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  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Stop talking as a weaponary sura hater. Yes you have a weponary sura level 75 but that isn't your main character. Your smurf character! Your secondary or event character! PvE isn't important and worth right now. Don't talk without knowing. Yes I want PvP power. Stomach my comments. I don't like weaponary sura right now. I find him very weak and I don't care your biased comments. You're a weaponary sura hater. Weaponary sura isn't your main character. So you don't want powerful opponent. So you d…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “Quote from reveina: “As last weaponary sura players, probably we will leave this game after beta balancing update. You still think PvE is important. No PvE isn't important. PvE is unnecessary for maximum level players (after 105). But PvP is valuable for every level. Lv 15, 30, 55, 75, 90, 105, 120. It doesn't matter. You can profit by every level. Weaponary sura players don't want PvE power. Give PvP power or delete this character. Let us get rid of. Please. ” And what do …

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    As last weaponary sura players, probably we will leave this game after beta balancing update. You still think PvE is important. No PvE isn't important. PvE is unnecessary for maximum level players (after 105). But PvP is valuable for every level. Lv 15, 30, 55, 75, 90, 105, 120. It doesn't matter. You can profit by every level. Weaponary sura players don't want PvE power. Give PvP power or delete this character. Let us get rid of. Please.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Yes maybe we can have less hit damage but we must have more skill damage. Especially finger skill. We want equal PvP power. Don't want op character. All classes should have same PvP power. So they should buff body warrior and weaponary sura for PvP.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    But we aren't near to another characters in PvP. Also PvE isn't good enough until PvP. Problem is here. Yes we can be good in PvP. However it isn't enough and true. Actually this is general balancing. Every character has good, equal PvP. Player skill should detect winning. But character differences detect winning. Etc ninjas can do 300k damage we can 100k damage. Try same skills to full defence. They will do 10k damage we will do 3.5-4k. It is big difference. Big number. They will give 25-30k da…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Let's calm down and wait guys. Meanwhile I don't want more hit damage. Because you know hit damage isn't as good as skill damage. If you will give equal PvP power to every character, I will want skill damage. Actually so I'm against piercing shot rates.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    I understood. Thanks.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    But when will be balancing? What is your aim, way?

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Currently there are no changes for Weapon Sura in the pipeline. Changes in the base Sura will influence too much in PvM which, obviously, would strengthen even further the best asset of the class. ” Keep going lose weaponary sura players. Maybe one day, you can find real weaponary sura player in this game.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Fear isn't good except catacomb and Lusifer. If you think it is good skill play against mental warrior, dagger ninja, archery ninja, black magic sura and healing shaman. You will see difference. Useless skill. It should reduce skill damage at least! Give this feature. Enchanted armor is other useless skill. 150 defence is nothing. Reflects too. Because you will reflect very low number against full defence. Enchanted blade isn't enough against blocking and defence too. Also dispel was nerfed. Whe…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    You can read first comment if you want real reasons! Because you sabotage this thread with wrong arguments! We wrote 30 times maybe even more. You still insist ''bad thread, no arguments, no discussion'' excuses!

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Quote from meh: “Quote: “Tank? I didn't see a tank. We're getting same damage like you. Enchanted Armor hasn't enough defence, 150 defence is nothing. fear hasn't true feature. You're still saying tank? Even did you play this game? Weaponary sura isn't PvE monster like your character and lycan. Also your body warrior has better damage. Woooow. Where is justice? ” Yes, i played this Game. As a Weaponary Sura for over 9 Years. That's why I can tell you, the Point you're trying to make is ridiculou…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Quote from OmulCuier: “Sura Weapons beats body war and lycan 100% if the dispel works, so how can you say he's the weakest class in PvP? He's not useless, he's really good. Before the anti magic stones, BM and the shamans were the weakest because you could have more than 100 magic resistance. I seen lots of 105+ level Sura Weapons and that's because of the dispel. If they didn't have dispel(best PvP skill in the game) then they would've been underpowered for sure. ” Yea if dispel works. Wooow wh…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Because event character. Metin character. Secondary character. 2. class character. Smurf character. He isn't main character for anyone. I didn't see a weaponary sura in PvP. Are you honest? No you aren't honest. No one uses useless character in this game.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Yes he is kind of a tank with a skill that debuff other players. But you can't be a tank even if you debuff ninjas, black magic, mental warrior, healing shaman. Because they have 4 or 5 active skills. You can only debuff 1 skill. Dispel is useful against body warrior and maybe lycan. Another character doesn't be affected very much. Our 1v1 isn't very bad (mediocre) but otherwise we are in very bad situation. We can't do damage till die. Meanwhile dispel was nerfed. RIP our 1v1 potential too. Eve…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Tank? I didn't see a tank. We're getting same damage like you. Enchanted Armor hasn't enough defence, 150 defence is nothing. fear hasn't true feature. You're still saying tank? Even did you play this game? Weaponary sura isn't PvE monster like your character and lycan. Also your body warrior has better damage. Woooow. Where is justice? Weaponary sura is the worst PvP character like your character. (yes you're right about this issue) Weaponary sura didn't get a change, strong kit. Follow changes…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    I would call lycan players a toxic player too. You aren't objective. You're biased. Discussion is very nice and true. Some players want to sabotage this topic with insults, wrong infos. Discussion has videos, evidences, arguments and facts. 12% life leach is useless if you can't auto attack. Also you're forgetting blocking and defenses. You still insist to talk about PvM. You're still saying farm smaller bosses etc. Yes he can be little bit good in PvM (he isn't best but good) but that doesn't m…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    reveina - - Archive


    Lycan was very strong. Everybody knows this. Lycan needs some debilitation. weaknesses.

  • Lycan does not die

    reveina - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “If someone wants to give feedback, they need to be polite and have a decent nickname on the board. I will deactivate and remove their feedback if not done. ” Wait I didn't understand. Have a decent nickname on the board? WTF? What do you mean? Please look sura threads. Sura is dead right now. Nobody pay attention to weaponary sura.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Look lycan thread, topic. They are crying like you said. I know their aim. They don't want balancing. They want op character forever. So they don't care weaponary sura or another characters. Also some people still didn't understand. We don't want op character. We want enough power transfer between PvM and PvP.