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  • Skill Changes

    TianyLu - - Archive


    The difference is, that critical Hit on Ambush is intended, the double Damage on Spark is not. Its been a known Bug since it got released.

  • Skill Changes

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote from Dosarphic: “Like every other class. You told about twice dmg, okay, but when for example Warrior crit from dash it makes double dmg of the based he should deal. Archers CAN'T crit on Spark. I know maybe you are the one who getting a huge numbers from ninjas and you are fine with that changes, but actually archer was the class good as it is now. Like while exp archers got only hits, nothing else, they even can't use Spark while hunt (requires bow). ” Its normal that critical Hits deal …

  • Skill Changes

    TianyLu - - Archive


    @Dosarphic wat..? Archers with Boost are hitting very High Numbers. Especially with good Alchemy. I dont understand where you're coming from. But Archers are one of the strongest Races atm. imo they really dont need any further "buffs"

  • Skill Changes

    TianyLu - - Archive


    As mentioned before, you can get Spark to hit double. 10/15k = 20/25k at once. Spark is very hard to defend against, as it can only be countered by 1 Defence Mechanic. So making it possible to defend against Spark with MR or AR is just fair imo.

  • Skill Changes

    TianyLu - - Archive


    I can't understand People arguing about Spark not dealing enough Damage. 1st of all it got the Chance of hiting twice, if you position yourself in a correct Spot 2nd even with high Defense it hits pretty hard. 10k/15k per Skill - imo you should either be able to defend against it through Arrow Resistance or MR For the Record im playing on DE Servers. Spark is one of the strongest Skills here.

  • Skill Changes

    TianyLu - - Archive


    A few thoughts on the Piercing Hit Stuff. If Piercing Hit will ignore Sword Defence etc. you're kinda screwed. Because getting 70% Piercing is no Problem. So you'd be able to deal Damage up to 6-7k per Hit constantly.

  • Skill Changes

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote from Aworan: “I don't think any Healing Shaman that has all six skills maxed out will not use Attack Up for farming e.g. You may be right that it is the least attractive skill of this specific class, but doesn't every class have "that one skill that is simply the worst" (and therefore the last to be mastered)? ” I think you got me wrong there. Im not arguing that Attack Up has never been used before, it's useful in some Situations - yes. But in general it is, as you mentioned, one of the l…

  • Skill Changes

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote from YoTeDoPo: “And Reflect can be useful I know, but it doesn't have any effect with skills and bosses, being useless most of the times. ” I'd be careful with the Reflect Skill affecting Boss Killing. Otherwise you could exploit it as far as just taking High Hits over and over again to kill the Boss easily.

  • Skill Changes

    TianyLu - - Archive


    Quote from Aworan: “As an example, it could be an idea to make Attack Up buff the whole party at once (in a certain range obviously). This wouldn't make the skill overpowered, but certainly more interesting for party gameplay. Another suggestion could be to add a magical attack value as second bonus to the skill. ” If we are talking about improving the "Attack Up" Skill, we should also think about giving it a slight Buff to make it more appealing in PvP Situations. Until today Attack Up was only…