Critical hit changes??

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    • I don't get these changes.

      I know for a fact that piercing would become a problem. It used to pierce base defence and around 600 to 800 def it was enough to not get too much damage or too low (remember that low def also has disadvantages in pvp). Nowadays we have over 1000 def. But why not make it possible to get more piercing def bonus? Or critic def? For example in belts. Max 10-15%.

      Now we have systems like this:
      Half humans - anti half humans
      Magic res - anti magic res

      It's just retarded to change skills and bonuses'' abilities. It was fine the way it was. I don't see a reason to nerf effects.

      Why lycan is stronger? Because noone has defence. Because we had to roll our equip to defend lycans. On beta we cannot compare things on the official server. The original problem of pvp was the 100%+ class and magic resistances. Not pierce, critic and all other things.

      Webzen once had the best solution: make it impossible to use waters and dews at the same time. So why not decrease magic res on certain items?

      What's the next change, anti pierce damage resistance?

      Ups, too long post, you don't want destructive feedback.....

      The post was edited 1 time, last by RabbitRun ().

    • All they had to do is remove the magic res from costume system and not add the anti-magic stones.After that they had to nerf a little bit the lycans and the bugs along with it and thats all.Now its too late i am affraid.They put the game in a maze and they have no clue how to get out of it.It doesn't matter if you give feedback or not because they have no idea of what's happening.
    • Thanks for everybody feedbacking here, in special to someone who used to work with me (you know who you are). We all share the same desire: make this game survive.

      As I told,

      100% critical chance = 20% PvE, 10% PvP ~ after update
      100%+ penetration nerfs to 1/4, but anyways, penetration WILL GO BACK TO THE WAY IT USED TO BE = will be insignificant.

      PvE will die, be sure of it. As WZ told, this is already decided...

      ... let's all hold our hands and say together: GG, GB.
    • Nostradamus KR (The Chosen One) wrote:

      Thanks for everybody feedbacking here, in special to someone who used to work with me (you know who you are). We all share the same desire: make this game survive.

      As I told,

      100% critical chance = 20% PvE, 10% PvP ~ after update
      100%+ penetration nerfs to 1/4, but anyways, penetration WILL GO BACK TO THE WAY IT USED TO BE = will be insignificant.

      PvE will die, be sure of it. As WZ told, this is already decided...

      ... let's all hold our hands and say together: GG, GB.
      Please tellme this isn´t real. If it is, what do I do? I delete my shaman dragon because it no longer works, right?
    • As the others said, I don't wanna whine before the new beta comes out, but I don't really like these severe changes concerning the bonus "chance of dealing critical hits".

      I'm thinking of PvE mostly: keep in mind that mobs and bosses will still be the same, am I wrong?

      Destroying metins will now require much more time for every class; even gaining exp might be really difficult, from now on.

      You could think that playing in groups will solve the problem. Well, that may be true, but exp-points gaining rate is already quite low and the amount of rewards from standard metin rocks and bosses would be the same as well.

      I think you should just act on the buffs given by Shamans: it's right to make them more effective as a self buff, in order to discourage solo activities and give a new dignity to supporting classes.

      But I think that the bonuses given by standard equipment, and the ones obtained by using Critical Strike, should stay untouched.

      Moreover, it's quite odd to give a new feature to Chance of Piercing Hits and reducing the effectiveness of Critical Hits.
    • I suppose developers don't play constantly the game, so we have to be very accurate when we communicate them what is good and what is wrong.
      Maybe they thought the critical changes is a solution for our complaint about "too much damage".

      Let's explain them that the criticals are good as they are, with 100% criticable chance expecially on the "base attack" (the one with space bar), because it's the most used in pve, but also on skills for what concerns pve.
      Criticals don't need any change in pve, and it may be really self destroying change them.

      The only ad real problem is criticals received by other characters, because with crit you may suffer oneshot very often, and it's not very funny stay on the ground every 10 seconds.

      The solution may be give a sort of critical defence to characters by other characters, in my opinion (don't touching criticals by mobs).
      The reduction of the outcome of 40-60% instead of 100% (2x) is a good solution, but only against characters, not against mobs!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by wisdom10 ().

    • Hi all,

      Let's all calm down. We know the changes look, somehow, a bit overreaching but give them a chance. Our Developer believes that it will help Metin2's balancing in the long run.

      Call all your guild mates, call your ingame friends, try together the Beta and provide constructive feedback.

      For those which cannot understand the difference between Constructive and Destructive feedback, I will point out the basics of Constructive Feedback:

      Constructive Feedback
      - Explain what you do not like and why you do not like it
      - Explain on how you have tested this and the result
      - Give ideas on how you ideally would see your ideas running/working
      - Use short sentences, if possible in a list (like this)
      - Have clear thoughts and no swearing, smearing, insulting, etc
      - Just saying "I don't like it" doesn't help us much

      Thank you in advance!
    • Your developers have never played Metin2 if they think changing PVM in this way can somehow benefit something.

      -Without critical hits the exp will be slower than it already is, disincentive to progress (regarding sura, warriors and lykan, semi impossible for other classes)
      -Without critical hits killing bosses alone will be impossible
      -Without critical hits a large part of the existing items that have been created with money will be useless
      -Without critical hits many players just leave the game
    • I don't really see any point of changing the way of how the crits work, it kills the pvm and also all the chars that used normal hits dmg in pvp (body warrior,mirage,dagger sin ect)

      Also i can't understand why you should increase skill dmg on shamans while using a bell, they already do 10k with normal hits in pvp, do they really need to do more dmg by skills?
    • Critical Hit

      Aheter wrote:

      Your developers have never played Metin2 if they think changing PVM in this way can somehow benefit something.

      -Without critical hits the exp will be slower than it already is, disincentive to progress (regarding sura, warriors and lykan, semi impossible for other classes)
      -Without critical hits killing bosses alone will be impossible
      -Without critical hits a large part of the existing items that have been created with money will be useless
      -Without critical hits many players just leave the game
      It is the reasons for the negative feed.There isn't to add.Other points needs to be tested, but just a little logical to understand how a change of % critic hit will bring to fall game ( PvM).
    • Aheter wrote:

      Your developers have never played Metin2 if they think changing PVM in this way can somehow benefit something.

      -Without critical hits the exp will be slower than it already is, disincentive to progress (regarding sura, warriors and lykan, semi impossible for other classes)
      -Without critical hits killing bosses alone will be impossible
      -Without critical hits a large part of the existing items that have been created with money will be useless
      -Without critical hits many players just leave the game


      If you consider that you will have harder time to solo a boss, which will make partying more attractive as a side-effect, wouldn't this be a valuable change?
    • Short answer: absolutely no.

      If I and many other players wanted a game where it's important to play in the party I would not be playing at metin 2 but elsewhere.
      If you like to play in the party you can do it now, as a free choice, not obligated by programmers unable to balance a game
      By leaving this, which is a personal taste, the drop does not justify the fatigue if it is to be divided.
      I have spent euro for items that will be useless, will you refound them?
      Except this, what other players? This change will make leave the game

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Aheter ().

    • unforgiven wrote:

      Aheter wrote:

      Your developers have never played Metin2 if they think changing PVM in this way can somehow benefit something.

      -Without critical hits the exp will be slower than it already is, disincentive to progress (regarding sura, warriors and lykan, semi impossible for other classes)
      -Without critical hits killing bosses alone will be impossible
      -Without critical hits a large part of the existing items that have been created with money will be useless
      -Without critical hits many players just leave the game

      If you consider that you will have harder time to solo a boss, which will make partying more attractive as a side-effect, wouldn't this be a valuable change?
      I can reply to this very easily. The games is made to make the boss alone. Going to Razador and Nemere is absurdly useless with the new Chests. Is more valueable a Ticket thant 10 chests that only gives random :evil: . The same happens with Bagjanamu and Jotun Thrym. These chests are the worst thing that have been added in the game, when I defeat Bagjanamu i want dyes and tough straps, not silver claps, blue dragon steel or electromagnetic blades, ...
      The new critical hit system is horrible, having 100% critical hit is very difficult, and now you is useless. And in PvP... My Dragon Shaman now is going to be the most useless thing in the world with the new Strenght Boosts, my low damage in comparison with other classes and the nerf of critics.

      If it continues like this, I'm going to say goodbye to the game.

      - No swearing - unforgiven -
    • I also prefer doing something solo when I play, specially because I spent a lot of time to buy or doing myself items that allows me to accomplish every dungeon or boss in solo, and keep all the reward for me therefore.
      Waiting other people bored me, so when I play I wanna have the possibility to do whatever I want with my own chars.

      Listen to me, please, criticals don't need any change in pve. People will only leave the game 'cause dungeons will be too hard.

      unforgiven wrote:

      Constructive Feedback
      - Explain what you do not like and why you do not like it
      I don't like critical changes in pve, specially on "base attack" (with spacebar).
      I don't like also the cooldown of shaman's buffs because that means that if someone dies, he will have to wait a lot of time to receive new buffs.
      All other changes are good for me!

      - Explain on how you have tested this and the result
      I don't have tested yet, but I will as soon as possible

      - Give ideas on how you ideally would see your ideas running/working
      The main problem at the moment is about criticals hit. I think that you should'nt change in pve, but only in pvp, that means that 100% critical will be a 100% critical chance for "base attack", but only 30/33% on skills (just like it is on official servers now).
      The damage will not to be 2x on players (but just on players!), but only 40/60% as you have planned.
      I think that it's the most balanced solution, because the main problem is about "too damage" in pvp, not in pve!

    • I agree with @wisdom10.

      Moreover, if you also want to reduce overall damage in PvE, you may act on bosses resistances, or lower attack values. But it's pointless to cancel out the concept of critical hits.

      I understand that the current critical hits system in PvP/GvG is way too powerful and makes gameplay really unbalanced, but I don't think this the right way of dealing with it.

      Another idea for designers: you probably could work on the resistance to critical hits (which seems to me a quite under-developed bonus), by introducing some new passive skill, for instance. This way, players in PvP would be more resistant to critical hits occurence, while still being able to DO their own critical hits in PvE.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by BlueShade ().

    • This is very simple.

      The planned new critical system is change the whole metin2 in the wrong way. Why?

      The male fighter chars and the equipments what they use will be crap.
      In the interview they sad "the valuable items stay valuable after the update" how?

      My 2k HP ,10 crit shoes and 2k HP ,10 crit HTN and HTB will be useless.
      What do you think how much money needed to make an item with 2k HP + 10 crit? And its will be useless and unsellable. So what they sad in the interview is a lie ,nothing else.

      Lets talk about the pvm side of the game.
      If this changes will come the other classes need some changes too. How can one body warrior leveling without critical and without berserk? Because if i turn it on my berserk in g2 (lvl 95 body ,full P skills ,40 lighting res ,50 arrow ,90 devil ,bio 92-94 double def choosed ,good razador pet with good stats ,50 piercing ,38 crit ,46 avg) i am down at 3 secs from the commanders...
      My 38% crit value will be around 5% or less.
      And is this just the body warrior class ,the others who have got lower attack? How can they leveling? Ok the archers now can run with they new feather walk around the mobs... And the others? How can one BM get the leader notes? Or a mental?

      With this new ,lets call it to "feature" we have to play the game almost without any critical hits. I dont like it.