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  • Thank you for your report. I will create a ticket for it.

  • Change personal training

    Salsie - - General Feedback


    Sorry guys actually there are no skill books in the shops, but I forwarded it. I hope the books will be added to the stores asap

  • Alchemy - What has been changed ?

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from ERROR404: “Bonsoir je refuse cette mise à jour ( le Nouveau système chimique ). WEBZEN ne respecte pas les joueurs... l'effort que vous avez fait perdu avec votre stupide mise à jour. les choses sont ajoutées au jeu sans étude... je vais arrêter de jouer à ce jeu si nous restons comme ça Bien cordialement. ” Hey Can you translate this to english please?

  • Quote from Blesenth: “Edit: @Salsie or @badidol I would like if you could make the previous feedback I made of the comparison of 2 alchemies, one legendary vs the mythic of the same clarity, be reported because if in spite of the fact that one gains more base damage against neutral things, it ends up hitting equal or less damage against monsters or bosses. And according to my tests, it is because of the multi elemental force that this new alchemy would give us. This will be very bad also for the…

  • Thank you for the help Closed.

  • Perfect master

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Actually there is no way. But I got the request by a few more player. So you are not the only one who did this.

  • Pet

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from metin2spieler: “Quote from Oberyn: “Anzahl der Skills bleiben erhalten beim switchen wenn bereits skills erlernt. ” müssen alle skills gelernt sein? oder reicht einer für die gleich bleibende anzahl? ” Es reicht einer

  • Quote from carahcara: “First of all, hello ! Let me give you a quick intro about myself. I am a decent( pvm-wise ) level 120 dragon mage and I play on one of the Romanian servers. I am not interested in pvp, at least not for the moment ( although I don't find this information relevant to my feedback ). For the past couple of days I've been attempting to test the 18.4 version and I have a thing or two to say about it. As a disclaimer, this is my opinion, therefore this means you may not agree wit…

  • Set Bonus ?

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Quote from Pagka: “When you place mythical alchemy next to perfect alchemy, it doesn't give set bonus. TR ( kusursuz simya ların yanına mitsel simya takılınca set bonus vermiyor. ) ” Do you mean that you insert a mythical stone next to your ring of legendary alchemy?

  • Pet

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Hey, du musst nur den Skill entfernen vorher. Wenn alle Slots leer sind versuch es dann noch einmal

  • Sash Bonus Transfer

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Hey, thank you for your report. You need the german language for it actually.

  • Quote from HZZA3: “Quote from Salsie: “Badidol writes in this section just like I do. So I don't really get the point but Yes, I don't discuss with you I just wrote in a few threads that I don't like the update aswell and that I don't like the change with the alchemy and the resistence, but I and gameforge employees aswell read your post and your feedback will be considered aswell as the german feedback. ” We are really frustrated in arab server dearLooking for hope, we are hanging on a straw. A…

  • Item Storage password problem

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Quote from elzanaty: “Quote from Salsie: “Ok, I will forward this, thank you ” Thank you .Do you need a username? ” Your report isn't the first one so this seems to be a problem which affects more than one player, but when you give me your username I can forward this aswell

  • Badidol writes in this section just like I do. So I don't really get the point but Yes, I don't discuss with you I just wrote in a few threads that I don't like the update aswell and that I don't like the change with the alchemy and the resistence, but I and gameforge employees aswell read your post and your feedback will be considered aswell as the german feedback. In the german section there is more discussion yes, but here is more feedback from different people. When you want my dedicated opi…

  • Item Storage password problem

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Ok, I will forward this, thank you

  • Item Storage password problem

    Salsie - - Bugs


    Hey, did you change your password on live? Then try the password you have on live.


    Salsie - - Bugs


    Thank you for your report Quote from lmcdoss6: “And another bug is if you use the blue item in a pet with 3 skills(learned) for example it will keep the 3 skills, but if you have 3 skill slots and use the blue item it will change the number of skills. Maybe in order to use the blue item it should be required that the pet had 0 learned skills in order to function properly. ” This is intended behaviour Quote from RAGNAR: “@Salsie But is supposed to be 15% in official server or no? ” Afaik 14% shou…

  • Quote from hugoW: “Hello, I found a bug when i drag out any equipment that i have equiped, to any slot of my inventory, it always goes to the first slot available and not the one i draged to. ” Hey, same issue different language So i merged it. Thank you for your report

  • Pet System - Feedback

    Salsie - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Charradas: “hugoW na concorrência também está escrito que um pet especialista em Enfurecido pode dar 14 % a nível 105. Acho que está desvendado o mistério dos 14 %. Tenho quase a certeza que a informação disponibilizada nestas duas imagens veio directamente da WebZen. ” Can you translate this to english please Thank you Quote from lmcdoss6: “estás-me a dizer que um razador que upar 0.5 a 0.6 vida com 0 dias nunca chegara aos 14% enfurecido? como o coma do ingles dizia que era? ” Can y…

  • Quote from GamePriv: “Quote from Salsie: “Hey, thank you so far for your feedback Na this is neither a joke or a prank by gameforge developers. As mentioned by badidol a few times. The version is developed by WebZen. Gameforge gave WebZen the feedback that you don't like the new alchemy as mentioned in the news. ” What is the position of WebZen in this moment ? ” When there is an update you all will get the information about the news.