Dont ruin lykan

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    • Apollykan wrote:

      Lykan is not that op as people say, just test yourselves, people who says that are usally who do not have defenses againt lykan, test the damage on a full resistence char, but now you are trying to remove the lykan damage... what for? To please the crying babys that dont have sets?!i choose a lykan i invested my money on it upping my skills and make equipments and now you are trying to ruining the char in pvp and pve/pvm,
      lykan already have hard skills to hit unlike the ultimate prodigy warriors and suras..
      Good luck having less players after this update
      if this update make the attack damage below 500 of wolf soul bye bye, do that to warrior to and suras too and make it fair
      Lykan is not that OP? Srsly? I play Mental Warrior,but i had an lvl60 lykan whit 3P and i well know what he can.I also tested on official servar Whit my mental worrior in 60 sword rezistence,whit no shild i give 4,5-5k in lykan.And a lykan on my 60 claws no shild gives in total 5-6k whit shred.So skill damage is similar to mental warrior damage,event better ! and hit atacks are more powerfull than boddy warrior,more powerfull !.And after all of this lykan has little cooldown time for his skills than mental warrior do,have chance of critic on skills,and whit P shred the Chance of Bleeding is almost 100%.And the pircing bonus over crimson wolf soul is even more OP.
      So thay do right to incrase cooldown of skills,not to much,i wold say is ok to incrase shred and wolfs claw to 15 seconds.Decressing the chance of critic from the skills to 5% would be ok,because thay say that the change of landig a critical from skills will be incressed to incresse skill revelance.Decressing crimson wolf soul change of pircing hit is a werry importand and good modification,i personaly wold complete eliminate that.
      I think is ok to reduce lykan power atack but not too much.On lvl 60 lykan whit full int and int bonus from items i almost had +1000 atack power from wolf soul,and that way too much!,thay sholf eliminate bonus atack from int belong of the items,so that lykan wolf get 600 atac damage from the soul.

      The change are wery good! And don t sat lykan will be a garbage.After echilibration i think it will ramain a powerfull caracter in pvp.
    • Its not really the speed they have a strange way to do the hits and just like a ninja the range is not that good, but they are 3/4x slower than a ninja, for that reason i dont think they have to reduce the damage too much too "balance" aka nerf because of the QQ babys and no one talks about the mental warrior abusive damage, and everyone know they do way more damaga, test it again
    • AthozOrion wrote:

      Lykan is not that OP? Srsly? I play Mental Warrior,but i had an lvl60 lykan whit 3P and i well know what he can.I also tested on official servar Whit my mental worrior in 60 sword rezistence,whit no shild i give 4,5-5k in lykan.And a lykan on my 60 claws no shild gives in total 5-6k whit shred.So skill damage is similar to mental warrior damage,event better ! and hit atacks are more powerfull than boddy warrior,more powerfull !.And after all of this lykan has little cooldown time for his skills than mental warrior do,have chance of critic on skills,and whit P shred the Chance of Bleeding is almost 100%.And the pircing bonus over crimson wolf soul is even more OP.
      So thay do right to incrase cooldown of skills,not to much,i wold say is ok to incrase shred and wolfs claw to 15 seconds.Decressing the chance of critic from the skills to 5% would be ok,because thay say that the change of landig a critical from skills will be incressed to incresse skill revelance.Decressing crimson wolf soul change of pircing hit is a werry importand and good modification,i personaly wold complete eliminate that.
      I think is ok to reduce lykan power atack but not too much.On lvl 60 lykan whit full int and int bonus from items i almost had +1000 atack power from wolf soul,and that way too much!,thay sholf eliminate bonus atack from int belong of the items,so that lykan wolf get 600 atac damage from the soul.

      The change are wery good! And don t sat lykan will be a garbage.After echilibration i think it will ramain a powerfull caracter in pvp.
      They come from ignorance because the players do not come to work. He does not see it in management. My sir had a lot of complaints from the players. I will remove the crescent bones and I will endeavor to raise the attribute of my character to the last drop. The defense of the other side is inadequate and does not connect to this character.

      There are two things you need to organize for Lykan. The first is that the wolf's breath is damaged twice. The second is that he is always falling down despite being a dex ful. Lycan is not strong but some are constantly evil because he is a new character. He does not take the punishment of lycan.
    • BlueShade wrote:

      jeroenado wrote:

      A lycan can't really use autos in pvp that well which means that if you get caught by a warrior (or ninja/sura) pressing his spacebar, you'll be stuck at that place untill you die or kill, and the only thing you can do is spam skills OR get on a mount and run. This can make a lycan very vulnerable.
      Other classes such as Archers will still be suffering this problem even with the new update, but they're still there, without having any self-buff skill making them stronger both in PvP and PvE, without having fast-moving skills like Wolf's Claw or Pounce, which (similary to Dagger's Fast Attack) can be quite useful to escape from stingy situations.
      This is a PvP balance, it's true, but that doesn't justify the excessive power of Lycans in ALL areas, especially when it comes to making damage against metin rocks and bosses.

      Since designers are finally working on changing various aspects of the game, I guess we should use this opportunity to make the whole game better and enjoyable for everyone.

      jeroenado wrote:

      If they actually decide to nerf crimson wolf soul, I do not see any argument why enchanted blade or aura of the sword will not be nerfed.
      Be aware that no one could get > 60% chance of piercing hits just by activating a self-buff; lycans also got an extra damage, since they could easily exceed the 100% piercing hit limit.
      They were over-powered, plain and simple.

      You do (or at least, you should) not choose a character because it is better than the others, but just because you like it. However, every character should be plesant to play with - and be somewhat specialized in PvP/PvM/GvG (or rather, being a hybrid in those areas - which does NOT mean to excel at everything).

      They did not say they'll REMOVE atk value from Lycans, anyway - they'll just make the skill features less exaggerated than they are now.

      Anyway I'm sure they'll be reading our feedbacks: if you all will believe - after having tested it - that this changes are too severe, I'm sure they wil listen to your advices.

      IElfenLied wrote:

      BlueShade wrote:

      The story about missable skills may be true, but it does not justify in any reasonable way the exaggerated bonuses given by Crimson Soul Wolf.

      Yet, we're talking of PvE also - and about the damage on mounts. That's too high!

      And don't forget mental warriors skills are are all missable as well, except for Sword Strike - but they do not have a self-buff as powerful as the Lycan's one.

      By the way, Lycans EVEN have a buff of +25% atk speed thanks to Indigo Wolf, without having any negative effect (like Body Warriors do). With the next update, they'll remove the defense malus previously given by Crimson Soul. Where in the world will Lycan be weak?
      Yes, I think this weak lycan is going to be weak. The current situation is already giving little damage to the defensive characters. If there is a corrective correction and if it decreases, the laborers who labor for lycan will be wasted.
      LOL if you guys take dmg out from the lykans then modify puonce, meleee attacks and even shred how can a lykan deal dmg on pounce on a moving player? you ll never see that happening maybe 2 times in 100 with some luck and shred you have to be right in front of the other character to deal dmg not like in warriors where they have a pretty big distance from where he can deal dmg so make a try warrior vs lykan and youll see that mellee attacks and shred vs triple incision(hope its correct) makes all the difference plus the pounce(which im using only in PvM when going down from the mount to kill the archers) thats it no use in PvP at all maybe only on characters that are buffing themselves or other which is pretty shitty to be honest cuz they have to stay in place the same thing happens with shred as well if the other player is moving you only deal dmg on one out o three hits lets say. in these circumstances i dont see any reason why the lykan dmg should be nerfed. You can only remove the extra attack added by intelligence i dont care i wont waste time anymore in buffing the crimson soul(which by the way can take up to 10 seconds that are very important in a war dungeon run or simple fight in neutral places). people talking shit here about the lykans should create a lykan char and try to level it untill 112 as i did with buffing mysel everytime with 3 items with intelligence. So GF, Webzen if you want to do something do it right. you want to take dmg out? ok but modify at least the pounce cuz at PvP is useless, modify wolfs claw as well cuz its not dealing dmg every time even if it should. for all cying babies out here ''outraged'' by the lykans dmg i repeat: try to level up a lykan from lv1 to at least lvl100 and talk after you do it. by the way you guys want to increase the cooldown and decrease the time for the crimson wolf? you want a lykan to buff himself every 30 seconds? really? i think you should seriously reconsider all these aspects because if you guys make any mistakes nobody will give a second chance for you guys... its a new character why u guys didnt put dagger resistance for lykans so no new defence would have been needed... so if i understand you guys and we understand you with this new claw defence you have to understand that no one will buff himself every minute because some think lykan is OP. it has a little extra dmg because it came out 10 years later of course they needed a good start so that every management and financial aspect could go as planned but after all these now you want to trash it?
    • and by the way with the 60% piecring hits well it DOES NOT WORK i had crimson 20% from moonlight plus sim plus necklace with 28 and i was dealing piercing hits on 3 out of 5 hits so if you are talking about any 60% piercing on crison wolf... i dont know what the hell are you talking about. about beran setaou i am dealing 10k dmg buffed with 90 lv lykan 40% average on 70 weapon+9 8% on 22 abs scarf 64 attack value 12 bersek razador pet porky mounted on the black pig with granat earings +8 with 96 str 120 dex buffed with int plus clear DSS ruby. you really find it an outrageos damage? i dont find it that way im sorry
    • b87ovr_ro wrote:

      and by the way with the 60% piecring hits well it DOES NOT WORK i had crimson 20% from moonlight plus sim plus necklace with 28 and i was dealing piercing hits on 3 out of 5 hits so if you are talking about any 60% piercing on crison wolf... i dont know what the hell are you talking about. about beran setaou i am dealing 10k dmg buffed with 90 lv lykan 40% average on 70 weapon+9 8% on 22 abs scarf 64 attack value 12 bersek razador pet porky mounted on the black pig with granat earings +8 with 96 str 120 dex buffed with int plus clear DSS ruby. you really find it an outrageos damage? i dont find it that way im sorry
      The dragon that can kill the body, and the magical weapon.White dragon is not categorical.What is important is the war.It is not balancing the lycan that does not come from the place.It is unjustified.
    • b87ovr_ro wrote:

      BlueShade wrote:

      jeroenado wrote:

      A lycan can't really use autos in pvp that well which means that if you get caught by a warrior (or ninja/sura) pressing his spacebar, you'll be stuck at that place untill you die or kill, and the only thing you can do is spam skills OR get on a mount and run. This can make a lycan very vulnerable.
      Other classes such as Archers will still be suffering this problem even with the new update, but they're still there, without having any self-buff skill making them stronger both in PvP and PvE, without having fast-moving skills like Wolf's Claw or Pounce, which (similary to Dagger's Fast Attack) can be quite useful to escape from stingy situations.This is a PvP balance, it's true, but that doesn't justify the excessive power of Lycans in ALL areas, especially when it comes to making damage against metin rocks and bosses.

      Since designers are finally working on changing various aspects of the game, I guess we should use this opportunity to make the whole game better and enjoyable for everyone.

      jeroenado wrote:

      If they actually decide to nerf crimson wolf soul, I do not see any argument why enchanted blade or aura of the sword will not be nerfed.
      Be aware that no one could get > 60% chance of piercing hits just by activating a self-buff; lycans also got an extra damage, since they could easily exceed the 100% piercing hit limit.They were over-powered, plain and simple.

      You do (or at least, you should) not choose a character because it is better than the others, but just because you like it. However, every character should be plesant to play with - and be somewhat specialized in PvP/PvM/GvG (or rather, being a hybrid in those areas - which does NOT mean to excel at everything).

      They did not say they'll REMOVE atk value from Lycans, anyway - they'll just make the skill features less exaggerated than they are now.

      Anyway I'm sure they'll be reading our feedbacks: if you all will believe - after having tested it - that this changes are too severe, I'm sure they wil listen to your advices.

      IElfenLied wrote:

      BlueShade wrote:

      The story about missable skills may be true, but it does not justify in any reasonable way the exaggerated bonuses given by Crimson Soul Wolf.

      Yet, we're talking of PvE also - and about the damage on mounts. That's too high!

      And don't forget mental warriors skills are are all missable as well, except for Sword Strike - but they do not have a self-buff as powerful as the Lycan's one.

      By the way, Lycans EVEN have a buff of +25% atk speed thanks to Indigo Wolf, without having any negative effect (like Body Warriors do). With the next update, they'll remove the defense malus previously given by Crimson Soul. Where in the world will Lycan be weak?
      Yes, I think this weak lycan is going to be weak. The current situation is already giving little damage to the defensive characters. If there is a corrective correction and if it decreases, the laborers who labor for lycan will be wasted.
      LOL if you guys take dmg out from the lykans then modify puonce, meleee attacks and even shred how can a lykan deal dmg on pounce on a moving player? you ll never see that happening maybe 2 times in 100 with some luck and shred you have to be right in front of the other character to deal dmg not like in warriors where they have a pretty big distance from where he can deal dmg so make a try warrior vs lykan and youll see that mellee attacks and shred vs triple incision(hope its correct) makes all the difference plus the pounce(which im using only in PvM when going down from the mount to kill the archers) thats it no use in PvP at all maybe only on characters that are buffing themselves or other which is pretty shitty to be honest cuz they have to stay in place the same thing happens with shred as well if the other player is moving you only deal dmg on one out o three hits lets say. in these circumstances i dont see any reason why the lykan dmg should be nerfed. You can only remove the extra attack added by intelligence i dont care i wont waste time anymore in buffing the crimson soul(which by the way can take up to 10 seconds that are very important in a war dungeon run or simple fight in neutral places). people talking shit here about the lykans should create a lykan char and try to level it untill 112 as i did with buffing mysel everytime with 3 items with intelligence. So GF, Webzen if you want to do something do it right. you want to take dmg out? ok but modify at least the pounce cuz at PvP is useless, modify wolfs claw as well cuz its not dealing dmg every time even if it should. for all cying babies out here ''outraged'' by the lykans dmg i repeat: try to level up a lykan from lv1 to at least lvl100 and talk after you do it. by the way you guys want to increase the cooldown and decrease the time for the crimson wolf? you want a lykan to buff himself every 30 seconds? really? i think you should seriously reconsider all these aspects because if you guys make any mistakes nobody will give a second chance for you guys... its a new character why u guys didnt put dagger resistance for lykans so no new defence would have been needed... so if i understand you guys and we understand you with this new claw defence you have to understand that no one will buff himself every minute because some think lykan is OP. it has a little extra dmg because it came out 10 years later of course they needed a good start so that every management and financial aspect could go as planned but after all these now you want to trash it?
      this guy said everything, i hope the directors of game read this post, and understand that the lykan is not OP, they got strengths/advantagens in done things to cover their flaws
    • hahaha, after selling all my sura team to arm my lycan, buy md to raise the skills and now tell me to disable the scarlet wolf soul (now they will put it as the indigo and will reduce practically half their damage) I am disengaged , in fact, if they do, I do not know, sincerely i think i would stop playing
      , that is, normal to reduce it, for example, from 580 to 450, but less than 400 is execive, honestly. unusable to licanWhat a waste of money I madeattentively, a Spanish player
    • and by the way with the 60% piecring hits well it DOES NOT WORK i had crimson
      Pressing C -> Details

      It depends on how much Int you are turning on crimson wolf souls.
      With 90 Int it is something around 32%
      With 169 Int it is 60%

      I thing it is to much.
      The DMG gained by Int is also just a little bit to much.

      Each point gives 6.25 Attackvalue.
      Decreasing it to 5.0 should be fine and fair.

      Also the crit chance on the skills are maybe to much. I would remove them.

      But you are right about the Hit animation. It is kind of slow and the angle and range is way smaller in comparison to swords.
    • monkie2 wrote:

      hahaha, after selling all my sura team to arm my lycan, buy md to raise the skills and now tell me to disable the scarlet wolf soul (now they will put it as the indigo and will reduce practically half their damage) I am disengaged , in fact, if they do, I do not know, sincerely i think i would stop playing
      , that is, normal to reduce it, for example, from 580 to 450, but less than 400 is execive, honestly. unusable to licanWhat a waste of money I madeattentively, a Spanish player
      yeah i used to have and warrior and a sura and quit, the game was boring to me, with the lykan i decided to play again and invested in the game to make my lykan, if they nerf the lykan i think i wil quit too, even 450 damage in crimson soul is too low, lykan needs the damage that have now, with resistences the damage in pvp is not op, pierce too much? Cut a bit piercing and fix the double damage at wolf breath, and at pvm it really needs the damage, to cover the fact that their ground hits are almost useless compared to other characthers
    • Dear GameForge Team devs of techs,If you remember long time ago when you put the update and add lykans in the game a lot of people quit from this game and a lot of people wich spend maybe 1k-2k euros per mounth that means company lost a lot of profit.Now what you try to do to ruin the lykan wt......... do you wanna play by yourselfs with the NPC? and ruin this game totaly the interview with the director of production sayd that the DEVS dont change so much to broke the changes was made and payd if you ruin the lykans you can say Bye-Bye from players ;) .Good Luck Pay2win game
      #NoToUpdate 18.4 Dont Change the elementary rezistance no to new alchemy
    • Who said Likan class will be ruined?
      Is it written that in the changelog?
      I know you are scared when you read "nerf" near Lycan class, but first of all we are in a beta server; if the nerf is too much heavy we can consider to make it softer and viceversa.

      Currently only 2 Lycan skills have been changed, and the basic Lycan damage.

      Let's see what will it happen, it's a feedback board not a place to do "mimimimi" on untested stuff.

      If it will be bad we will do something for sure :)

      Game and Wiki Admin at
      Metin2 tester with love :love:
    • Olthir wrote:

      Who said Likan class will be ruined?
      Is it written that in the changelog?
      I know you are scared when you read "nerf" near Lycan class, but first of all we are in a beta server; if the nerf is too much heavy we can consider to make it softer and viceversa.

      Currently only 2 Lycan skills have been changed, and the basic Lycan damage.

      Let's see what will it happen, it's a feedback board not a place to do "mimimimi" on untested stuff.

      If it will be bad we will do something for sure :)
      Dear Olthir yes only 2 skills will be nerfed lets see :
      Crimson Wolf Soul
      • Cooldown time has been sharply increased
      • Removed the defence reduction
      • Significantly reduced the chance of landing a piercing hit
      • Significantly reduced buff duration
      • Significantly reduced attack damage power
      The Crimson Wolf Soul is only 175 second duration the other skill is 200 second.Why to reduce the crimson wolf soul if is alerdy 175 seconds what do you wanna make put 60 seconds?,Reduced attack power my lykan with full int is +942 atack power why to reduce the attack if the lykan is low at deffence .The best defense is an offence that means more DMG:)

      Wolf's Breath
      • Decreased chance of stunning
      Why to decrease chance of stunning when you make John Thrym run the lykan had more chances to stun him...

      My advice is this i know the company need to make profit need to pay bills to pay the team the hosting services etc..But you must listen at your players because the players play on your server,pay your salary and your bils.You know why metin2 is now not so popular because of the Greed for money.Reconstruction the events is sad at the event okey you must farm 1 hour for a okey set when you make a set you play get a silver box and you get yang yang yang is sad when you farm 12 hours per day to make 12 sets and you get 5-6 silver chests and you get all yang or exp oooo i forgot you changet the points if in past was 250 for silver now is 300 the gold in past was 300 now 400 Sad totaly sad you must do sometinhg for the players to keep them personal im not happy an event must be fun must make me happy not to farm 12 hours get 12 sets and get 5-6 silver or 1-2 depend of the luck and get yang yang exp. Think wise all characters.If my lykan character after the update will give less dmg 500-700 is oke but if my lykan give less dmg 1k-2k then you lose a player and many more:).Why to make this game to go in a team At razador Beran setaou nemere john thrym when the servers is dead economy is dead and all...Lets see again some in game systems wich are equal with 0=Monster System Card=0 Search group party=0 i dont know why this system are in game if no one use them....
      #NoToUpdate 18.4 Dont Change the elementary rezistance no to new alchemy

      The post was edited 2 times, last by LionKing ().

    • Olthir wrote:

      Who said Likan class will be ruined?
      Is it written that in the changelog?
      I know you are scared when you read "nerf" near Lycan class, but first of all we are in a beta server; if the nerf is too much heavy we can consider to make it softer and viceversa.

      Currently only 2 Lycan skills have been changed, and the basic Lycan damage.

      Let's see what will it happen, it's a feedback board not a place to do "mimimimi" on untested stuff.

      If it will be bad we will do something for sure
      People have forgotten that this game started by seeing how lycan is. According to him, they have spent money and worked and they have worked for years. Now they do not understand that this regulation will cause people to waste their time. If there is a balance there will be strengthening the weaker characters. Not weakening the characters that people are entertained. And sardine empowerment does not really come to their empowerment. Lycans are not weakening. I do not recommend Lycan to weaken it. It is not a character who has already hit, but you can test it against the defensive ones.
    • Olthir wrote:

      Who said Likan class will be ruined?
      Is it written that in the changelog?
      I know you are scared when you read "nerf" near Lycan class, but first of all we are in a beta server; if the nerf is too much heavy we can consider to make it softer and viceversa.

      Currently only 2 Lycan skills have been changed, and the basic Lycan damage.

      Let's see what will it happen, it's a feedback board not a place to do "mimimimi" on untested stuff.

      If it will be bad we will do something for sure
      I believe this nerf on crimson wolf soul is too big. If you nerf this skill, lycans will lose both pvp and pvm power. On pvm side lycan is a on decent position now, the pvp side is OK of this character (comparing to other characters). A TOO BIG nerf (like they are suggesting now in this patch on the beta) in crimson wolf soul will make this character's skills just a lot like body warrior skills' damage but without being able of using average damage in pvp (unlike body warriors), and it would also mean that it will no longer have the bigger damage on mount,

      so I'm wondering what will lycans offer more than a body warrior in this beta patch, when body warriors have the 'auto attack' advantage?

      However IF the problem is that lycans are making too much pvm-damage (on horse) in comparison to other classes, like blackmagic sura, ninjas, shamans and mentals, then I'm really suggesting that you nerf enchanted blade AND aura of the sword as well.
    • Olthir wrote:

      Who said Likan class will be ruined?
      Is it written that in the changelog?
      I know you are scared when you read "nerf" near Lycan class, but first of all we are in a beta server; if the nerf is too much heavy we can consider to make it softer and viceversa.

      Currently only 2 Lycan skills have been changed, and the basic Lycan damage.

      Let's see what will it happen, it's a feedback board not a place to do "mimimimi" on untested stuff.

      If it will be bad we will do something for sure :)
      obly 2 skill changed!?! The wolf breath stun, go ahead take it if u want, everyone has anti stun, but reducing that damage of crimson wolf soul, it reduces the damage of everything, both skill and hits, and pve and pvp
      so changing the damage of that skill is the biggest nerf to lykan
      if that decision is made, i have to say that even for profit that is not a smart move because people are not going to continue playing with another characther, they are going to quit the majority of people

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Apollykan ().

    • I don't say that it is not a good idea to make some changes to lycans, but with these updates that will be " fairer and more exciting" (i think that it's a joke) it will be created a big IMBALANCE, not a balance in PVP and PVM.(especially pvm)

      Good people, we are in 2017...what character can kill Beran-Setau alone at this time ? The answer is lycan, but not a lycan with lv. 90 with a matt ruby and low alchimy beacause there were made changes at Beran-Setan too, if you don't know.

      I don't think that you are agree to kill the dragon in 4 persons only for 2 boxes beran-setau and 5kk yang :))). Maybe are agree that persons who are lv 60 and stay map1 for "PVP" at small lv and never will increase in level.

      I think that many persons will be agree with me because at this time killing alone the dragon requires an investement of 25kkk yang. So, I ask for those players who don't know what means to invest in a lycan lv 95+ remaining in their bank.
    • @Bgd Bls: I know about the changes, but before they were made, a Lycan could achieve that feat.

      The dragon got more resistant, but Lycan's strenght has not changed. That's not really a way of solving the problem.

      I seriously hope they won't be making everything harder just because of Lycans. Making things harder for Lycans by changing game contents means making everything nearly impossible for other classes and that's a really, really bad way of balancing.

      It is much more reasonable to work on the SOURCE problem of this serious unbalance, that is to say, Lycans being overpowered. And they're moving in the right direction, plain and simple.

      By the way, you are implying that a character should be given the capability of killing an important boss alone. Well, think again. If taking down the Blue Dragon is difficult for a Weapon Sura or a Body Warrior, it should be difficult for a Lycan as well.

      (By the way, you can still kill the dragon just by inviting a friend of yours, if both of you are good enough).
    • . If taking down the Blue Dragon is difficult for a Weapon Sura or a Body Warrior, it should be difficult for a Lycan as well
      It is also for Lycans pretty hard to kill the Dragon.

      You really need good Items and alchemy.

      The DMG difference between body warrior and Lycans is not that high as all thought.

      If you nerf Lycans so hard that they do less DMG as a weapon sura, then I can understand the anger.
      If they nerf him to the DMG from a body warrior then it is fine.

      But don't forget body warriors don't get 1-Hits from Razador/Nemere, but all other classes do.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Yemon ().