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  • I preffered to write here as the thread's title is general. I might ask which is the chance for "fire damage" of the Fire Arrow? Don't know how it was implemented but the chances are EXTREMELY low. I was in a fight with a Dragon Shaman and I was not able to get fire damage NOT EVEN A SINGLE TIME, while the Shaman was able to do that with almost EVERY skill. We're both lvl 120 chars, I don't think it is normal. It is useless to add permanent fire damage to a skill if the chance for dealing it is …

  • That would mean that after this change, wearing a pair of Garnet Earrings as a ninja, wil give you even more damage now compared to Ebony Earrings. What I mean is that even if currently on live server Garnet gives ninjas better damage, now with the stats change will give even more right? Since importance of DEX increases compared to STR..or at least this is how it should be

  • Stats differences to favor Lycan?

    Rapier - - Archive


    Yep, even if it was announced somewhere, I could not find that announcement on our official forum. And this should have been pinned for anyone to see. Having 10% less resistance against a class and 8% less attack is something noticeable. And since we don't have the stats new screen on the live server we didn't even noticed that

  • Pendant bonusses.

    Rapier - - Archive


    I see each pendant has a different name: Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning and so on. Could be that each is giving resistance against that element as it is on some alchemy stones. Earth Resistance, Ice resistance...

  • Stats differences to favor Lycan?

    Rapier - - Archive


    So that means it's valid on live server as well right (the characters were copied from it)? Just there we wouldn't notice since there is no stats page EDIT: Yep, that fixed it. That is good to know

  • Stats differences to favor Lycan?

    Rapier - - Archive


    I've observed a strange thing today, I cannot compare with live servers since we don't have there the new "details" page from character page. What I've noticed is that, without ANY items, alchemy etc, we have (or at least ninja have) 8 "strong" against Suras, Ninjas, Warriors, Shamans and 10 "evasion" against the same classes. Agains Lycans we have ZERO. Why is that? OK it was a new character, it was "gifted" with some advantages at that time to convince people play it...but now? Why Lycans stil…

  • New Pendants

    Rapier - - Archive


    And I opened that but looks like I miseed the Ornaments. Thanks

  • New Pendants

    Rapier - - Archive


    The items for raising pendant level can be found anywhere (NPC)? Besides new items, I saw it's needed low lvl drop items like "Ornament". Don't think at lvl 120 we have drop for those items anywhere. Also the bonus looks like it's not activated or defined as it says "UNKNOWN_VALUE [100] 1"

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    What I wanted to say, but it seems you missed my point, is that even with so low critical, it is still BETTER THAN NOTHING. With that low critical damage it is still more than without ANY damage. The fact you or I or anyone else don't like the values, is a totally different story, but it is an increased damage. If you consider it useless, I can assure some others won't. And when you'll fight, you will deal 1k damage and the opponent will do 1.2 or 1.3 and will matter then. And sorry to say, if y…

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    I guess the answer you'll receive is that the equipment will still remain valuable as it will still be better compared to a weapon without critical for ex. There are not NEW bonuses introduced, that makes the existing ones useless. They just lower the effect of the existing bonuses but they will still remain good bonuses to choose. The only fact is that now, since critical damage is lowered, it might be better a 12 DEX/ 12 INT/12 STR bonus on a weapon than a 10% critical chance. And this will ch…

  • Ok, if Unforgiven is on it, I'm sure at least this wil be raised to a higher level. I don't say my idea is perfect, it was just the SINGLE idea about limiting the bug I heard/saw in a couple of years. It'll be great if anyone from Webzen/GF will come with a better one. The point is, instead of waiting for the perfect solution or the eradication of this bug (and since it was not done in years I doubt it'll come soon), some alternatives that limit the effect or make the BUG harder to use will be b…

  • Quote from meh: “Quote from Rapier: “Unfortunately it is spoken in Romanian. The one explaining has downloaded the video and even calculated the timings at frame level. The principle is simple and applies mostly for Mental Warrior (but works fior Body and shamans as well). You use a mount (it is widely used the lion...with the classic horse it's not working so well) and ride straight to a target. While you ride, you do evade skill from horse (that is extending the BUG time) and as soon as you ar…

  • Quote from unforgiven: “... Regarding the mount bug, give me examples with videos and explanation because I have read it and it looks like it was something that happens because there is latency between client1<>server<>client2. The cap on speed has nothing to do with this, the cap on speed is about cheats and rubberbanding. ” The most complex video explaining the BUG along with indepth calculations is here...And this video is made 3 years ago, but the BUG exists before that.…

  • As the title says, I would like to know (and maybe I'm not the only one) what's the logic that sits behind various Kyanite weapons stats. And please, don't come with standard answers like "Webzen wants this". With answers like this, Webzen will remain to play this game alone. For years, the weapons had some weak spots and some strong ones, mostly in line with the charater that uses them. Now I don't find some reasons for: 1. WHY do the Kyanite Daggers have 25 Half Human bonus while all others ha…

  • Shaman balancing

    Rapier - - Archive


    You must've been kidding...really. Those Webzen guys, have they EVER been playing this game? (honest question). Where do they get those ideas from? They have some good ones but implemented them in a way they're useless for anyone that plays. Now I've tested with the shaman a little bit more and what can I say... 1. It is NOT possible to give buff to someone if he/she is not in same group. Really? And how are we supposed to lvl up? Some (or many) are levling WITH NO GROUP just to make (gather) mo…

  • Quote from Strijelac: “Your spoiler made me laugh no it's just an illusion to take a Ninja so much to take an assassin, he can do all that an archer does in addition to being able to use his skills, for me an archer pve exists only in the case of the xp or it must have an excellent stuff to get there. An archer has of course the right to make instances but he will never be wanted for that. ” And that was "again" something that was decided over our heads and nobody asked. I play for about 9 years…


    Rapier - - Archive


    Quote from unforgiven: “Critical hit damage only in PvP is being calculated depending on the Weapon Damage and how upgraded it is. The damage increase is independent from the initial hit damage. ” You say "hit" damage and as I see here, all are complaining about SKILL damage. Don't know what Webzen is doing but if you do this to crit damage (hits & skills), there are a lot of items and bonuses (not talking about buffs) that will become useless. We won't need Dragons Aid, we won't need weapons wi…

  • I tested with 16 VIT 90 DEX 90 STR 90 INT and it does not worth it. The gain in damage is so small that doesn't worth loosing so much pv. You'll end up with 25k pv and that only if playing with ebony or garnet earings and have some good alchemy to add extra PV. That PV is too little for the damages that are inflicted today. There are alot of chars that give you more than 30k damage in general fights (not talking about 1 vs 1 combat where you migh have better defence agains aa certain class). So …

  • Scrie in engleza nu in romana. Nimeni nu iti ia in considerare postul in romana aici. In plus este pentru a testa noile implementari nu bug-urile ocazionale

  • Archery improvements!

    Rapier - - Archive


    OK...and with no INT? Will be 4 or something...does it worth it for 2 extra secs?