Dont ruin lykan

    Dear players,

    please read >> here <<.

    Thank you for being a part of this!

    • Depends on what you declare as "too strong".

      Is it the critical chance on the skills?
      The piercing hit on crimson?
      The amount of Atackvalue that he can reach when having a lot of Intelligent?

      And how do you decide what is "TOO" much or not?

      Do you compare him with a body warrior? with a weapon sura?
      Everyone has his own "special" thing.
      -A weapon sura can Tank a lot if he can hit a few Monster.
      -A body warrior don't get 1-Hits from Bosses (yes it's a bug and they working on it, but currently it is this situation)
      -Both of them are also very nice to play from the ground.

      If the Lycan would lose the Critical and Piercing chances on the skills, then he would be absolutely equal to the others.
      But if you nerf his DMG a lot, then his specialization "to deal a lot of DMG" is no longer in PvM given.

      As I said before, he just need a little nerf, then he would be as strong as a body warrior and everyone would be ok with it.
      But if they nerf him to much and he deals less DMG as a body warrior then ... you can imagine the "mimimi"

      SO! LET'S WAIT 8| until we can actually see how much he got nerfed. :thumbup:
    • BlueShade wrote:

      @Bgd Bls: I know about the changes, but before they were made, a Lycan could achieve that feat.

      The dragon got more resistant, but Lycan's strenght has not changed. That's not really a way of solving the problem.

      I seriously hope they won't be making everything harder just because of Lycans. Making things harder for Lycans by changing game contents means making everything nearly impossible for other classes and that's a really, really bad way of balancing.

      It is much more reasonable to work on the SOURCE problem of this serious unbalance, that is to say, Lycans being overpowered. And they're moving in the right direction, plain and simple.

      By the way, you are implying that a character should be given the capability of killing an important boss alone. Well, think again. If taking down the Blue Dragon is difficult for a Weapon Sura or a Body Warrior, it should be difficult for a Lycan as well.

      (By the way, you can still kill the dragon just by inviting a friend of yours, if both of you are good enough).
      Put your shittti itens and your weak alchemy in a lykan and try te things that some of us lykan do, dont blame the characther blame itens and alchemy that u dont have.. Lykan are no op, i have a lykan but i have a weapon sura and a body warrior and they do the same thing without the piercing shot, if piecing shots its the problem reduce it, and reduce the bump that int gives to crimson and put it equal to the sura,
    • All i see there, are lycans players mad for the new changes. Deserved changes i would say. Why do u have chosen a lycan? Easy answer, because it was op. Now it's gonna be just a normal char like others, deal with it... oh u threat to leave the game? Fine i would say, many people left at the introduction of ur OP class, better some lycans leave the game(which are a minority) than all other players
    • Observer wrote:

      All i see there, are lycans players mad for the new changes. Deserved changes i would say. Why do u have chosen a lycan? Easy answer, because it was op. Now it's gonna be just a normal char like others, deal with it... oh u threat to leave the game? Fine i would say, many people left at the introduction of ur OP class, better some lycans leave the game(which are a minority) than all other players
      So why you play with other class? That's no logic what you say... People play with the character they like... Sura is OP PVM, Magic OP PVP and people choose what they like playing... I don't agree with lycans nerfs and my main is Weapon Sura... I love playing with it.. In you logic so i stop play in sura and go play in lycan, bc lycans players just play there bc they are OP... OMG!
      You got killed by a lycan? So the problem is you character and not the lycans...
    • Apollykan wrote:

      Put your shittti itens and your weak alchemy in a lykan and try te things that some of us lykan do, dont blame the characther blame itens and alchemy that u dont have.. Lykan are no op, i have a lykan but i have a weapon sura and a body warrior and they do the same thing without the piercing shot, if piecing shots its the problem reduce it, and reduce the bump that int gives to crimson and put it equal to the sura,

      This is what I'm saying too - nerf the pierce and the int boost. Lycan get weaker but are still on similar strenght as wp sura or body warr. Not so OP anymore but just normal :D Everyone happy.
    • Yemon wrote:

      And if the Lycans deal a little bit less DMG than body warriors and weapon suras, then the lycans would be jelly about it. ¯\_ツ_/¯
      Lycans buff themselves up with crimson, to deal mainly more dmg with his skills. While I believe that warriors and suras rather do it to increase their auto attacks.

      IF anyone actually believes that crimson wolf soul needs to be nerfed, then at least buff their skills' base damage so that this character will remain its strength to deal damage with skills. I wouldn't be too jelly about it, would just lose the reason I started playing it (and maybe for some others as well), having high attack value to crush metins and stuff faster.

      But actually I like the way lycan is now with crimson wolf soul being a very important skill for them to deal damage. I really fail to see how this character is 'OP' or 'too strong'.

      -> Changing crimson wolf soul CANNOT been done by comparing it with Aos or enchanted blade. The whole characters need to be compared with eachother, not skill to skill. <-

      A message to all of the lycan haters: Please stop thinking like "OMG 900+ atk from crimson, aos gives only 600"...

      The post was edited 3 times, last by jeroenado ().

    • There's no reason to be so unmannered, to the champion over there - I know it's summer but please chill out.

      Actually we're all telling the same things, more or less - the extra piercing hits and the progressive boost on atk value given by INT are a fact and I though we all agreed on this.

      Do not expect people not to answer to those who act like they don't want the character to be AT LEAST reviewed, though.

      It's not me nor you who'll be deciding if it's too OP nor not, by the way - but it's a fact that they are considerably strong in PvE and that -37points on defense are a ridicolous answer to that power.

      Let us all wait for this beta.
    • jeroenado wrote:

      Yemon wrote:

      And if the Lycans deal a little bit less DMG than body warriors and weapon suras, then the lycans would be jelly about it. ¯\_ツ_/¯
      Lycans buff themselves up with crimson, to deal mainly more dmg with his skills. While I believe that warriors and suras rather do it to increase their auto attacks.
      IF anyone actually believes that crimson wolf soul needs to be nerfed, then at least buff their skills' base damage so that this character will remain its strength to deal damage with skills. I wouldn't be too jelly about it, would just lose the reason I started playing it (and maybe for some others as well), having high attack value to crush metins and stuff faster.

      But actually I like the way lycan is now with crimson wolf soul being a very important skill for them to deal damage. I really fail to see how this character is 'OP' or 'too strong'.

      -> Changing crimson wolf soul CANNOT been done by comparing it with Aos or enchanted blade. The whole characters need to be compared with eachother, not skill to skill. <-

      A message to all of the lycan haters: Please stop thinking like "OMG 900+ atk from crimson, aos gives only 600"...
      exactly we need more crimson soul damage because our skills do less damage, just look at the numbers, nerf some percentage of the pierce and a bit of the int boost and from there there is no reason to nerf damage,
      Real pvp players that have a vs lykan set, dont complain that lykan is op in pvp, and this is pvp balance
    • Olthir wrote:

      Who said Likan class will be ruined?
      Is it written that in the changelog?
      I know you are scared when you read "nerf" near Lycan class, but first of all we are in a beta server; if the nerf is too much heavy we can consider to make it softer and viceversa.

      Currently only 2 Lycan skills have been changed, and the basic Lycan damage.

      Let's see what will it happen, it's a feedback board not a place to do "mimimimi" on untested stuff.

      If it will be bad we will do something for sure
      Perché un giocatore che gioca e ci investe tempo alcuni cambiamenti gia prima di provarli sa che porteranno ad un disagio enorme su una determinata classe. Cambiare il danno base e quello di una skil in un sistema pvp dove tutti hanno ful artiglio e gia il tuo danno è limitato , dove se sei annullato non fai danno e dove ti calano ancora di più il danno ,si crea un disagio non solo in pvp ora ma anche in pvm.Poi il maggior countdown per la skill quando la skill funziona praticamente come lama è una cosa insensata si è cercato di accontentare un po i war corpo che volevano depotenziare il lykan ed anche i sura Am. Un piccolo nerf andava bene ma questo non è piccolo .
    • LordBlack wrote:

      Olthir wrote:

      Who said Likan class will be ruined?
      Is it written that in the changelog?
      I know you are scared when you read "nerf" near Lycan class, but first of all we are in a beta server; if the nerf is too much heavy we can consider to make it softer and viceversa.

      Currently only 2 Lycan skills have been changed, and the basic Lycan damage.

      Let's see what will it happen, it's a feedback board not a place to do "mimimimi" on untested stuff.

      If it will be bad we will do something for sure
      Perché un giocatore che gioca e ci investe tempo alcuni cambiamenti gia prima di provarli sa che porteranno ad un disagio enorme su una determinata classe. Cambiare il danno base e quello di una skil in un sistema pvp dove tutti hanno ful artiglio e gia il tuo danno è limitato , dove se sei annullato non fai danno e dove ti calano ancora di più il danno ,si crea un disagio non solo in pvp ora ma anche in pvm.Poi il maggior countdown per la skill quando la skill funziona praticamente come lama è una cosa insensata si è cercato di accontentare un po i war corpo che volevano depotenziare il lykan ed anche i sura Am. Un piccolo nerf andava bene ma questo non è piccolo .
      Così come anche altre classi hanno ricevuto dei ritocchi, anche il Lican li avrà.
      Le richieste non sono venute da determinate classi o per dare il contentino, questi cambiamenti sono frutto di tanti anni di feedback delle community e da test interni che hanno confutato la necessità di toccare anche la classe Lican.
      Mi sorprendo quando in qualsiasi gioco i nerf sono all'ordine del giorno e invece qua si ha paura di osare e provare a vedere (considerando che è un client beta, può discostare dalla reale implementazione).
      Vedremo sul beta test se è piccolo o grande e se ha bisogno di renderlo più soft oppure va bene così :)

      Game and Wiki Admin at
      Metin2 tester with love :love:
    • monkie2 wrote:

      If you nerfean lycan in this way (exaggerated), you will realize how many players will stop playing
      This sentence is just dictated by fear and not from tests; i can tell you about the stun changed in Wolf's breath: it's not so reduced as you wait.
      I think Lycan changes were needed but please also think about critical hits change (and in my pov that is a real topic to focus on) will affect all classes; so when you will enter in the public beta, you should test base damage and the skills changed.

      I'm saying this because i already know you will reply here about the Lycan nerf caused of critical hits changes instead of the Lycan changes :rolleyes:

      Game and Wiki Admin at
      Metin2 tester with love :love: