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  • Any news ?

    TcatalunyaT - - Feedback: 18.4


    i'll tell you, this is what will be implemented, last beta, they told us, we are speaking with them to balance the shamans but as you can see they did implement even worts than the beta version, so i won't expect much honestly.

  • Quote from Salsie: “This may take some time and I know that waiting for this update is horrible ” waitning is not horrible, what is horrible is the content of the update and the final implementation bcause as we had seen before our (players) opinion does not count much

  • Alchemy cor draconis

    TcatalunyaT - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Olthir: “I'm not here to decide if the game design need to be changed or not ” and so you are a tester????? now all makes sense

  • So let's hope comunication flow increases, from the base (players) to the top (decelopers) bc if that do not increase,will result in players quiting and develoers not developinc, as no players means no game.

  • okay, lets say they Quote from badidol: “play it once in a while but as a dev ” Then how is that possible to have that huge amount of buggs on the live servers version? And yes, i know a bit how it works, and ofc the ones who are doing code can't be testing all time, so then no code would be made, but thats why some companies have a permanent test server where players can go into and test the updates/news bt not as being done here, because more than once, testers do not even know how the sistem …

  • Quote from badidol: “Dear players, just as a short update concerning the state of your feedback so far and what happened with it. We were fully aware of the kind of feedback that some of the parts of the changelog would cause. We took this and your actual feedback so far and combined it into a recommendation we transmitted to Webzen yesterday. We included your feedback about Mythic DSS being too powerful. We also forwarded that you, the players, have the distinct impression that your current DSS…

  • Alchemy cor draconis

    TcatalunyaT - - Feedback: 18.4


    Quote from Salsie: “I can understand the frustration. I am a player as you are, but webzen can only understand our frustration when gameforge send them our feedback So all feedback which is in this board won't be ignored but what is done with this feedback will be shown with the release, because we as player only can give feedback. This feedback will be forwarded to the gameforge (actually gameforge employee are reading this feedback, too like Badidol or other CoMa and Staff ) and this feedback …

  • 18.4 Feedback by Didi

    TcatalunyaT - - Feedback: 18.4


    i dont know where you play bt seems like in @Didi server has active players from all sorts of levels with equipment for all dungeons active 24/7/365 but most of the servers don't. id like to play with other players as my main charactar is a dragon shaman, but unfortunately on my server each day there is les activity, and the active players are from south america so means a gap of6 or more hours. so when you wake up the sleep when you get home they work abd whrb they got home you sleep. now jst t…

  • the answer is simply, jst want to increase incomes instead of improve the game experience. And as we all know every server has some people who need to have the last and the best items and if fg really wants to improve the game, simply place yang and items at a reasonable price so black market dissapears, bt seems gf prefers to increase the prices of new items on the shop and mess with players.

  • if some characters are overpowered with those bonuses, simply limit the efect those bonusses get on them, so when you go full resistance you deal more dmg but some characters simply do no have enought dmg to properly gain exp to level up alone in a reasonable way without involving hundreds of hours doing same shit, when other chars simply can gain more experience within the same time. how is it possible that some chars gain more experience if a weapon sura (for example) is farming/killing mobs t…

  • Alchemy cor draconis

    TcatalunyaT - - Feedback: 18.4


    (Hidden Content) sorry @Salsie but experience told us, our feedback in metin2 beta are simply ignored, you just have to read some threads from the archive i.e. shaman balance and all the purposed solutions that simply end up with a "extra dmg with bell for dragon and using fan for healers" btw dragons still doing a joke dmg with same equipment as the oponent and still deals more dmg with fan, so, at the end our opinion js ended on the garbage and now you pretend us to veliebe our feedback will b…

  • Devil's Catacomb Discussion

    TcatalunyaT - - Feedback: 18.4


    Simply. If they remove yang from first floor, the incomes will decrease due to people buying the ring in order to avoid earning experience, the "premium hack/bot" found on the itemshop and the third hand to get the yang automatically. That is the reason they won't change it, you jst have to read all the "news" rolling out in this and pasts version games. None of then are focused on leading players into a better experience, but increasing the incomes.

  • Unbalance

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    and just adding this info, aas requested many times, an earrings with int + hp are a must have nowadays with this new meta. (Hidden Content)

  • Unbalance

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    @unforgiven I think you don't undrstand it, and in order to avoid confusion, I have this picture. hope this helps in clarifying my point.…98cbd865f1753ceb4870294f1 here as you can see (increases the attack value and damage) and right now it is not true, it jsts increases the output of some skills. Hope this helps in clarifying what I am trying to purpose.

  • Unbalance

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Hi to all, first I wanna say that I've read the goals for balancing post before posting here. What I found in the live server is: a) I removed vit from my 96main dragon shaman in order to get dmg increased from dragons roar and flying talisman, and ofc it gets increased. But the loss of HP is too much + there are no earrings with int+hp and thats a huge problem. b) We, shamans get more av (not enought but its something.....). c)The 10% bonus with bell is not working or not poperly working, I tes…

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from Ghoo0st: “Regarding the boost for the healer, I have mixed feelings. DMG changed slightly - at 61lvl 40% of the half-humans 21um 120 int and the pet (without sash and alchemy): Before the balance-Lightning Throw (P) average 9k, Summon Lightning (P) 11-12k (without crit) After the balance - Lightning Throw (P) on average 11k, Summon Lightning (P) 13.5 - 14.5k Cure (P) - recovered 5k, recover 5,5k - also minor change, I expected something more - because what difference 500hp when player…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “You still have buffs that are really unique and add quite good amount of damage in PvE - not so much in PvP - we are still in talks about this. Skills will help you by not needing to be tanking to cast them (Dragon Roar), etc. ” some news about the talks ? pd: all chars have unique buffs xD

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    well there are diferent tipes of sword especially designed for suras, so there are swords for ninja warrios and suras and other swords for suras, don't try to hide it

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Okay, now we all know you won't reverse status, damage, %bonus from skills, boosts on weapon, etc. Could at least be possible to change our fans/bells for a version of the same lvl weapon with the same bonus? Yes, @unforgiven told it was difficult, but for us its more difficult to feel a "balance" without the right equipment bc someone (you) changed something (when wasn't suposed to devaluate equipment acording to interview....). So please @badidol @HalfOp @Anayra @threea @Art @DeRiNDaRBe @Web @…

  • Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “If you prefer to use fans, you can continue using fans. ” looks like a 3 yo kid trying to impose theyr opinion without being realistit. Or like a man who does not even know what is he talking about. pd: don't take it personal, but thats exactly what looks like.