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  • Piercing Hits

    Rapier - - Archive


    Any chance for the Archers to be able to pierce as well?

  • Piercing Hits

    Rapier - - Archive


    Attis, this is only the first implementation of it. Don't be disappointed, that's why we need to state our impressions and what we're testing so GF and Webzen take note and alter things accordingly...hopefully

  • New armours and weapons

    Rapier - - Archive


    Oh...I just noticed in the above weapons list the stats for the new daggers. Is it true they have 25 HH bonus? Why is that? I hope it's a mistake as ALL other weapons do have only 20%. Also why the attack speed differs from one weapon to another? 105 weapons all have the attack speed of 15...why the new weapons don't all have 30 for ex.? Why some 25, some 30 ...and there's even one with 26. What's the logic? One good improvement would be for all to have 30.


    Rapier - - Archive


    Maybe it is valid for some communities. On Romanian servers players go for duel with costumes/skins...eventually they agree if they are going to use them or not but I saw many duels in which skins are used


    Rapier - - Archive


    I don't take it wrong no worries . Like you, I'm a player and I'm interested in opinions and discussions related to ballancing as most of us are. Let's hope that these discussions will reach the decision makers and they'll make this ballancing valuable for the players as well not only for the wallets


    Rapier - - Archive


    You're exact with your calculation of defence agains arrows/ninja but Archers are chars made for general combat not duels or 1-vs-many fights when the opponent can boost it's anti-archer defences to max. Of course we can also duel in certain situations and if having perfect gear but I defy anyone to have those items you've described above in a general fight...yes, an archer won't probably make any damage to him but he will fall from any skill given by any other classes. My job in combat is to in…

  • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

    Rapier - - Archive


    Yes, I get your point and it is understandable from a player's point of view...unfortunately decision is taken elsewhere


    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from Yemon: “...They should have removed the switchable skins years ago and just go back to the skins without bonuses.w ” And who would have buy them in this case? At least some of them that are not so "piece of graphical art"...having bonuses, many people buy them more for functionality than for look

  • I see your point but the root cause of the bug was not discovered/solved for years (it exists since the introduction of the Mount System) an I am very skeptic it will ever be. It was said that the so called lag between the attacker and the target was due to the high speed of the mount, hence the movement speed cap of 200. Obviously this was not the reason as it is still happening. What I proposed was a way to block the ability to use the bug. If what I proposed is implemented, when someone will …

  • In which way is this more restrictive than to have to stand still in order to mount? It's the same but for un-mounting. And this of course valid only for mounts not for the regular horse...the bug is not easly replicable with a horse anyways. Please think about the real situations in the game and let me know if you find just one for which you need to un-mount while riding...just one. I couldn't find it, that's why I proposed it. And "feeling" restricted, with all due respect and honesty I prefer…

  • New armours and weapons

    Rapier - - Archive


    Thank you for the summary and you can tell him that not every race got a buff...for ex I don't see anything new added to Archers or to Dagger Ninjas and not even to Shamans or Mental Warriors. Weapon Sura got an extremely powerfull hit instead due to the new piercing calculation and Lycans and Body Warriors benefit from it too but that's almost all of it.

  • Sash's with weapon 105lv +9

    Rapier - - Archive


    ATV, although you have some logic, unfortunately there is something else that you must understand/accept. Game IS evolving. Your existing Sash will remain good, it's bonuses won't be changed, you'll deal the same amount of damage with it regardless of the new weapon. Just it won't be the "ultimate" Sash, it will be another one better than yours. "What is valuable remains valuable" is still true. Your damage won't be decreased, it'll be just another item that will be better than yours. You don't …

  • New armours and weapons

    Rapier - - Archive


    Wasn't this thread named "Feedback EN"? I am sure this was an interesting discussion but most of us don't understand anything. Maybe a moderator can move these posts to the DE feedback section...

  • Quote from Yemon: “Quote from Rapier: “My proposal was not to cap the movement speed but instead to introduce the same logic that doesn't allow you to mount or equip an item when the un-mounting. So if you MOVE and ride against an opponent you have first to STOP before unmounting. That will break the sequence that was generating the bug and the bug will not be possible anymore. If someone would try to unmount while moving, to receive the same message when trying to mount "You have to…

  • I've started this in conjuction with the Feather Walk skill of Archer that for most proved to be useless. Reason? Most of the players can anyway reach 200 speed by other means: wind shoes, potions, and so on. Now to rewind things a little back, the explanation that was given at that time for capping the movement speed eliminate the annoying "mount bug" the one almost everyone knows. It that when certain clases (mental warrior, lycans and some aura warriors and shamans) ride straight to …

  • Bad idea for testing

    Rapier - - Archive


    Right now, the only way to "kill" someone is to inflict damage more than his/her max PV. Giving the option to make perfect alchemy, pets or items, that's a hard task. Most of the people I see are probably some that couldn't make that on their official servers and come here to see how it is to have excellent alchemy or perfect bonuses and believe they become "gods" in PvP overnight. That will not tell you anything about how you should alter your gameplay or fighting techniques or how to benefit f…

  • Archery improvements!

    Rapier - - Archive


    I'm proud to be an archer...Archer is not dead, is one of the most complex classes and is specially made for general combat, but is hard to play one. Everyone is making warrior charaters or the trend is to have Lycans as most don't have defence against them so they inflict bigger damage. I play what I like most not which class brings more damage. Ranged combat needs you to be skilled and know how to play not just go in the crowd and hit them hard with everything you have or to be good at using b…

  • New armours and weapons

    Rapier - - Archive


    Yes, I thought that. I was more interested in the weapons as I saw different weapons having different attack speeds (30 for the daggers and 25 for the sura sword for ex). Also the attack value is important for each weapon

  • New armours and weapons

    Rapier - - Archive


    Can at least a GM or staff member with access to those new items put a picture with their stats?

  • Your caracter from official server will not be deleted, it will be only copied here. If you choose to "cancel your account" from site, that will be in effect 7 days after the canceling was activated on site. Also there's a counter stating the date at which the account will be deleteed and anytime till then you have the option to revert and cancel the deletion by pressing the cancel button. Now if you mean anything else, you have to explain it better cause nobody will understand. P.S. What part o…