  • An idea for the upcoming updates.

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Yes unfs... But is a good advantage for that class... In the end, ppl put 60 dagger defense and still get a big damage from that skill, because in general we don't put more than 20% magic Resistance, and they can use AMR.. So... Other thing is: Weapon sura just can use swords... You can put 75% Swords, shield etc etc and we don't give damage... Of course we have a good damage in hits, but now they nerfed crit chance and damage... So W.Suras right now will become a class easy to beat in PvP. What…

  • An idea for the upcoming updates.

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Yes, i can't say i like what happened to Shamans and Lycans, but ruin all other characters isn't a solution. If you change the way Warriors and Suras bosst Aura And Blade, that chars will become even more weak. Right now i think Suras Wep and Warriors need a boost in active skills... Suras just have 2 active skills and one active low damage/Debuff skill...

  • An idea for the upcoming updates.

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from nova1997: “Hi, first of all sorry my bad english I have some idea for the balance. I'm totally agree with the changes so here's some other thought: Body Warrior: --> Aura = This skill should strengthened by: Str(+) Int(+) Weaponary Sura: --> Enchanted Blade = This skill should strengthened by: Int(+) Str(+) --> Enchanted Armour = This skill should strengthened by: Int(++) Dex(+) ” What class do you play? Dagger right? Almost all your ideas here ruin all classes except dagger classes..…

  • Shaman balancing

    Th3Original - - Archive


    I'm talking about magic chars in general... I point dragon shaman because with this update, they lost PvP power by nerfing critic damage... But here you boosted Healers and Magic Suras... So i just can see an unballance here... Yes i'm just talking about magic Vs Fisic... But you talking about Ballance right? So right now we have a big unballance when talking about this two types of damage.

  • Shaman balancing

    Th3Original - - Archive


    We talking here about Healer and Dragon PvP differences right? Healer is strongest compared to Dragon at PvP vs any char... Remember, you cut Normal Hits Critic Damage and Chance... So almost all classes lost one advantage Vs Healers... I believe with this new update, all fisic chars will have less chances at pvp vs magic ones... But i think you are really not seeing what i see here.

  • Shaman balancing

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Healers will be the Best PvP class after this update... Unfs what i see is: -Dragon Roar AVG 9,886 -Summons Lighning: 12,015 Difference: 2,129 This is a big difference... Dragon Shaman have Eternal Fire? Healer can remover it just using Cure... Dragon have blessing? 47% reduction normal hit damage? Healer have 7-9k hp restaured just by healing... And a too lower cooldown... Healers have 100% chance accuracy in skills... What you saying right now is Invalid Unfs... I don't play healer, but i pref…

  • Shaman balancing

    Th3Original - - Archive


    The problem i see with critics reduction, is not at critics skill damage.. The problem is Critic Normal Hits damage and chance... What a Wep.Sura will do now? We just have 2 active skills and one active debuff with lower damage... With no normal hit damage, PvP will be hard for us... I don't appreciate the way critics work now, but for now... We can't do anything else

  • [Feedback]Bug fixing EN

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Bug: Skill dispell Reproduction: When a weaponary sura uses dispell in the enemy and it removes buffs, also gives enemy a 2 sec lag. I think that bug is also present on the skill of lightning Shamans, Cure.

  • I think @unforgiven have no news about when fix will happen... So that's why we didn't said anything more.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Th3Original - - Archive


    With all IS in game, is funyy but one reality, we all need stones anti defences... Let's see what will come in the next big interation.

  • I think that's intended... Statue have low hp, but you will need a party to clear that floor.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Nice! Good changes, about the time we can deal with 92 seconds. Thank you @unforgiven

  • Let's cross our fingers and wait until unfs give news... He said each time they try change anything, it needs weeks of conversation with webzen... So let's wait.

  • Suggestion about lv105 avg wep

    Th3Original - - Archive


    What they can do and what they want do is big different... Of course they can mantain a map atractive by just let players get refine items from there... But now, let's players buy Enchant items to get a good damage... In that way, lv 75 weapons become trash, who will pay for an 45 avg damage poison if they can get + damage with a +5 25 Avg damage zoadiac...

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Quote from metalgearzero: “Has anyone realized that the HP and attack value has been reduced? ” Explain it better.

  • Suggestion about lv105 avg wep

    Th3Original - - Archive


    Agree!!! If they always make PvP things possible to Tramute, so make PvM things possible too... I don't want to see my Poison Sword beeing trash after this update.

  • New Pendants

    Th3Original - - Archive


    In this case @unforgiven you guys can do it in order to keep old itens with value... Just make possible trnsmute lv 75 Weapons in lv 105 +0 new weapons... Same with amours.