Critical hit changes??

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    • abu7med wrote:

      alright i see the way this thing is going
      but why ruin PvE system when u wanna balance PvP ..
      like u coulda created a better idea than this whole thing ..
      as example adding bio for level 96 -98 - 100 that reduces the damage of crits from players by 10% for 96 - 98 and 20% for 100
      u could avoid ruining the whole thing by using your creative and your imagination ..
      the game was not meant to be a party game , many many players plays solo or loves to play solo than party
      this may kill your game ..
      My regards .
      Other bio quests? really? So that we must buy an other ton of elixir? what a crap idea
    • Observer wrote:

      abu7med wrote:

      alright i see the way this thing is going
      but why ruin PvE system when u wanna balance PvP ..
      like u coulda created a better idea than this whole thing ..
      as example adding bio for level 96 -98 - 100 that reduces the damage of crits from players by 10% for 96 - 98 and 20% for 100
      u could avoid ruining the whole thing by using your creative and your imagination ..
      the game was not meant to be a party game , many many players plays solo or loves to play solo than party
      this may kill your game ..
      My regards .
      Other bio quests? really? So that we must buy an other ton of elixir? what a crap idea
      i'll take the risk of spending some money instead of losing the PvE system which i love .
      and i said this is an example , u coulda gave an idea instead of complaining
    • The fact is, there are really several ideas to, somewhat, "limit" the occurrence of critical hits in PvP/GvG. Be it:

      - a bio quest
      - a passive ability to train with a skill book
      - a parameter directly dependent on player's level (or on player's feats)
      - a default bonus given by armors which increases as you level up.

      ...or even a combination of these factors.

      But nullifying the bonus concept does not really sound good, to me. I guess it's the worst solution you could have come up with, no offence intended.

      Oh, and if you are thinking that bosses would be too easy this way (because, yes, also bosses do critical skills and resistances would affect them as well) you could just adjust their critical-hit chance.

      The same speech applies to piercing hits, anyway. We've been here discussing about 100% piercing hits until last week and the extra damage given by percentages higher than 100%.
      The PvP-consequences of this update could be really moderated giving more importanCE to resistance to piercing hits as well.

      Consider that the only item giving this bonus is the DSS Onyx, while players can get over 100% piercing/critical hits.

      Anyway I agree with the previous messages, there are many damage-increasing factors, so we all could think that critical hits are not the problem: they are just the consequence of a considerably high "plain" damage.

      However, new game contents have been set up by taking into account the actual power ups. Probably, killing a Razador the way it is NOW - without sashes, alchemy and whatever, would be impossible. By the way, all of these items are the basis of game economy, I'm pretty sure it works this way on every Metin2 community.

      Actually dragon god attack and bone items truly create a chasm between players. Same goes for skins, costumes and antimagic stones. Maybe you could try limiting their effects, as they not only do not help PvP balance but theey are also the main cause of players going solo vs. bosses.
    • You could Add another passive Skill, which can be upgraded through Skill Books.

      For example:

      M1, 5% Critical Resistance
      G1, 10% Critical Resistance
      P, 15-20% Critical Resistance

      You could add the same Idea for HP, so that you'll get about 2-3k HP with said Skill on P. It would help with the Problem, that you got to low HP since the Dark Draconis Update, a lot.

      M1, 700 HP
      G1, 1500 HP
      P, 2000-3000 HP

      Furthermore, yes. The Addition of a Biologic Quest up to Level 120 would be a great Idea. I still dont get why this Idea hasn't been worked on ever since you released the new Level Caps.
      It should automatically come with a new Biologic Quest. You could fix so much with it, for Example giving the Player the Option to choose between 2 Race he want's to have more Resistance against (5%/10%)
      More Damage Reduction or something else..
    • There is only a sensible way to fix the problem with critics. Just split the critics in two types, pvm and pvp. Pvm would be the same of now, pvp the new system. BUT hey! there are so many people here willing to spend euros on bio quests, so why not? :thumbup:
    • Observer wrote:

      There is only a sensible way to fix the problem with critics. Just split the critics in two types, pvm and pvp. Pvm would be the same of now, pvp the new system. BUT hey! there are so many people here willing to spend euros on bio quests, so why not? :thumbup:

      Sorry but thats barely an Argument. You dont HAVE to spent € on Biologic Quest's. You CAN, to ensure that you'll get it faster, that's how F2P Games work actually.
      So if you feel the need to help yourself with the Itemshop, there's no one else to blame besides yourself.
    • TianyLu wrote:

      Observer wrote:

      There is only a sensible way to fix the problem with critics. Just split the critics in two types, pvm and pvp. Pvm would be the same of now, pvp the new system. BUT hey! there are so many people here willing to spend euros on bio quests, so why not? :thumbup:
      Sorry but thats barely an Argument. You dont HAVE to spent € on Biologic Quest's. You CAN, to ensure that you'll get it faster, that's how F2P Games work actually.
      So if you feel the need to help yourself with the Itemshop, there's no one else to blame besides yourself.
      Yeah sure, like 94 bio quest that requires almost a year without elixir..just think how much time will be needed for Others 2 quests with a lower success rate(maybe 1 year?) This is like the argument used all over again on 105+ items saying that u don't have to shop to make them+9..
    • Observer wrote:

      There is only a sensible way to fix the problem with critics. Just split the critics in two types, pvm and pvp. Pvm would be the same of now, pvp the new system. BUT hey! there are so many people here willing to spend euros on bio quests, so why not?
      I get your idea but I've to say that if I were a designer, I wouldn't like it.

      I don't like the fact that a bonus named "chance of critical hits" would actually be working in different ways, I found it weird and very "private server-like", no offence intended heh.

      Metin2 lacks character personalization and specialization, other games have so many passive skills and properties making PG development somewhat "deeper". I think it would be nice to have some additional character development concerning an important matter such as critical/piercing hits resistances.

      And yes, I would even find "thrilling" the fact that a permanent bonus has to be deserved after facing a quest - like killing certain bosses for instance.


      As for PvP, I also like Tyanu's idea. The 7th and 8th skill update was somewhat fun, but defending against a SINGLE skill when there are 9 different classes is pointless.
    • Observer wrote:

      TianyLu wrote:

      Observer wrote:

      There is only a sensible way to fix the problem with critics. Just split the critics in two types, pvm and pvp. Pvm would be the same of now, pvp the new system. BUT hey! there are so many people here willing to spend euros on bio quests, so why not? :thumbup:
      Sorry but thats barely an Argument. You dont HAVE to spent € on Biologic Quest's. You CAN, to ensure that you'll get it faster, that's how F2P Games work actually.So if you feel the need to help yourself with the Itemshop, there's no one else to blame besides yourself.
      Yeah sure, like 94 bio quest that requires almost a year without elixir..just think how much time will be needed for Others 2 quests with a lower success rate(maybe 1 year?) This is like the argument used all over again on 105+ items saying that u don't have to shop to make them+9..

      105 Equipment is a different Story. But it has always been like this. You spent a lot of Money or a lot of Time, that's just how Metin works.
      If you're not willing to buy Elixir's (which everybody should have by this Point..) then you'll need to get the Quest without them.
      But never should this Argument be the Reason to not create new Biologic Quests.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Hello YoTeDoPo,

      It is similar but not only for the Dragon Shaman. This changes affect all classes.

      This is a beta server, the reason why we launch it is to let players test the changes and give us feedback. So I ask you, test it on the Beta server as a whole (the full changes that will happen), think about it and then provide feedback. We will, as always, gather and relay it to WebZen.

      Thank you in advance,
      Yes, this changes affects all classes, but if i want to brake a metin 95/100/105 only with my dragon shaman (lvl 96) (as I do so far. is my main character.) I cant, because you are nerf my best ability. If one sura/war/lycan wants to breake a metin they can. All the other caracters without a good critical chance cant (ninjas, shaman, sura BM).
    • Marce23 wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      Hello YoTeDoPo,

      It is similar but not only for the Dragon Shaman. This changes affect all classes.

      This is a beta server, the reason why we launch it is to let players test the changes and give us feedback. So I ask you, test it on the Beta server as a whole (the full changes that will happen), think about it and then provide feedback. We will, as always, gather and relay it to WebZen.

      Thank you in advance,
      Yes, this changes affects all classes, but if i want to brake a metin 95/100/105 only with my dragon shaman (lvl 96) (as I do so far. is my main character.) I cant, because you are nerf my best ability. If one sura/war/lycan wants to breake a metin they can. All the other caracters without a good critical chance cant (ninjas, shaman, sura BM).
      I agree. It's not fair to nerf the main ability of a character. Aura of sword and enchanted blade should be nerfed too at this point.
    • Sure ,nerf all! Nerf the Strong body too and the ech armour and the dark prot.... Lets nerf everything! I dont think the too much damage in pvp caused by the aos or ench blade.. But as you can see in this video;

      This things make alot of damage not aos and ench blade... Nowdays one phisical class cant be strong like this in pvp. And this video made in one official server,
    • You want less dmg, ok. Nerf a little all the skills that inscrease damage. If u only nerf the dragon shaman skill this pj will become ussless form pvm and pvp-.

      @Signo Ok, but u cant compare warrior with aos o sura with ench blade in pvm with a BM in pvm, some class are very good from pvm and normal from pvp. Nerf only critical with make ussless the dragon shaman.
    • Signo wrote:

      Sure ,nerf all! Nerf the Strong body too and the ech armour and the dark prot.... Lets nerf everything! I dont think the too much damage in pvp caused by the aos or ench blade.. But as you can see in this video;

      This things make alot of damage not aos and ench blade... Nowdays one phisical class cant be strong like this in pvp. And this video made in one official server,

      I don't care about the dmg in pvp. I care about the fact that Shamans have been their main skill nerfed by GF or whatever. They should to this for every character if this is the path that they want to take. What would have you said if it was about nerfing aos? "noooo we warriors won't be able to exp anymore and we are going to suck even in pvp!!11111!11 it's not fair!111"
    • Priore wrote:

      Signo wrote:

      Sure ,nerf all! Nerf the Strong body too and the ech armour and the dark prot.... Lets nerf everything! I dont think the too much damage in pvp caused by the aos or ench blade.. But as you can see in this video;

      This things make alot of damage not aos and ench blade... Nowdays one phisical class cant be strong like this in pvp. And this video made in one official server,
      I don't care about the dmg in pvp. I care about the fact that Shamans have been their main skill nerfed by GF or whatever. They should to this for every character if this is the path that they want to take.
      This is the problem. With this changes, what is the advantage of having a dragon shaman as a principal character? Is ussless in pvm (10%/15% critical) and now our adventage has been nerf. Besides I have to throw my fan and make a bell?

      Edit: you could only nerf the critical from the equipments and let like it was before the ability.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Marce23 ().

    • @unforgiven: please, let us know what you, the other designers and (possibly) Webzen think about our complaints.

      We'll be waiting for the 2nd beta and test everything - but we're already pretty sure that reducing the occurrence of critical hits (reducing their percentage by a factor of 6) is not a good idea.

      Many ideas have been proposed as well. If you're willing to give us your impression about them, we'll be happy.
    • Olthir wrote:

      Signo wrote:

      Why dont calculate the crit in another way?
      Now the crit works like damage x2.
      The damage is too big? Ok.
      Then change it to damage x1.5

      Problem solved and the equipments still be valuable. But reduce the chance???

      The critical bonus after on equipments will be equal with the max sp 80 bonus...
      Not a complete answer of currently issues; you cannot just cut off a certain value to have a good result.Keep in mind also now we will have the weapon itselfs and weapon upgrade will influence the output critical damage.
      If it will be x1.5 and plus the new stuff it seems it will be the same result as x2, at most.

      We should figure it out all together when public beta will be online again.
      You think better if they reduce the chance and throw alot of rare items into the trash? Whats about that thing "the valuable items still be valuable" ?

      We spent alot of money/yang to get 10 crit 2k HP on necklaces and shoes and now this items becomes useless... And the stones in the weapons too...

      Why better to dramaticaly reduce the chance than cut off the output damage? Or the GF will compansate the users for this issue and we can choose another bonus into our gear instead of 10 crit chance?

      This means now they lovered the 10 chance to critical hit to 2 or lower..
    • I personally don't like this x1.5 thing - no offence intended. If that were the case, bosses* and Metin rocks HPs should be ALL modified (=reduced!) taking into account the fact that the maximum damage achievable by any Player would actually be lower.

      Since we know that they'll probably never change every single mob's HPs (after all, it's a long and tedious process) PvE would still be compromised with your idea.

      Besides, PvP wouldn't really get better, as noted by the tester: people with several power-ups (Khan, Bone items, Alchemy, Dragon God atk etc.) would still be oneshooting everyone with powerful critical damages.

      Rather than on the "numbers" of the final damage output, to solve the PvP/GvG issues I think we should focus on the occurence of critical hits - and somewhat link the reduction of their occurence to the growth of the player. That is to say, a factor of resistance to critical hits opportunely calculated.

      The post was edited 7 times, last by BlueShade ().

    • Critical Hit
      • The formula to calculate whether a hit is critical or not has changed for both PvE and PvP
        • The chance of landing a critical strike with normal hits has been reduced. This means that, right now, if you have a 90% chance of landing a critical hit, you will only have a 15.83% effective chance in the end
        • In order to increase skills’ relevance, the chance of landing a critical hit with skills has been increased
      • The damage calculation has also been changed in PvP
        • Instead of simply being 2x the damage, the weapon and weapon grade will influence the outcome of the critical hit (critical hit damage in PvP was reduced by 40-60%)

      I want to say thanks to the developers for have listened us.