Dont ruin lykan

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    • Olthir wrote:

      monkie2 wrote:

      If you nerfean lycan in this way (exaggerated), you will realize how many players will stop playing
      This sentence is just dictated by fear and not from tests; i can tell you about the stun changed in Wolf's breath: it's not so reduced as you wait.I think Lycan changes were needed but please also think about critical hits change (and in my pov that is a real topic to focus on) will affect all classes; so when you will enter in the public beta, you should test base damage and the skills changed.

      I'm saying this because i already know you will reply here about the Lycan nerf caused of critical hits changes instead of the Lycan changes :rolleyes:
      but the lykan wolf breath stun can be removed we dont really care... The discussion is about the crimson soul damage reduction, less overall damage is what we are worryed about, no the stun..
    • Olthir wrote:

      monkie2 wrote:

      If you nerfean lycan in this way (exaggerated), you will realize how many players will stop playing
      This sentence is just dictated by fear and not from tests; i can tell you about the stun changed in Wolf's breath: it's not so reduced as you wait.I think Lycan changes were needed but please also think about critical hits change (and in my pov that is a real topic to focus on) will affect all classes; so when you will enter in the public beta, you should test base damage and the skills changed.

      I'm saying this because i already know you will reply here about the Lycan nerf caused of critical hits changes instead of the Lycan changes :rolleyes:
      Nobody cares about the breath of wolf
      What hurts all Licanans is that they will reduce the duration of the Crimson Soul and increase the charge time, other than that they will reduce the attack value (probably n 40%).

      I do not care if they eliminate the penetration of the scarlet soul, that they reduce their bleeding or that they eliminate the critics, or that they reduce the attack value a bit, but please, do not mess with the loading time and duration

      But the nerfeo that will make the scarlet soul is the same as incapacitate, I am 100% sure that all the licanos will stop playing
    • I don't realy know why should weaken the Lycan. I have a lvl79 lycan, I have 60 claw def, a +8 shield, a matt diamond (skill def) and a matt sapphire. It's 60 claw def + 23 lycan def + 8skill def, and in Hungarian server those lycans who has P skill and no alchemy (or just matt rubin and diamond) there is no one who can hurt me above 3k damage under lvl93. Lvl93 lycan with porky and alchemy hurt me 3.4k damage.

      So I don't understand, why should ruin the lycan?

      I just hear the "Lycan is OP" from that players who don't have claw def and shield. We Lycan do big damages on low defence of course.

      If I got a dispel from a WP sura to my lv48 lycan (2p, crimson and shred) or to my lv79 lycan I can do 3x1.5k damage with my shred... If you want reduce the crimson soul skill than increase the other skills.
      Sorry for my bad english.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by nova1997: I just forget 2 sentence. ().

    • Strijelac wrote:

      I am archer 92 I have 55 claws, anti-lycans shield +9 an excelente double diamond of a sapphire mate parry Lycan, all quétes biologists up to date and the lycans having a good stuff do far more damage on me than 3-4k.
      Your level lycans give to you more than 4k? Because if you are getting that damages from a 105+ lycan, then it is normal...Lv 105 stuff give a lot more damage... Not the lycans... If you put 60 swords + shield + alchemy, a lv 105+ with 105 +9 weapons alchemy and other things can easy kill you too...
      Also who said that people not Using ITem Shop Damage itens when give you that big damages?
    • Apollykan wrote:

      but the lykan wolf breath stun can be removed we dont really care... The discussion is about the crimson soul damage reduction, less overall damage is what we are worryed about, no the stun..

      We’re discussing a Balancing here Guys. You should know that there definitely will be a reduction over overall Damage. That’s basically what a Balancing is about.

      So of course you can expect some changes regarding the Damage from the Lycan. It’s not “OP” as many users state, yes we are aware of that. But it still is a pretty strong race with many benefits and not that many deficits. Please also keep in mind that the Lycan is the only Race which is able to reach 100+ Piercing Chance very easily. So I think a small nerf to the overall Damage Output should be just fine.
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Alles was ich im Umfang einer Diskussion schreibe, stellt lediglich meine persönliche Meinung dar.
      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • I'm sure we can't do that. Even if were to remove the Piercing Chance on Crimson Soul, it still would be a Balancing which's Aim it is to lower the overall Damage currently in the Game.
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Alles was ich im Umfang einer Diskussion schreibe, stellt lediglich meine persönliche Meinung dar.
      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • meh wrote:

      I'm sure we can't do that. Even if were to remove the Piercing Chance on Crimson Soul, it still would be a Balancing which's Aim it is to lower the overall Damage currently in the Game.
      Then if this thing will go the the LIVE server the original server you can say bb to 35% of gameforge players wich have lykan character :)
      #NoToUpdate 18.4 Dont Change the elementary rezistance no to new alchemy
    • LionKing wrote:

      meh wrote:

      I'm sure we can't do that. Even if were to remove the Piercing Chance on Crimson Soul, it still would be a Balancing which's Aim it is to lower the overall Damage currently in the Game.
      Then if this thing will go the the LIVE server the original server you can say bb to 35% of gameforge players wich have lykan character :)
      Mad? Lycan are maybe 10% of the Whole metin2 popuplation, so not that a big loss :D
    • meh wrote:

      I'm sure we can't do that. Even if were to remove the Piercing Chance on Crimson Soul, it still would be a Balancing which's Aim it is to lower the overall Damage currently in the Game.
      You know what will happen with this changes right? Lycan players do not want their chars nerfed.. Not in damage, and you need to understand the players point... We play the game, we are your clients... If you don't respect it what you can expect from players? It's the same in all games... You can balance not removing damages ou critics or anything else...
      Is a big difference in the PVP and PVM balance... Removing damege from lycan will afect both sides... Critics will afect both sides... If you want remove damage in PVM side, so you need to nerf all mobs and boss's... You need to keep the player choice.. Playing solo or group.. And you are failing in this side.
    • Th3Original wrote:

      You know what will happen with this changes right? Lycan players do not want their chars nerfed.. Not in damage, and you need to understand the players point... We play the game, we are your clients... If you don't respect it what you can expect from players? It's the same in all games... You can balance not removing damages ou critics or anything else...
      Is a big difference in the PVP and PVM balance... Removing damege from lycan will afect both sides... Critics will afect both sides... If you want remove damage in PVM side, so you need to nerf all mobs and boss's... You need to keep the player choice.. Playing solo or group.. And you are failing in this side.

      I get you’re angry and as a player who has been playing this game for 9 years I can understand where your anger is coming from. But please consider this, we’re having a Beta because we are following your ongoing wish of a good balancing.

      You got the wrong mindset if you expect a good balancing but are not willing to go without some of the damage you were able to deal over the past few years. It’s no secret that there’s too much damage implemented in this game. So that’s why we are here, and that’s why a Lycan nerf is necessary.

      Furthermore I'm asking you to please stop with the ongoing argument of “if you change something I like I’m going to leave”. We all want a good balancing. But this “blackmailing” has to stop. Since it doesn't help the current Situation at all. It would be more helpful if you’d put your energy in giving good and constructive feedback on how we should handle/change things, what changes you’re not a fan of etc. instead of reminding us over and over again that you’re going to leave if we change a piece that you don’t want to see changed.
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Alles was ich im Umfang einer Diskussion schreibe, stellt lediglich meine persönliche Meinung dar.
      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!

      The post was edited 2 times, last by meh ().

    • Observer wrote:

      LionKing wrote:

      meh wrote:

      I'm sure we can't do that. Even if were to remove the Piercing Chance on Crimson Soul, it still would be a Balancing which's Aim it is to lower the overall Damage currently in the Game.
      Then if this thing will go the the LIVE server the original server you can say bb to 35% of gameforge players wich have lykan character :)
      Mad? Lycan are maybe 10% of the Whole metin2 popuplation, so not that a big loss :D
      10% of the current small population of players that will leave, which will simultaneously cause the exit of +% of other players (friends of guild, etc.)
    • Strijelac wrote:

      Anyway it is normal that they rattle because they were on powerful and now it will have a power equivalent to the others of the blow it is normal of the blow bah it would prefer to continue to reign on the pve and the pvm it seems Logic anyway as long as they are more the better nothing will go for them.
      He does not understand what it takes to put the scarlet soul on a great time of loading and a short duration, it is the same as to eliminate the ability ... to destroy the lycan
    • We'll never come out of this, guys. :D Everyone will keep arguing about it.

      Testers are implying that there may be a general revision of damages, so we probably should just test the overall damages for every class, when the 2nd beta will be available.

      Consider that surpassing the 100% piercing hits threshold will still be giving extra damages - and as far as I remember, no one said they'll be COMPLETELY removing them, on Crimson Soul.

      Chances are, the actual damage will be calculated taking into account the fact that a Wolf could still exceed that threshold - so, a high atk power would somewhat be justified by a well structured equipment.
    • meh wrote:

      I'm sure we can't do that. Even if were to remove the Piercing Chance on Crimson Soul, it still would be a Balancing which's Aim it is to lower the overall Damage currently in the Game.
      i like that fact that you said overall damage and just want to reduce lykan damage.. lykan saying that are going to quit the game its not blackmail its the reality, we invested in something that is going to be nerfed, its playing with our money, not just yang but hundreds of euros/dollares whatever.
      there is need to wait for the beta go to normal servers and test pvp in a lycan vs other character full defense and respective defense shiel or just titan shield and you will see if the damage its too high