Dmg-Bug from Bosses (All Classes except Warrior)

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    • unforgiven have you done any razador run?

      I have a warrior with 19 skillresistance and I never die when I kill razador
      I made razador runs with a friend who plays lycan with 28 skillresistance and everytime he dies before the razador beserk skill
      I have also made runs with sura and shamans and they also die before the beserk skill ( sura and shaman have both 18 skillresistance)

      The lycan which has the most skillresistance had the most problem that cant be normal
    • On every class except the body warrior it happens quite a lot of times.

      I played body warrior for like 1 year on "high" level and never got a hit over 40k.
      Then I switched to lycan and on my first run i got a hit over 50k.

      And it happens mostly 1-endless times with my lycan.
      My lycan also have more resistance against skills then my old body warrior.

      There is a different bvetween warriors and all other classes, trust us.
      Just try it out, you have the "power" to test it.

      I can't because only my Lycan has equipment and my body warrior is empty.

      Can you explain us why it is like this? (body warrior super low chance to get 1-hit, all other classes high chance to get 1-hit)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Yemon ().

    • Yemon wrote:

      Just try it out, you have the "power" to test it.

      I can't because only my Lycan has equipment and my body warrior is empty.

      Can you explain us why it is like this? (body warrior super low chance to get 1-hit, all other classes high chance to get 1-hit)

      Don't get me wrong, it is not that I do not believe in you - which I do. I will do some checks but this is something that exists since the beginning of the game and it is the 1st time I hear about it.
    • Yea, you say you believe in us but still oppose us. So many players say the same thing so there could be a problem right? Because of this 1 hit bug thing I don't do RAZADOR without power ring anymore. Because IT hits 1 hit skill everytime and I can kill razador with just ring.

      and You say it is the first time you hear about it. This game has many bugs and problems. Once fear had that bug which was about decreasing enemy damage. They fixed it after like 2-3 years maybe? Though people complained about it for so long. This incident is similar too. You should check it urgently.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Don't get me wrong, it is not that I do not believe in you - which I do. I will do some checks but this is something that exists since the beginning of the game and it is the 1st time I hear about it.

      And since the Beginning People have been complaining about this so called "Bug".

      If you're telling us, that it's normal that you get 1 Hit by a Boss from Time to Time - that's fine by me. That's just how it SHOULD work, if the Boss reaches a certain % of HP, as mentioned above the "Berserk" Skill should only trigger if the Boss is at Low HP.

      At the Moment it's different, you'll get 1 Hits over and over again (if you're unlucky) if you play ANY other Race then Warrior.
      My Record getting 1 Hit after and after again summed up to 38 Times in a Row, please don't tell me that's normal.

      There are 2 Ways it could go from here. You'll find out, that every Class except the Warrior is "bugged" or you'll find out that it is working just fine for every Class EXCEPT the Warrior - either Way, you really have to change something. There have been Discussions for YEARS about this exact Topic.
    • I'm weapon sura and i'm pretty sure its a bug, every arrador i died at least 4-10 times, every hit 62k 64k 55k, i'm lvl 106 with 27k hp and 8% skill resistance, but my friend is warrior, he has less hp than me, and only 16% skill resistance but he never died so.... it also happends with every boss even bone's face (sorry my english is not very good)
    • Can I speak for some more people I know well?
      I just do, ok?

      Then we have:
      • lycan (there is only 1 class and 1 gender... ) x)
      • dragon schaman, female
      • weapon sura, male
      • arrow ninja, female
      • dagger ninja, male
      All those had the problem.

      Characters wich don't had any problem:
      • body warrior, male.

      Juancruz wrote:

      it also happends with every boss even bone's face
      I am not sure about bones face.
      In my memory it is not buggy.

      And no it is NOT with every boss.
      The blue dragon for example works perfekt with every class.

      Most of the lv 90 Map bosses can do 1-Hits, but the low level bosses don't do such crazy dmg.

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Yemon ().

    • unforgiven wrote:

      I just did Razador with Male Dragon Shaman + Female Body Warrior. Razador was hitting the Shaman for more than 10 minutes straight and the highest damage I have seen was 7k. Same goes for the Body Warrior. I will continue more testing tomorrow.
      Nice that you test around, but tell us some more details. Did you just stand there? How much skill def/fire resistance you worn? You probably didn't test the "Berserker mode" - beneath 20% HP.
    • Yemon wrote:

      Can I speak for some more people I know well?
      I just do, ok?

      Then we have:
      • lycan (there is only 1 class and 1 gender... ) x)
      • dragon schaman, female
      • weapon sura, male
      • arrow ninja, female
      • dagger ninja, male
      All those had the problem.

      Characters wich don't had any problem:
      • body warrior, male.

      Juancruz wrote:

      it also happends with every boss even bone's face
      I am not sure about bones face.In my memory it is not buggy.

      And no it is NOT with every boss.
      The blue dragon for example works perfekt with every class.

      Most of the lv 90 Map bosses can do 1-Hits, but the low level bosses don't do such crazy dmg.
      I think it is, but im not sure because i haven't kill him in a while. About the dragon, you're right he is fine, also the baroness ( i think its in english) its okay.
    • I made some recordings in this topic.

      My very first experiences. The regular damage i got from the boss is 6-8k. Only once i had a crit on my female warrior. 15k.

      When i did the test with male warrior and female sura. I ran the test trough long long minutes. The warrior got only 6-8k skills, but the sura got at least 5-6 times 25-33k skills. Seems like the sura got 4x hit.

      I will make some other side by side tests. And will share the results here (in video too)

      Here is the wari-wari video

      No 4x damage can be seen

      Here is the wari-sura video

      4x hit on sura

      Here is the wari-shami video

      4x hit on shami

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Spark ().

    • That's we are talking about. I play sura so I know just about it, not other characters. You got hit 25-33k from lemur prince, try this one with RAZADOR and you will see :). It will hit 30k or more without going to "berserk" mode. I mean you say if the bosses have less than %25 hp, it goes to berserk mode. But they even hit 1hit skill when they full hp.

      I hope they will fix this poblem and we will play like warriors. I don't want to change my character just for razador. I like playing sura
    • The Video is strange.. it almost looks like the Warrior is getting hit for 20k 2x-3x?

      While the Sura is gettin hit for 20k & 18k?!

      1 Test doesn't proof anything.. nobody disagreed that both Races are able to get hit for the same Amount, we were arguing about the Frequency both Races are getting hit for High Damage Numbers.

      I've shared about 10 Threads from the German Forum (which i was able to find, because it got reworked a short time ago) in which the "Bug" "Problem" has been discussed over and over again.
    • They both had 17 19 20k and 19k i think.. cant see they are all mixed up. So what do you mean? Isn't there a bug? warrior had same dmg in this video but in game people kill razador with warriors easily.

      In total they had around 80k dmg with 1 hit. You don't die in the video maybe u had 165461656516510 hp right? But we have around 28 30k mostly. (If you have excellent ds it is much more)