Suras and warriors

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    • Body warrior

      so if i got a high lvl body warrior its good for pvm and farming but wath about for pvp to defend myself?
      if i got a high lvl body warrior why i need to waste my time and money in another class for pvp? areo you guys crazy? the warriors needs some changes

      body warrior - remove berserk negative efect and the aura with 2 sec cooldown like crimson
      mental warrior - remove negative efect from strong body and 2 sec cooldown like crimson

      i bet all of these post that says warriors dont need changes are people that are not playing with that class

      wake up guys you will kill metin2 forever
    • What I see now is that everyone talks about his character within the game for his personal benefit, not to balance everyone

      Yemon wrote:

      I know this sounds a little bit salty, but if crimson soul would give less Attackvalue then encharged blade I would get tilted.

      Then the also should decrease the DMG from the body warrior and weapon sura as well.
      My friend, I don"t see that you are feeling equal after the amendment to lycans Have you ever thought about how the situation was with the Warrior and the sura with the Lycans
      In terms of the value of the actual attack of the characters?! i dont think so

      at first if you compare the value of a Crimson Wolf Soul skill attack with Enchanted blade skill With increased intelligence, you can not see a fair value here Crimson can have up to 1000 actual attack values

      An enchanted blade can have an attack value of 835 or higher

      Its value is an enchanted blade in the level of 100 = 587.5

      Its value is an Crimson attack in level 100 = 585

      Its value is an Aura of the Sword
      In level 100 =612

      now 12-intelligence give sura 45 attack value
      and lycans 12-intelligence give 75 attack value

      this for sura and lycans about value attack with intelligence Now we come to the warrior to see bower attack Aura of the Sword with Strength
      As the Strength increases, the value of the attack when the warrior as he does this Intelligence for lycans and sura

      now evry 12 Strength The value of the Warrior's attack increases 15

      Its attack value reaches 690

      now we have lycans 1000
      and sura 835
      and worrior 690

      with Watching these numbers can only be seen as the most powerful arrangement among them

      at the first

      lycan Then comes sura and worrior

      but The truth is

      at the first lycan Then comes worrior and sura

      The value of the attack mentioned in the enchanted blade is not the correct value, just the number mentioned is not an actual value

      All previous status points have been measured on
      The base of the whole placement points with raw materials with Legendary Matt

      now i see some one talk about the dmg on Berserk sura have

      sura also has the damage of Enchanted Armor
      Because of excessive defense with its opposite

      and same Strong Body in the worrior

      Currently do lycans have any skill that brings physical damage? i dont think so

      Let's look at the next post-update look

      at the first worrior Then comes lycans and sura Keeps the last person ;(



      enjoy watching :love:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by IMosHaaKeeSI ().

    • @IMosHaaKeeSI

      My friend, please read all of my post about lycans / warriors and suras in the other threads.

      Feedback on most skill that need improvement (positive/negative)
      Dont ruin lykan
      Dont ruin lykan
      Dont ruin lykan
      There are sure more out there but I can't find them so fast, sorry for that.

      IMosHaaKeeSI wrote:

      Have you ever thought about how the situation was with the Warrior and the sura with the Lycans
      In terms of the value of the actual attack of the characters?! i dont think so
      I have thought about it a lot of times and I think it is not nice to think that someone else don't think about something.

      You can just simply ask them without writing that he didn't think about it.

      And like I said before, I have thinked about it a lot of times.

      IMosHaaKeeSI wrote:

      Currently do lycans have any skill that brings physical damage? i dont think so
      Whait What?
      Crimson wolf soul does give Physical-Attack-Value.

      So what do you mean with "physical damage".
      Sorry but this does absolutely no sense to me.

      I also wouldn't compare weapon suras with body warriors and lycans.
      Because they are way more "tanky"
      So it is kind of "ok" to deal a little bit less DMG then body warrior or lycan.

      I personally would set the DMG with full buffs equal between body warrior and lycans.

      I also woul't just compare the amount of Attackvalue that the skills gives, because there is still the basic DMG from the Charakters and the Weapons and the scaling with the status points and so on.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Yemon ().

    • How it is now when it comes to damage: sura < warr < lycan
      How it should be: sura < lycan < warr

      Warriros have no extras so they should get the best dmg
      As Yemon already said suras are tanks so its ok to have a bit less dmg
      Lycans have crits in skills and pierce (a bit less now but still) but they aren't tanky at all so they should be somewhere in the middle
    • Yemon wrote:

      Whait What?
      Crimson wolf sould does give Physical-Attack-Value.

      So what do you mean with "physical damage".
      Sorry but this does absolutely no sense to me.
      i mean Negative damage like berserker

      Yemon wrote:

      I have thought about it a lot of times and I think it is not nice to think that someone else don't think about something.

      You can just simply ask them without writing that he didn't think about it.

      And like I said before, I have thinked about it a lot of times.
      Sorry but I didn't mean anything

      i Just see everyone talking about his character and I do not see anyone talking about a sura magic weapon

      I just felt sad for this

      i respect your think but really its not good to be a character have 2 skill def and your attack vule its not real l Evaluate your attack digitally and not physically

      Just wait for the next version

      I will make you see the difference between the Sora, the Warrior and the Lycans
      I will also make you experience the character of warrior and sora :thumbup:
      So I see what I mean on the one hand that the value of a code attack is digital and not real ;(

      I do not speak English fluently
      So I can not understand everything that is said only a little

      I apologize that there were some points you didn't understand well :love:


      enjoy watching :love: