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  • Sorts archers bug

    Strijelac - - Archive


    I am disappointed, I thought that the maintenance of 15:00 was going to fix at least some of the bugs but nothing has changed, it would be good to know if you plan to do something and when that.

  • Sorts archers bug

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from Priore: “Wow 6 seconds is really a lot. Considering that in pvp we will be able to inflict both burn and poison we could just stall with stealth while the enemy dies of passive damage. ” Certainly but look at the blow if one is full intelligence force and dexterity one has more nothing in vitality so it compensates

  • shaman skills bugg

    Strijelac - - Archive


    We must not look, all the shaman buffs are currently bug, there is a maitenance at 15:00 so it is to be hoped that they will solve the problems when that is. In passing there are also many bugs for the archer =)

  • Sorts archers bug

    Strijelac - - Archive


    On the other hand the intelligence increases the power of the spells in a not inconsiderable way and with 106 of ingligence my Ninja has a presumed invisibility time of 6 seconds on sparkling shot.

  • Sorts archers bug

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from Priore: “As an Archer I think that feather walk maybe it's a bit too strong. Bombs spam really fast and the cool down is none. What do you think? ” The damage is really low, if the opponent has a few resistances against skills and resistance Ninja it will do no more damage, as said it @BlueShade would in my opinion increase the range of action of bombs, may be a little bit damage and change the waiting time because there you can spam the spell continuously.

  • Stealth buff

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “According the description, it should activate ONLY if you hit something/someone with the skill. ” yes except that it does not work ^^"

  • Sorts archers bug

    Strijelac - - Archive


    I return after the tests done on the beta, the archers spells are bugs: they do damage only once and the added side effects are not effective. The only good spell that works correctly is featherwalk which does well the bombs that hit 1000-1500 with my archer 90. The wait times have been reduced as announced as well as the poison depending on the dexterity (with dexterity 115 I have 92%). So here it is just to warn GameForge and Webzen that it will be necessary to put the beta in maintenance to c…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Strijelac - - Archive


    And I can not be more against this guy (useless this kind of comments in passing)

  • Stealth buff

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from Olthir: “Do you mean the knockback effect? Fall into the ground the opposite? ” No one speaks in the case where the opponent is an assassin, melee, magic sura or lycan. If he targeted us with the automatic attack even if we make ourselves invisible a few seconds it will be useless because we will not be able to flee. That's why we propose the options as a bonus of immunity of a few seconds or another effect

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from monkie2: “9 years in city without doing anything ” Clash

  • Stealth buff

    Strijelac - - Archive


    I share your opinion, for immunity I was thinking about something in the order of 3 seconds in P which leaves just time to move away and a stealth effect duration of 5-6 seconds, removing l Poison effect it seems good to me

  • Stealth buff

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Quote from BlueShade: “I even proposed to remove the poison chance on the skill, for that matter. ” Ah, you propose to remove the poison and in exchange have a time of immunity? Yes it suits me if the time is consequently of course

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Strijelac - - Archive


    I think the lycans who say they are not op while they have 2 buff spells abused and a bug spell that type 3 times it is lycans who do not know how to play or stuff

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Strijelac - - Archive


    I agree to increase the waiting time for it to be equivalent to Aura for example, but for the duration it is going to be fascinating

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Strijelac - - Archive


    To remove IS would be cool but for the water and dew, it is part of the game as much as the rest, it has already been nerve in the past so I see no reason to remove it.

  • Hello

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Does anyone know if the server opens tomorrow or Friday?

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Anyway it is normal that they rattle because they were on powerful and now it will have a power equivalent to the others of the blow it is normal of the blow bah it would prefer to continue to reign on the pve and the pvm it seems Logic anyway as long as they are more the better nothing will go for them.

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Strijelac - - Archive


    I am archer 92 I have 55 claws, anti-lycans shield +9 an excelente double diamond of a sapphire mate parry Lycan, all quétes biologists up to date and the lycans having a good stuff do far more damage on me than 3-4k.

  • Quote from meh: “Furthermore I think that changing it so that it deals Damage even while riding the Horse, wouldn’t be a good Change in General. If we’d do that People would just ride their Horses around the Players they’d like to kill and there would be almost no chance for targeted Players to fight back under fair Conditions. So I think its fine the Way it works regarding it not dealing Damage while riding. ” If the sura is on horseback he can not make other spells so with a correct magic df a…

  • Dont ruin lykan

    Strijelac - - Archive


    Besides, is the bug that had the wolf skill type 2 to 3 times instead of one corrected? If not, it should be done because that against it is unjustified I find.