Dont ruin lykan

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    • Very funny...

      in the picture master 1 aura of the sword visible... cooldown 58 second The perfect master of the wolf 55 second... Ridiculous...

      I copy it here as well:

      Recommended modification for the crimson wolf soul skill:

      - fixed attack power with a value of –around-500
      - INT has a lower effect on the attack power (increase, but with a minimum value)
      - decrease piercing hit
      - cooldown time stay 175 sec
      - work as it works now (switchable)
    • Apollykan wrote:

      Nice.. Lycan are now ruined in both pvp and pvm.. and this come to the official server, if it comes like beta is rigth now, i will leave the game, and its not blackmail, is a goodbye, and until i have sure that this update is not like that, i wiil not put any more of my real money, to make sure that i dont spend money on a game im about to leave
      Then just leave, u are not needed.. So many salty lycan tears.. :thumbsup: Moar moar pls
    • Obs wrote:

      Apollykan wrote:

      Nice.. Lycan are now ruined in both pvp and pvm.. and this come to the official server, if it comes like beta is rigth now, i will leave the game, and its not blackmail, is a goodbye, and until i have sure that this update is not like that, i wiil not put any more of my real money, to make sure that i dont spend money on a game im about to leave
      Then just leave, u are not needed.. So many salty lycan tears.. :thumbsup: Moar moar pls
      So for you is normal when you spend alot of time and money to make something and then some "smart germany kids" try to destroy it by lowering damage and other things? I made a lycan in UK server from day 1 and till now i made lv 84 with nice stats and items AND my hightest damage was like 63k shred and 42k breath. If they wil lower the skill from lycan and let war as it stays right now MAKE SURE that i wil quit aswell. I AM JUST SICK of those germany kids sh!^s!
    • Hey all,

      Sorry for my bad English. If I write something wrong excuse me. First error was lycan character in that game. But we players accepted it and adopt it. We changed all items for that lycan even alchemist. And now you gonna change our skills about balance. This really sucks. You need broke mental warriors damage first. If you do that shit with balance this game lost a lot of player. Please watch two videos and see what I wanna tell.

      this is only 95 level mental warrior
      this is 120 level lycan
    • Yea

      SARCASTIC wrote:

      Hey all,

      Sorry for my bad English. If I write something wrong excuse me. First error was lycan character in that game. But we players accepted it and adopt it. We changed all items for that lycan even alchemist. And now you gonna change our skills about balance. This really sucks. You need broke mental warriors damage first. If you do that shit with balance this game lost a lot of player. Please watch two videos and see what I wanna tell.

      this is only 95 level mental warrior
      this is 120 level lycan
      And what is proven there? U compere the best skill warrior ( the only one that he can deal dmg ) with the wolf breath that is not even the strongest , shred is way better but that skill is a 3 way dmg and in the 1st dmg round the lv 1 character would be dead so that cant be used as a record skill , cuz ofc that wouldve been much better, oh and what is the difference between lv 95 and lv 120 maybe just the weapon , cuz they both have costume , alot of boost ( look at the buff bar) , and at lv 95 u can aford the anti-race necklace ,as well the completed biolog , so i really dont see the point in comparing in 2 characters that MW has just spirit spike with relative high dmg , no auto attack dmg compared with the buff on crimson that lycan can recieve , even tho he has a nasty auto attack animation those hits with that amount of penetretation that lykan has in Crimson doesnt even come close to a MW auto attack , if i might say yea u cant land hit cuz of slow animation ?? No problem anyway the dmg dealt from a single auto attack from a Lykan is the equivalent of like 6 autos from a Mental , not to mention that except the Spirit Spike that deal alot of dmg and can be kited easy( the other abilities are quite useless) , the Lycan has 3 very high dmg skills (I didnt count Pounce cuz that skill doesnt reach the other 3 dmg) .And btw as i mentioned b4 i have defences and if ur argument is that i dont have claw defence , well i have a special set , maybe u should buy a 2 hands set if u consider the Mental a threat in PVP , i mean in high lv , i aint no lv 55-61 stay-still.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by VoidKrator ().

    • VoidKrator wrote:

      And what is proven there? U compere the best skill warrior ( the only one that he can deal dmg ) with the wolf breath that is not even the strongest , shred is way better but that skill is a 3 way dmg and in the 1st dmg round the lv 1 character would be dead so that cant be used as a record skill , cuz ofc that wouldve been much better, oh and what is the difference between lv 95 and lv 120 maybe just the weapon , cuz they both have costume , alot of boost ( look at the buff bar) , and at lv 95 u can aford the anti-race necklace ,as well the completed biolog , so i really dont see the point in comparing in 2 characters that MW has just spirit spike with relative high dmg , no auto attack dmg compared with the buff on crimson that lycan can recieve , even tho he has a nasty auto attack animation those hits with that amount of penetretation that lykan has in Crimson doesnt even come close to a MW auto attack , if i might say yea u cant land hit cuz of slow animation ?? No problem anyway the dmg dealt from a single auto attack from a Lykan is the equivalent of like 6 autos from a Mental , not to mention that except the Spirit Spike that deal alot of dmg and can be kited easy( the other abilities are quite useless) , the Lycan has 3 very high dmg skills (I didnt count Pounce cuz that skill doesnt reach the other 3 dmg) .And btw as i mentioned b4 i have defences and if ur argument is that i dont have claw defence , well i have a special set , maybe u should buy a 2 hands set if u consider the Mental a threat in PVP , i mean in high lv , i aint no lv 55-61 stay-still.
      Lycan character is already slow to hit .SARCASTIC already seems to have a weak share of the skill force.And to reduce the power of to ruin the character.By thinking about the update.Dont ruin lycan.
    • Contagem de

      VoidKrator wrote:

      And what is proven there? U compere the best skill warrior ( the only one that he can deal dmg ) with the wolf breath that is not even the strongest , shred is way better but that skill is a 3 way dmg and in the 1st dmg round the lv 1 character would be dead so that cant be used as a record skill , cuz ofc that wouldve been much better, oh and what is the difference between lv 95 and lv 120 maybe just the weapon , cuz they both have costume , alot of boost ( look at the buff bar) , and at lv 95 u can aford the anti-race necklace ,as well the completed biolog , so i really dont see the point in comparing in 2 characters that MW has just spirit spike with relative high dmg , no auto attack dmg compared with the buff on crimson that lycan can recieve , even tho he has a nasty auto attack animation those hits with that amount of penetretation that lykan has in Crimson doesnt even come close to a MW auto attack , if i might say yea u cant land hit cuz of slow animation ?? No problem anyway the dmg dealt from a single auto attack from a Lykan is the equivalent of like 6 autos from a Mental , not to mention that except the Spirit Spike that deal alot of dmg and can be kited easy( the other abilities are quite useless) , the Lycan has 3 very high dmg skills (I didnt count Pounce cuz that skill doesnt reach the other 3 dmg) .And btw as i mentioned b4 i have defences and if ur argument is that i dont have claw defence , well i have a special set , maybe u should buy a 2 hands set if u consider the Mental a threat in PVP , i mean in high lv , i aint no lv 55-61 stay-still.
      with your logic, would not it suffice that they reduce or disappear the penetration and diminish a little the damage of the crimson? equating body, with that, what other excuse would you have?

      think they reduced the duration to 55 seconds

      and the value of attack almost half
    • Yes, the nerf is too much.
      If they realy want to nerf the lycan, than 90int and P crimson should be 500 attack.

      Maybe in lowlevel (about lvl50-) the crimson give us low attack value (like now in 90int, I think 360), and in bigger level (about lvl70+) 500 attack value. And the duration increase up to (about) 2min. The cooldown reduce to 30sec.

      Remove the penetration, and/or the crit (but I never feel the 20% crit in skill...) and fix the double damage (wolf breath).


      Stay the crimson soul just like now, but! Increase the attack skills up +1500. If we can't use the crimson soul to boost our attack skills as now, than let us use the attack skills nature.
      Sorry for my bad english.
    • is still sad when people react and gameforge hide.Where are you gameforge where are you Mister director of production from the interview ,come here and answer to your players, to your customers and you told in the interview you dont want to ruin what was once made and payd well you alerdy did that shame.I feel sorry for this game
      #NoToUpdate 18.4 Dont Change the elementary rezistance no to new alchemy
    • I think the red wolf soul has been dropped by 360, which is not enough. When you throw your hand, get the unnecessary nails. What we need is dear We will be wasted who wasted hope.
      Excuse me, but do not know how to play a few games, I do not accept the rarity made with this advice. I do not know, but I think that there is no more than the characters who are posting in the form of crying here in the form of crying. Do you know what this is? You pick up a car, you pick up your packages, you pay in cash. They're delivering you a factory car. I ask the ones who write here, which of you do not put your foot on it? Does not all your voice rise? To get your money back. I am clear and clear

      I gave the labor to do the best. Now they can not tell me that we take half your power. It is not right that is not justice.
    • Bgd Bls wrote:

      I don't say that it is not a good idea to make some changes to lycans, but with these updates that will be " fairer and more exciting" (i think that it's a joke) it will be created a big IMBALANCE, not a balance in PVP and PVM.(especially pvm)

      Good people, we are in 2017...what character can kill Beran-Setau alone at this time ? The answer is lycan, but not a lycan with lv. 90 with a matt ruby and low alchimy beacause there were made changes at Beran-Setan too, if you don't know.

      I don't think that you are agree to kill the dragon in 4 persons only for 2 boxes beran-setau and 5kk yang :))). Maybe are agree that persons who are lv 60 and stay map1 for "PVP" at small lv and never will increase in level.

      I think that many persons will be agree with me because at this time killing alone the dragon requires an investement of 25kkk yang. So, I ask for those players who don't know what means to invest in a lycan lv 95+ remaining in their bank.
      First of all learn to spell.U dont add any argument.The game shold be a cooperative game whit other players,there shold be need to make a party to beat some big boss-es.The game is made to have fun,not to stay 15/24 killing the blue dragon.And they need to stimulate players to make friends,team mates,and guilds,and the fact that u can do all alone if u have necessary items and alchimy only affects team work and the solidarity of the group you are part of.The game is not only for hight lvl players.If new players,and mid lvl players dont have fun playing the game and the game developers focus only at hight lvl players,in the future there will be no more new competitors for hight lvl players,no new players,and much of the hight lvl players will game over,so the server will be empty.
      And if u say the lykan gives highter damage at low lvl than mental warrior,and low damage than mental in hight lvl u are an idiot that speecks nonsens.
    • Sword Aura P = attack power 608 duration 92s
      Charming blade P = attack power 585 duration 175s
      Soul purp. wolf = attack power 383 duration 55s

      WOLF got only --- but strong archer get only +++ wtf ?

      Wolf will be NOTHING :) where sense, where logic.

      wolves stopped playing because such a significant weakening will completely destroy this class, do you want it? Why did I become a character? I understand the dmg reduction but it's overdoing it!
    • AthozOrion wrote:

      Bgd Bls wrote:

      I don't say that it is not a good idea to make some changes to lycans, but with these updates that will be " fairer and more exciting" (i think that it's a joke) it will be created a big IMBALANCE, not a balance in PVP and PVM.(especially pvm)

      Good people, we are in 2017...what character can kill Beran-Setau alone at this time ? The answer is lycan, but not a lycan with lv. 90 with a matt ruby and low alchimy beacause there were made changes at Beran-Setan too, if you don't know.

      I don't think that you are agree to kill the dragon in 4 persons only for 2 boxes beran-setau and 5kk yang :))). Maybe are agree that persons who are lv 60 and stay map1 for "PVP" at small lv and never will increase in level.

      I think that many persons will be agree with me because at this time killing alone the dragon requires an investement of 25kkk yang. So, I ask for those players who don't know what means to invest in a lycan lv 95+ remaining in their bank.
      First of all learn to spell.U dont add any argument.The game shold be a cooperative game whit other players,there shold be need to make a party to beat some big boss-es.The game is made to have fun,not to stay 15/24 killing the blue dragon.And they need to stimulate players to make friends,team mates,and guilds,and the fact that u can do all alone if u have necessary items and alchimy only affects team work and the solidarity of the group you are part of.The game is not only for hight lvl players.If new players,and mid lvl players dont have fun playing the game and the game developers focus only at hight lvl players,in the future there will be no more new competitors for hight lvl players,no new players,and much of the hight lvl players will game over,so the server will be empty.And if u say the lykan gives highter damage at low lvl than mental warrior,and low damage than mental in hight lvl u are an idiot that speecks nonsens.
      do you think that the dragon was made for 10 players to kill him? If you don't know you have Jotun, Meley, mini-Meley.These bosses are for work-team.Maybe on the new servers where there are not items you see 10 players at dragon ... I think you are frustrated beacuase you stay all the time in map1 looking in shops for items that you will never afford. You can't tell about balance when you are at lv 65 :)). Wake up! The action becames from lv 80+