Dont ruin lykan

    Dear players,

    please read >> here <<.

    Thank you for being a part of this!

    • Greetings from Germany.

      Lykan wrote:

      In the beginning metin2 was a game in which it was fun to play with friends now it's a rats race who will spend more money on is.

      That is so true.
      The Lycannerf is important, because Lycans are too OP, but an
      Itemshopnerf would be better for the balancing.

      The balancing between players who got push from the IS
      and the players who dont.
      The difference between those two groups became bigger and bigger.
      With no push you dont need to play PvP, regardless of the Balancing.
    • If nerf will be why this happens after 3 years, will you explain it after everyone has spent the money? I do not know if you played Lycan, but it is very slow and cumbersome. I can not tell you that you are very damaged from the bosses. I did not want to tell you that Lycan is the preferred puncher and other features. You can test this in-game. If the nerve is neccessary, this slow lycan is already the end result.
    • I was the first that was requesting a nerf to lykans because they were too OP, but I think the nerfs you are pretending to do are excesive:
      They had too much damage, but reducing the attack value of Crimson Wolf Soul in 300 points (Perfect Master) is excesive, plus nerfing Wolf's Breath and the blackouts with leadership.
      This is a bad solution because lykans now are going to be useless and completely outclassed by warriors. In my opinion, the best solution was removing the chance of critical hits and piercing hits from their abilities, and maybe reduce in 100 points the attack value given by wolf soul, but piercing hits and critics are still here...
      Maybe I'm wrong, but it is not the appropiated solution.
    • this change is so negative for the player who use Lykan. If you decrease the attack value to 300 point from Crimson Wolf at Perfect master . The abilities at level Master is useless and no one players use Lykan to start metin2. I can understant that more people haven't resistance against claw and want the lykan nerf but this is a very negative Nerf for all player that use it. I believe the nerf must be more soft and the player must be shop their item and stop cray.
    • It's a balancing process.
      This means something need to be changed; and don't you really think Lycan class need any changes?
      It's standed for 3 years, sure, but also archery ninjas and shamans standed like this for 10 years.
      There are tons of games that nerf and buff classes each months to find the right balance and now you are refusing the first try; well guys the changes will come and good feedback are not made by crying people but from players who tested.
      Not always a nerf is a bad thing.

      Game and Wiki Admin at
      Metin2 tester with love :love:
    • Olthir wrote:

      It's a balancing process.
      This means something need to be changed; and don't you really think Lycan class need any changes?
      It's standed for 3 years, sure, but also archery ninjas and shamans standed like this for 10 years.
      There are tons of games that nerf and buff classes each months to find the right balance and now you are refusing the first try; well guys the changes will come and good feedback are not made by crying people but from players who tested.
      Not always a nerf is a bad thing.
      I am really understanding.But the imbalance in the game was before the lycan.It is only the lycan powerless.General warrior and magical weapon are not mentioned at all.We are weak characters.You are wearing normal character(lycan).You are not balance.You can not look at the eyes.You are sorry. Try it yourself if you want to get real data.Lycan's normal hit is low in battle.Mental fighter damage record 355k.are You really think the lycan is strong?Come on.
    • Olthir wrote:

      It's a balancing process.
      This means something need to be changed; and don't you really think Lycan class need any changes?
      It's standed for 3 years, sure, but also archery ninjas and shamans standed like this for 10 years.
      There are tons of games that nerf and buff classes each months to find the right balance and now you are refusing the first try; well guys the changes will come and good feedback are not made by crying people but from players who tested.
      Not always a nerf is a bad thing.
      Why we are afraid? We know how that works... You always do 8 or 80... Not a middle... We can accpets a lycan nerf, but if the nerf is the same as the latestest update on official servers (570 reduced to 320) we can not accpets that big change... Want to reduce? Then reduce the amount of damage given by int, put it in the same scale sura weapon are.. Otherwise ppl start the game, put skill M1 and have what 50 value from crimson? It's a lycan or a wild dog?
    • Hello, I am a mental warrior that I have as main and I also use a mirror, and then, I am really happy that they reduced the wolf ... I have no equipment against them

      But when I find out that they were going to reduce their scarlet soul from 580 to 300, it seemed an exaggeration, and I also worry ... this could lead to Lycan players withdrawing from the game

      In my guild there are a few lycan that really invest a lot of money in the game and I'm sure they would not stay if they disable the game, and the game already has few players to start ..

      I never use lycan because I beat slow and its equipment was expensive, but I know that new players prefer it because it has the most beautiful skills, if they kill Lycan ... well, it's their game

      Think it through correctly
    • meh wrote:

      You got the wrong mindset if you expect a good balancing but are not willing to go without some of the damage you were able to deal over the past few years. It’s no secret that there’s too much damage implemented in this game. So that’s why we are here, and that’s why a Lycan nerf is necessary.
      -Lycan's skills does not make more damage than mental warriors for example, so are mental warriors also going to be nerfed? (argument of 'there is too much damage').

      -The difference on pvm side of a lycan on horse and a body warrior or weapon sura for example are not that big in comparison. Are they also going to be nerfed?

      -The claw def problem is not the blame of the character, but of the system. If you decide to release a character with a complete new def then how can you blame these characters to deal 'op' damage. Claw def items are finnaly becoming more popular, 61 shields are still problematic I think, yet you can't blame this character for these facts.

      -The auto attack animation IS an argument, did you even ever try to catch someone with a lycan's auto, even bells are better? I challenge you, it will take you a lot of time. And also many other situations where good auto attack animations could be useful...

      -I do not see how having more than 100% pierce is an advantage, just like body warriors reach capped attack speed with berserk easy and gives them no advantage either... (if the bug that you deal more dmg with more pierce still exists, then fix it)

      -Please I will tell it a last time, stop comparing skills to each other (eg crimson wolf soul vs enchanted blade vs aura of the sword) and start comparing the whole characters. Also focus on the weaker characters, like someone else said before (ninjas and black magic suras have very weak pvm, but are they also so much outclassing in pvp? I do not believe so.)

      YoTeDoPo wrote:

      the best solution was removing the chance of critical hits and piercing hits from their abilities
      Yes, these features are completely unnecessary to lycans and I do not see why they have them.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by jeroenado ().

    • Th3Original wrote:

      You want sulutions for the hightest damages? I can give you.. Now if it is good for you? of course no... But there is the fact... You want less damage, so sacrifice your money for that...
      1- Remove permanently the damege itens (Lollypop, power rings, dragon powers etc...)
      2- Remove Potions like Zin Water, Blue Dew etc etc
      3- Remove forom destiny wheel tiger itens, like earings etc etc...
      4- Remove IS Pets if necessary

      Now i ask you? You want to sacrifice your money? You just want take from us... Not from yours...
      I couldn't agree more with this guy
    • It is slow and strong (lycan) is fast and a little weaker (ninja) but if it is slow and powerless, nobody plays that character, it is not balancing, it is injustice. Warrior weapon +450 ninja +400 attack But is lycan 350+ justice?

      Let's think about it like this.
      Have you used a phone that has a good camera for 3 years. Is it justice that you take your camera from your hand after 3 years? However, you took it because it is good for the camera. Think about it in this way for a while. Good night.
    • jeroenado wrote:

      Well many people are doing it in this thread, saying Lycan are 'OP' but not giving any good argument how it is OP compared to any other character. They're just saying that Lycans are OP. Btw that was so off topic, you're all blaming this character while the fault is not with the lycans.
      the argument they have is that they have no equipment against claw, and that is why they will kill the lycan
    • Warrioruk wrote:

      jeroenado wrote:

      Well many people are doing it in this thread, saying Lycan are 'OP' but not giving any good argument how it is OP compared to any other character. They're just saying that Lycans are OP. Btw that was so off topic, you're all blaming this character while the fault is not with the lycans.
      the argument they have is that they have no equipment against claw, and that is why they will kill the lycan
      The argument is lykans have a lot of secondaries effects, including a huge ammount of piercing hits, critical hits, bleeding, blackout, chance to hit more than one time with abilities, massive attack value with Crimson Wolf Aura, and they don't have stupid skills like Stealth, Feather Walk, Reflect and Attack Up.
    • i have only 1 question. Why beginning NERF the Lycan and not the warrior? Or other classes? Ninjas would be OP with the actual written changes. Shamans nerfed and Lycans totally will nerfed. The defence changes by the Lycans is meaning the 37defence which crimson soul decreased because that is not the problem. Lycans become a lot of more dmg from the damage not seen dmg regulation.

      Dry for my bad English :D
    • YoTeDoPo wrote:

      The argument is lykans have a lot of secondaries effects, including a huge ammount of piercing hits, critical hits, bleeding, blackout, chance to hit more than one time with abilities, massive attack value with Crimson Wolf Aura, and they don't have stupid skills like Stealth, Feather Walk, Reflect and Attack Up.
      Yes, although this 'massive' attack value from crimson, it gives the damage that lycans NEED in order to be competitive with the others. If you think that the side effects are too exaggerated, then tell me; Why the attack value from crimson wolf soul, which has nothing to do with these side effects, has to be nerfed?