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  • Quote from Priore: “Sorry can you explain what did you tested exactly? ” he tested the diference btween the real dmg and the description dmg

  • 1. The fact is that this issue has been reported multiple times and the answer they gave was an error with the translation (even a 2 years kid doesnt velieve that), anyway they increased the damage with skills but again the value stills incorrect. 2. All characters can deal lots of dmg with one-skill shot as you can see in many videos on youtube, escept shamans, amazing no ? i'll gring here a piece of opinion from a user of the spanisñ forum: *they where speaking aboud nerf on lycans and onseski…

  • shaman skills bugg

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    i jus tested de shaman character bc my other characters arent copied yet, anyway if we dont report ihis issues maby thei did not find out. pd: sadly lots of people js come 4 fun and get all kinds of things they can't on the live server and that is a shame.

  • Roar's bugg?¿

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    hi, i've been testin dragon's roar and yes, you can use it on enemies who arent close to you so you can get more range. But if you aren't inside of the animation it does not damage, so my question is is it a bugg or its suposed to work this way? bc if that's the right way would be better leave as it was before pegause the range didn't increase and at least if enemyes are close to you even pve and pvp you can take them off, now its hard bc if the one u selected runs away of you 0 dmg occurs. i le…

  • shaman skills bugg

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Another thing i would like to coment is the nerf on reflect (but as this skill is useless nowadays the bonus %reflect does not work properly) and the nerf on dragons aid. On the other hand the increase of av with int ands dex instead of str, its a great notice, but it increases not enought because in the actual version of the game if we got 90 int 90 dex + 90 str, there is hartly diference and in order to achieve a balance we should increase more our av bc of fans and bells dont give too much an…

  • shaman skills bugg

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    When use blessing or dragon's aid the just do the animation, they faill all the time at least in lvl 90 maps.

  • [Feedback] #1

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    May be if body strong had another bonus as fear ( less dmg + block) would be more like a tank, and jst will be adding some blocking bonus on strong body, another way to take may be changing body strong to work similar to dark protection (as its a nice tanks like skill). And as a mental warrior owner/player, i jst can see this character as pvp or pve untill lvl 80.

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from Rapier: “I see too much individualism in this game that is presumed to be a team play focused game...maybe this will change that ” i really agree with that, as a main dragon shaman i see this new way to do dungeons instead of having to createanother char to be able to kill boses alone without too much money spend in the game, so yes, it may be opening a new way to play but on the other hand lots of players have a support so they may use it or create another one instead of team coopeer…

  • Critical chance in dragon shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    sorry my bad ty ArkadiuszMistrz

  • Critical chance in dragon shaman

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Mainly it revolves around rolling back critical hit chance. Dragon's Aid (Shaman's Critical Hit Buff), will still maintain the changes described in the changelog. ” So shaman's weakeness will be much heavyer than before, as all characters had been reduced critical chance, so my purpose is to restore dragon's aid skill and modify jst thecritical chance when u place the skill on other characters, not to yourselve. That is the only solution i can imagin as "possible an worth…

  • Quote from Nostradamus KR: “They will(already did) kill Lycans, it will be weaker than every other class. Only Crimson Wof piercing should be nerfed, nothing else. Goodbye PvE. ” sorry man, did u see the nerf on shamans ? The nerf on wolfs is not the worst, i am more worried of how to pve with a dragon shaman with no critics and low damage + if u want to get mor mav to try to pve with fan the skills will hit less than if u use a bell (even fans have mor mav) and dont forget the 2 buffs, because …

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    @curioso2 this isnt the worst problem, bc the players who own a main shaman will suffer a lot, imagine doing all kind of things pve pvp with such amount of cooldown. Seems they wanna delete that character from the game making shamanes useless... Just one more thing, the only character who have a buff with a comparable coldown is wolf, and its 1of6 skills, but shamans are 2 of 6 while wolf jst use 2 for bosses or metins for example and shamans need those two to be able to do something.

  • Shaman balancing

    TcatalunyaT - - Archive


    in my opinion, the only positive new i've heard for shamans is the extra bonus when we use our own buffs, but anyway if the %cahnce of geting a critical hit has decreased that much, i don't think we can keep playing a shaman as a main character. From my point of view (as a dragon shaman) two changes shuld be applied; or increase the bell AV or restore the cahnce of critical hit, otherwise dragon shaman will be worst on pve and pvp than now because need to go for str and use bells por pvp ....

  • that will be nice, but with the coldowns mby the best choice would be increase the MAV from the lv 70 fans so they will be more useful also we should have a lv 70 bell and the drop of fans. However if we don't get a 4th slot in oir weapons, this kind of balancing will be useless. How u pretend to balance magic pj if they lost one slot in weapon bc of the antimagic stone?