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  • No one wants this update, why do it?

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Lykan and mental warrior are made for giving high skill damage, because their hits, mental has weak hits, lycan has slow hits and they miss a lot because of the lack of range, and both skills fail a lot, so they need high damage, lycan and mental warrior, stand no chance against shaman or sura or even archer ninja cause they cant hit skills in them on pvp

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from AthozOrion: “Quote from DLK: “Quote from AthozOrion: “LPvP tournament is general test for Lycans. I hope my opinion about nerf is wrong and Lycan will be good char like now. Quote from DLK: “But I still want see answer from Metin2 Team why Crimson's DMG is nerfed. Any arguments can You present? ” Lol,they argue that lot of time.The lykan damage it waz too hight comparative the other caracters,and beside this,he hase much more advantages,than any other caracter have.It looks normal for…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “In the end, yes. They will not get any other change for this version. ” i dont really understand the need to decrease duration, but atleast damage is aceptable now! what about the pierce % ?

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “The duration will stay at 92. The scaling with int will give around 683 with 132 int. ” We should have something like atleat 110 seconds to have the duration like warriors at least, because we have to switch the itens and we lost some seconds and the wolf breath was a nice touch because is wind it should kickback

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Crimson Wolf Skill will be adjusted. It will give around 473 Attk at 90 Int. ” nice to hear that our feedback had value, what about timing? can we keep it 175 seconds like before? skill duration doesnt really create inbalance. and the INT, how much will be the increase with each point?

  • portugal too, especially the 90+ lycans

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    In my server everyone is selling their lycan stuff too.. and on the other servers of my country too


    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “I’m a Tester @Apollykan. I’m not responsible for the Update. My Job is play testing and checking that stuff works the way it’s supposed to work. Furthermore every Post in create in this forum is just my personal point of view. Talking about Dispel. Last time I checked Lycan Attacks were still devastating even w/o Crimson. Just because of the sheer attack damage combined with piercing hits (3-6k). The next thing would be, that the Lycan is not supposed to deal most of his Damage …


    Apollykan - - Archive


    Damage doesnt equal being good in pvp, vs suras magic shamans and archer ninja lycan stands no chance because the way the skills and hits are built, vs weapon sura, dispell does the job vs berserk warrior, lycan has stronger hitsand skills but really slow and missy hits and warrior has some advantage even with high damage of lykans, if they nerf lycans like this, likan is just going to be a like a warrior on the mount, but very uselless on the ground. And all the lycans players see this, thats w…


    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “There is something that is called „Freedom of speech“ – yes. But only if you stay inside of the boundaries of a normal conversation. Hatred or insulting has NOTHING to do with “Freedom of speech”. Stop comparing the pure Numbers man.. don’t you realize that the Lycan deals way more damage than the Weaponary Sura even though he has a lower Base AV from Crimson? I wonder why.. If you want to give feedback – cool! Please, go ahead. But please, be polite and respectfully. ” @meh its…

  • Razador/nemere drops

    Apollykan - - Archive


    I know this is nothing to do with this particular update but. I think that the drops of razador should stay like they were before, because now with the chests is almost impossible for the players to get pets, why we are suposed to get pets now opening 200 chest for 1 egg?

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Still no news at the moment. ” they could atleast give you an answer.. 75% of the high levels lycans in my server are leaving the game or starting to use another chracters, lycan without the high damage and thr skill duration is kinda of uselless, and i know that are lycans in other servers leaving the game too or quitting lycan waiting for that answer.

  • Shaman balancing

    Apollykan - - Archive


    @unforgiven from what i ve been reading here and talk to several players plus my opnion only the following changes i ve been accepted by the general metin players Give some power in PVE to shamans something like giving shaman some physical attack value but to fans and bells. Fix some of the dragon shamans skills on the range. Dont nerf buffs that much especially the cooldown, the group buff is fine. Nerfing to the lykans only in INT power to the crimson and some pierce changes to dispell working…

  • Shaman balancing

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Quote from Apollykan: “nobody was complaining about the game the way it was, just the bugs that exist ” There were, and are, tons of requests to balance the game. Maybe players expected just a damage increase to everyone and that's it. This is not the case. @TcatalunyaT, I will recheck in the documents about that, maybe I am mixing up with other DoT. Thanks for the video! ” this was a pvm balance not pvp, nerfing the buffs ( nobody asked for it) nerfing the lykans( some a…

  • Shaman balancing

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Quote from Apollykan: “99% of the players dont want this changes. Why do it? They run the game but its our game, we pay and spend good money on this we must what we want, or will be no players left ” This whole skill changes, balancing changes are tied together, they are a package. If you remove point G then point A doesn't work anymore. It is not as simple as switching it off. ” nobody was complaining about the game the way it was, just the bugs that exist

  • Shaman balancing

    Apollykan - - Archive


    99% of the players dont want this changes. Why do it? They run the game but its our game, we pay and spend good money on this we must have what we want and makes us liked this gsme in the first place, or will be no players left, but this is just and advice...

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from Skywarp: “Hey you could change the value you get at the 90th biologist quest for (more damage toward other players) the Lyc. These base value could be reduced principlely. So you could fix the Lyc in pvp without destroying pvm.I already mentioned this in the German forum. Now I am interested in the opinion of international players. Sorry about my bad english.I hope you understand what I mean. best regards Skywarp ” wtf man... lycan is not even one ofthe best pvp chracters evsn Without…

  • Lykan is thrash why??

    Apollykan - - Archive


    He spoke spanish, he basically said why the lycan cant be nerfed, and he explains why with some arguments like, lycan is not OP in pvp he just takes good damage to people without claw defense and shield, and in pvm has some disavantages too.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Apollykan - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Saying that is a waste of time is an overstatement. If it would be a waste of time there wouldn't be any other chance to the class but there were some changes in between. The Duration of the skill was increased for example. I am still in conversations with WebZen regarding the attack value but currently there are no news. You need to understand that feedback is important but that doesn't mean that it will materialize. This can happen but it might also not happen. ” i alre…