Dmg-Bug from Bosses (All Classes except Warrior)

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    • reveina wrote:

      Yemon wrote:

      reveina wrote:

      Also we have the worst PvP as weaponary sura player. Nice balance. And people thinks we are the best PvM class!
      This thread is about a strange bug where none warrior classes get's 1 hits frome some bosses like razador, nemere.So please let the discussion about PvP with wp. suras in the wp. sura thread, thanks.
      And by the way on Jotun it is kind of normal to get high dmg. Even warriors get pretty good DMG input from Jotun like other classes.
      Maybe 100k+ could be a bug but I am not sure about it.
      If this game has a bug that is bad for weaponary sura, what is our advantage as weaponary sura in PvE?
      You're advantages are still the Absorbing Skill + the 2 Defensive Skills.

      The Dmg-Bug also exists for other Classes, it's not only a disadvantage for Weaponary Suras.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      The 106k damage can happen. Bosses, sometimes, can deal 26x their damage. Having more than 2 players doing a boss is a necessity because of this.

      I understand that might be an explanation, but I'm honestly starting to feel quite turned around. I'm much more convinced it's just a bug, whose side-effects are not so bad according to WebZen's purposes and so they are keeping it.

      Many items providing Resistance to Skill Damage have been introduced until now (many of them, just recently!) and I would sincerely expect them to make a difference - a REAL difference. It's pointless reaching about -50% skill damage if it doesn't bring any noticeable benefit.

      Moreover, I could also accept the fact that a difficult boss is supposed to have a "berserk" mode which triggers in particular occasions: for instance, an increase on the occurence of critical hits, or a magnification of base damage, when the boss' HPs are getting lower and lower. That'd be fine.

      Alternatively, you could just go for another approach: updating bosses and giving them some extra skill, which should be relatively slow to be performed, but that, in turn, gives off a powerful, one hit-KO blast.

      This way, characters may have a chance to interrupt their attacks (and actually losing precious time to kill the monster, making it harder) and DODGE the powerful skill.

      The concept is not new on Metin2 game dynamics, it's pretty similar to what happens with Meley's rockslides. You could be inspired by Lemures Prince charging sword-bash, as for the animation.These are just some ideas, Webzen may develop its own independently - based on what it thinks to be best solution.

      But still, Webzen MUST know that, as they are now, things are definitely NOT fine - and players are NOT happy with them.

      Warriors do not suffer multiple damages, while all of the other classes do. It's unfair - plain and simple.

      reveina wrote:

      But shamans and ninjas have big advantage in PvP. This bug doesn't effect their PvP advantage. Yea?

      Please note that making an aspect of the game nearly IMPOSSIBLE to some classes, is not a proper way of balancing. Everyone must suffer the same damages from bosses, unless they have some specific passive abilities (which should be DECLARED for each character) or unless they have different equipments.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      And another update for this: no character will be hit by these 4x straight hits. This doesn't mean that, some times, bosses will deal high damage.

      At the moment I don't know when we will have this change in our test servers.
      Hum, the problem is the Multiple damages and not the Big Damage... As unfs said, this big damages is rare and we can deal with it... But removing the multiple damages is a good update.
    • Th3Original wrote:

      I just failed today a Razador, we (me and a friend) reached there with 30 min and after all, we received 25 min of 1 skill death... It's frustating, and with this new update it will become more frusting because you will need wait buffs cooldown.
      The waiting for the buffs could really be frustrating in the future, but that means that the bosses are a bigger challenge in the future, thats nice !
      Items from them will be much more expensive, i like that.

      unforgiven wrote:

      WebZen has found the culprit. In future all characters can be hit by 100k+ damage.

      I am currently in talks to reduce this damage to something manageable.
      Unforgiven !
      You are my hero !!
      Thank you very much !!

      But in the german forum we discussed that problem for years.
      Thats really sad that we were ignored such a long time.
      I really hope that would change in the future.
      Unforgiven we need somebody like you in the german forum.

      Cuyamaja wrote:

      i have hoped the massive damage from the 90map bosses will be removed:( . And now you will make this for all Characters?
      I isnt fair to get over 50k +dmg with 30 skill resistance from a 90map boss...
      Where is here the sence?
      If that would not be the case there would be many persons who are invincible for the bosses. That would be too easy and really boring.

      unforgiven wrote:

      And another update for this: no character will be hit by these 4x straight hits. This doesn't mean that, some times, bosses will deal high damage.

      At the moment I don't know when we will have this change in our test servers.
      I just want to say it again:
      You are a hero ! Believe it !
      After all this years you are the first person from the GF who got the motivation
      to report this problem to WebZen <3
    • unforgiven wrote:

      WebZen has found the culprit. In future all characters can be hit by 100k+ damage.

      I am currently in talks to reduce this damage to something manageable.

      unforgiven wrote:

      And another update for this: no character will be hit by these 4x straight hits. This doesn't mean that, some times, bosses will deal high damage.

      At the moment I don't know when we will have this change in our test servers.
      So the solution they propose is that any boss can make us a skill and kill us only by one blow ignoring all the resistance team and etc that we wear ?.
      With this, what sense does it take resistance of ability and etc. if total kill us in a single blow the bosses.
      I really do not see it positive I think that if you go very well equipped you have to be able to put up with these bosses, and it seems to me that because they do not know how to kill the weaponary sura choose the option to hit more than 100k damage since it is their only way to "balance" the stamina that has this character when it naturally has to be a tank for his abilities and has a high damage through his enchanted blade.
      It is more I am against that we put 100k damage of skill because the next dungeon that they plan to implement, if you die you get out of the dungeon and this would be like using a trick just so people die from a blow and fail in this dungeon no matter how much hp you have, no resistance skill or anything else you can carry.
      Because as a final summary, I do not see any pj take more than 100k of life to withstand such blows. I hope this is changed since the purpose of this post was to arrange the other races to be on an equal basis with the warriors due to certain bugs that gave advantages and not, make these bosses still hit more damage than already they can now paste just because the characters now actually equipped could well handle it if this is fixed.
      In the end, what was proposed was that the bosses would fix these exorbitant damages and beat all races alike as they gave the warriors since in this way we would all be in equality. It is more this balance in favor and if it would be worth having resistances and etc since if they get to place that of the damages nothing of that will be worth doing.
      It is more if we would all receive the same damage as the warrior and if it would be worth having resistance and etc since if they get to put that of 100k damage + none of that will be worth it.
      In this way the only thing they are doing is killing whoever has the role of tank since it will not serve if they take damage of that magnitude.
      I hope they take us into account as this is something that affects us all and we really post here in search of a solution to this bug, not to that they harm us all in a way like they are doing to increase the damages because if we fix this, now they will not die.
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.
    • As I said, at the moment the 4x hits with 5~20k damage each should stop to ALL characters, not only for Warrior.

      The high damage can happen independently. There might be a situation where bosses will deal 20k+ or even 50k+ but the later one should happen rarely.

      @Twiet, All the team is working hard but sometimes information doesn't reach us - it can happen, we are all human. If this happens we are not able to address it concretely. The other thing is that both the tester team and many users contacted me with various video examples which made everything really easy to communicate to the Developer helping with the debug and fixing. With all of this, the real heroes were the players and testers which contacted me with great information! Thank you!
    • so @unforgiven you are telling us thtat you can get perfect alchemi percevt equipm,ent + maximum hp and skill and fire resistance that bosses instakkill us anyway?

      I don't se any balance.... if you go full you must be able to notices big diference, if not, why make those equipments?
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