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  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    No one says do archery ninja PvM beast. This is general balancing. Every character should have equal PvM and PvP. Player skills should be key factor. You can't kill, beat any character with weaponary sura. It isn't fair. Weaponary sura isn't event or secondary character. You can't see this character in fights. If you don't give enough PvP power this character, you can't find weaponary sura player. Why don't you delete this character? Because useless class.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    You can use PvP for every level but you can't use PvM character after maximum level. Balancing should be for PvP and PvM. It should include both. Weaponary sura didn't get any changes for 6-7 years and he has been useless and very weak. He was good 1v1 previously. But he isn't good 1v1 anymore. PvP power should balance.

  • Bedenselin hataları

    reveina - - Archive


    This guy says body warrior is very weak like weaponary sura for PvP. He wants PvP power to body warrior. Yes he is right. PvP power should be equal for every character.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Quote from Signo: “Wow its amazing! Less than 1 month the first players reached the lvl 90+ ofc they have a full +9 gears and trained pets and legendary alchemys, P skills etc... So the game is ended now and the suras need more pvp power... They allready know how much pvp power in they char because they maxed all and finished the game less than 1 month... Bravo! Well done! The others are not important whos maybe dont boght all the exp things from the itemshop and maybe stopped a littlebit at low…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Quote from Twiet: “Quote from chronoide: “i cant break metin stones and bosses like warrior and lycans. why.? what is wrong? ” One reason for that:The AV from the poison sword is not doubled. Only Suras have that problem. Weoponary suras are nice if you want to reach lvl 120 really fast. After this the weoponary sura isnt very useful. PvP he is the biggest victim. PvE he can kill Bosses but its very difficult because of the low AV. At the beginning of a new server this character is very useful b…

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Quote from TcatalunyaT: “Quote from reveina: “Weaponary sura reaches 120 lv in 3 months. Another characters reach 120 lv in 4-5 months. Time isn't important. Everyone spent 5-6 years in this game. ” wooww really?show me how a lvl 0 char (a noob player that has never played metin) can do that or a regular player. really i wanna see how any char can get 120 in 4-5 months starting from 0 ” You can use market. OK? You learnt. Biolog can continue longer. Lv isn't difficult. Etc new server be opened. …

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Weaponary sura is very weak. It isn't arguable. PvE is useless right now. No one cares PvE. But PvP is everything you know. Everyone knows. Weaponary sura reaches 120 lv in 3 months. Another characters reach 120 lv in 4-5 months. Time isn't important. Everyone spent 5-6 years in this game.

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    Yes most people don't have 120 level. They are 105, 110 or 115. Because 120 lvl will not change anything. PvE finished. I want PvP power for weaponry sura. Because I don't want different character. I love my character. I want equal PvP and PvE power for each character. I say again. PvE finished. A lot players reached very high levels. Take our PvM power give us PvP power. OK? Also our character isn't best PvM character. Lycan is better. Body warrior too. Body warrior and weaponary sura need PvP …

  • Weaponary Suras General Weakness

    reveina - - Archive


    I agree. Weaponary Sura is very weak in PvP. Enchanted Armor and Fear skills are fail. They need to be fixed. Also finger skill needs more damage. He was already weak. Also after dispel skill nerf weaponry sura will be weaker. I don't want PvE character. We don't want PvE character Everyone is 120 (maximum) lv right now. I want PvP character I want PvP power. We want PvP power. Also every character can use multiple weapon except our character weaponary sura. We only can use sword. It is another …