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  • Piercing Hits

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Same, i'll go with 1 aswell. As mentioned before, i still don't get why you HAD to change it. It's just 1 Spot more you'll have to work on while trying to Balance. Why implement a new "Feature" which could cause more "imbalance" instead of just leaving it the Way it was. Any other Race then Lycan really struggles to achiev higher then 100 Piercing CHANCE if they're not using a Piercing Pet in PvP, so why give the Lycan such a Advantage again..?!

  • Male Weaponary Sura.. he was one of the first "complaining" about 90 Map Bosses hitting crazy Numbers.. Metin2 Damage Input Sura

  • Quote from unforgiven: “Don't get me wrong, it is not that I do not believe in you - which I do. I will do some checks but this is something that exists since the beginning of the game and it is the 1st time I hear about it. ” And since the Beginning People have been complaining about this so called "Bug". If you're telling us, that it's normal that you get 1 Hit by a Boss from Time to Time - that's fine by me. That's just how it SHOULD work, if the Boss reaches a certain % of HP, as mentioned a…

  • The so called "Berserker Skill" from Bosses, should only trigger if he reaches a certain % of HP.. Most likely <25%, but at the Moment if you're trying to kill a Boss with any other Race then Warrior you'll most likely get 1 Hit by the Boss over and over again. A little Comparison: Body Warrior - Level 95, no Alchemy - no Problems what so ever killing Bosses on the Level 90 Maps. Weaponary Sura, Level 120, Excellent Diamond, Resistance against Skill Damage, Titanshield+9, etc. (basically full Hi…

  • Piercing Hits

    TianyLu - - Archive


    That might be correct - yes. But if you seen what the BR Guy told us about the Version we are Testing ATM, which THEY already got - you can see how the Version we are currently working on changed the Game for their Server. So of course you/we should also look into that, to see what Impact it might have on our EU Servers.

  • Piercing Hits

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Who cares? We care - so should you. If there's already a Version of this "Balance" out there, in what Form doesnt matter, you should also look into their Server and check how it changed the Game there. If the Piercing Hits do still increas the DMG as soon as you reach 100+ Piercing Chance, it's still not "good" - i will look into that later. Other then that, a few People already mentioned that Piercing still deals to much Damage - couldn't you just get rid of the new System and replace it with t…


    TianyLu - - Archive


    Without any doubt, it's not fair the Way it is at the Moment. A better Solution would be, to make the Skins available for everyone in the Way the USED to be. Because the Skins are the only Way to grant a better Balance compared to the current Situation. Without the Skins you're simply not able to defend yourself against every Race in a reasonable Way.

  • Piercing Hits

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Unfortunately i can't tell you anything about it, because i'm not able to play on the Beta because of some weird "API Gamehack" Error occurring.. Anyway, if the Piercing Hits still work the Way, that one Brasilian Player described them, they're still to strong. In no way Piercing Hits should deal more DMG if you have over 100 Piercing Chance equipped. Its almost no Problem for anybody to reach 100 Piercing Chance, the Lycan can get up to 169.. so that's still way to strong. Why not just leave it…

  • It might sound strange, but if you're killing Razador on a Weaponary Sura for example, and you're standing to far away from him (but still damaging him) you're definitely gonna get Hit for a Lot more Damage. Atleast that's what i found out in all my Years doing that Boss. To sum it up, i'm saying you're most likely to get 1Hit when you're standing far away from the Boss while killing him. Just try to get as close under him as possible.

  • New armours and weapons

    TianyLu - - Archive


    If we take those Tests into consideration, we're able to see that Weaponary Sura & Body Warrior are NOT the 2 Races with the most DPS. They're very good - yes. They deal a Lot of Hit Damage - yes. But compared to Classes like Shaman or Ninja they have the Downside of almost being completely useless when hit by Dispel. In my Opinion there's no Reason to NOT get a Rune Sword Upgrade for the Weaponary Sura or Body Warrior to use in PvP. The other Races are getting Upgrades as well, their DPS will r…

  • New armours and weapons

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Dragon Force Shaman: (Hidden Content) Healing Force Shaman: (Hidden Content) Blade Fight Ninja: (Hidden Content)

  • New armours and weapons

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Weaponary Sura: (Hidden Content) Black Magic Sura: (Hidden Content) Body Warrior: (Hidden Content) Mental Warrior: (Hidden Content) Lycan: (Hidden Content)

  • New armours and weapons

    TianyLu - - Archive


    The Thing is, if you're arguing that Weaponary Sura and Body Warrior deal too much Damage - okay. Let's view it from another Direction. Shaman, BM Sura, Mental Warrior, Lycan, Ninja - every of those Classes got a VERY High DPS Count. Neither Shaman, Ninja, Mental Warrior have big Problems if they get hit by Dispel. As soon as a Body Warrior or Weaponary Sura gets hit with Dispel you can basically just suicide. Because you're missing so much of your DMG. Furthermore are the other Classes able to …

  • New armours and weapons

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “No one said skill or normal hits, I said "damage". The full output. Let us keep this at the same level. Regarding needing more damage, in DPS, most of the other classes are still lower than Warrior and Weaponry Sura. There is still a need to be able to balance them. PvP is a more complex matter since almost anything we would do in PvE would touch PvP. Let's wait for the next build and see how it goes. ” what the hell? No dude.. you're not right. I agree on PvP Balance bei…


    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote from Neojin: “Quote from TianyLu: “Sure there will be a Difference. If he shows you a Weapon without any "Transmutation" and suddenly wears one in Duel which got a "Transmutation", you might be able to spot it if you look closely ” You don`t understand him. You can transmutate a Weapon over a skin. Like you Transmute a Sword Lvl 0 +9 over your rune sword and you transmute a sword Lvl 0+9 over your weapon skin. How to identify the difference? You also can transmute a rune sword+9 over your …

  • New armours and weapons

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Warriors and Weapon Sura's Damage at somewhat higher than most of the other classes. ” You're wrong. They're not the strongest. Basically every class deals more Skill DMG then they do. Regarding Hit DMG, thats what their main Part of the DMG comes from, so its just normal that they're dealing more Hit DMG then anyone else. If you're arguing "they don't really need even more damage" that goes for every other Race as well.


    TianyLu - - Archive


    Sure there will be a Difference. If he shows you a Weapon without any "Transmutation" and suddenly wears one in Duel which got a "Transmutation", you might be able to spot it if you look closely


    TianyLu - - Archive


    @Yemon then you could still insist and tell him to show you his Weapon


    TianyLu - - Archive


    The Thing is, who wears a Costume/Weapon Skin in a Duel anyway? Afaik almost nobody does, so we dont have to worry about encountering an Enemy with that Amount of Defense against us. Same goes for OPvP, as @Rapier said before. If hes up to an Enemy with 90% AR, the Enemy is most likely going to be very Weak against one of the Other Attack Styles - thats how the Game is supposed to work. You shouldn't be able to defend against everyone and everything with an extreme Amount of Defense. You could t…

  • New armours and weapons

    TianyLu - - Archive


    @Aze the 1Hand Weapon we're able to look @ in the Game, got the AV of the Rune Sword +9 the MAV of the Dragon tooth Blade. So if you think about it, that could actually mean that we'll get some Sort of "Hybrid" Weapon - which could be used by BM or Weaponary Sura.