Dont ruin lykan

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    • In my opinion (i use a lican, actually) the nerf is TOO BIG.
      With the nerf, crimson soul gets +4 atk damage for each point of INT, instead of +6,5... i think that the atk value of the skill, now, is too low (wait, i agree that the skill must be nerfed, BUT NOT this way!). I think that +5-5,5 atk value for each INT point can be fair.
      DURATION: only 55 seconds.... i think that here, the duration can be adjusted at about 2 minutes (or leave it 3 minutes, but the recharge time has to grow in this case, about 2 minutes or lower maybe...).

      In the end: the lican, if this nerf will be DEFINITIVE, will be a semi-useless character in pvm/pvp.

      Display Spoiler
      These are only my personal opinions... and sorry for my bad english.
    • You can not compare the lycan to the warrior, the ground warrior is far better, the warrior against the bosses is far better, the lycan possessed only one damage factor.
      Ok pvp factor:
      Super Alchemy Warrior with Spadone vs a Defense of 60 Spadone + Shield + Belt, Warrior 6 / 7k Vortex Damage (P boost)
      Lycan 60 claw + shield + belt, lycan 8k breathing damage ... (boost P).
      Lycan uses the purple buffer, lycan is slow, corporal is fast, difference? The player has sword defense and spade but little claw!

      Sorry for my bad English.
    • meh wrote:

      Apollykan wrote:

      but the lykan wolf breath stun can be removed we dont really care... The discussion is about the crimson soul damage reduction, less overall damage is what we are worryed about, no the stun..
      We’re discussing a Balancing here Guys. You should know that there definitely will be a reduction over overall Damage. That’s basically what a Balancing is about.

      So of course you can expect some changes regarding the Damage from the Lycan. It’s not “OP” as many users state, yes we are aware of that. But it still is a pretty strong race with many benefits and not that many deficits. Please also keep in mind that the Lycan is the only Race which is able to reach 100+ Piercing Chance very easily. So I think a small nerf to the overall Damage Output should be just fine.
      you don t have to reduce the dmg of any character... just make the weaker ones as powerfull as the strong ones... now you have so many items with dmg reduction... so if u want balance increase the dmg of weaker ones not decrease the stronger ones... i have 113 lv lykan fullhh(even weapons skin costume helmet so basically 80 hh 105 +9 weapon(only 5% on shield) pluss matt alchemy and saffire earings with 10hh) and the dmg on magic blade sura lv 111 with no crimson soul i was dealin 800 3 times on shred... thats 2.4 if im lucky to hit all 3 of them cuz we now sura walks very fast and his hits are too strong on dmg but more on the big area they cover and he can have more than 30k dmg... this is not on the beta server is on the official server with no nerf at all i i have the crimson soul on i was dealing 1.7 3 times meaning 5.1 AGAIN on a player with 30k+ hp... where are we going to? u want a lycan to deal 1.5 per skill in full so the ones with no claw defence wont be killed with a skill? personally im waiting for the last drop to quit this game... i think this''balance'' will do it honestly... sura on auto atac(spacebar is hittin you on 3-4 meters distance even on a mount likan... is a mess in hits i cant wait to quit anxious even...

      The post was edited 1 time, last by b87ovr_ro ().

    • Lycan just will be most useless caracter after this nerf please don't do this just remove piercing and critic efects from skills its will be enough don't ruin crimson soul this caracter has one weapon so weak against full claw defance this hero only has some space damage If you will ruin crimson soul this caracter will be RIP just remove piercing and critic damage from skills and repare 2x breath bug its will be enough beg you don't ruin lycan we spend so much money for this alchemy and items don't ruin lycan like this its will be most useless caracter with this nerf
    • jajaajaja ,,,, I saying that they would reduce the duration of the scarlet AW to 80 seconds and now reduce it to 55 seconds, it is the buff with less duration in the game, and not only that, also reduced the attack value in half for a little) hahaha, well, I can go, you do not need to try beta

      55 seg duration jajjaaja , little nerf jaaaajjaja , nice nice
    • Theplayer wrote:

      55 seconds is a totally unacceptable time for the skill duration.

      Think about the money people spent for the lycan, think properly about it. Would u like if someone come and ruin something yours?

      U said we slightly nerf the lican class, so do it slightly.

      Thank u
      Like when the lycan came and ruined all the equipment where players spent their time and money? Sounds fair :rolleyes:
    • yes i agree with the absence of claw defence.

      Anyway if u use the 61 shield, or the bracelet or the lycan resistance in the pet or in the zapphire u can get a nice difence.

      There are not so many lycans so u can do these adjustments when u are fighting against them.

      I agree the lycan damage is too high, but come on once u have created the class now u cant make it useless.

      Ok nerf it, but do it slightly as u announced.
    • I will post my opinion about lykan here , even tho i really dont like this topic mainly cuz of how many ppl come here to cry about nerfing their class and bring up the down sides of an character to overlap the good points and many without actually providing any information at all. I've seen alot of things out of desperation such as a guy ( who made his account today ) cuz he wanted to role-play and he "impersonated" a mental warrior player ( as he specify) and that he is really happy for the nerf cuz he doesnt have defences. Wow , and 2 post after he clearly judge the nerf as bad.And alot of ppl comming here to complain cuz the news that lykan will be nerfed .

      Ill start off with my highest account , a mental warrior lv 105 , not as every1 here stated that ppl complain about lycan cuz they dont have itms with claws , quite lucky i have a special claw set (full) also i have full legendary matt alchemy with defence lykan. As lykan player lv up i never won in a duel agains a lykan close to my equip ( i mean 100+ lycans with bio finished , 2 hands set and some alchemy) i repeat , i never beat one of them , just when he didnt crit with any skill and just if i get all my skills on him , and just if i crit for few of them.But the nasty part is that as a mental we can be kited easly.

      And so i've started a lykan , for about a year i have a lv 66 Lykan with P Crimson , m8 Indigo and m2 Shred. I had him for events mainly cuz he can deal alot of dmg so i only have 2k pv itms a 42 +9 armour and some lv 30 PVE claws. I didnt want to invest in itms for him cuz i put all my money on my main.But one day i found some lv 30 claws with Skill dmg + 11 , and war + sura +4 on a cheap price , so i got them after that i started to duel some 70-90 ppl , i must say that i was very suprise of the dmg output , ofc full claws players will still beat me but i beat some warriors sura and ninja high lv quite easly . For example yesterday i dueled a mental warrior lv 78 with SSB +9 with lycan stone and 35% claws and i had 0% 2 hands .Thatwas something a , and i remember he dealt like 7k per his spirit strike P and i did like 9k Shred ( 3k - 3k -3k) i wonder what wouldve been the case with a crit there , but i was unlucky :(.

      On the other hand here i see ppl that say that lykan is weaker than mental or ninja , i totally disagree , if u have the exact equip on a lykan and any other race he would beat them ( maybe not in case of a high lv very good alchemy sura with dispel ). And believe me i play on the official sv for ALOT of time and dueling si one of my favorite things to do .And ive seen alot of ppl claiming that lykan skills are hard to land :))))) did u ever tried to land the spirit strike on a moving target vs a lykan skill? So another point was the dmg that can be dealt by lykans not being on par with MW ,that means u dont have any 2 hands resistances, the single skill that is able to do a plausible amount of dmg is Spirit Strike , not easy to land as well , and the others skills for real i better basic attack than to loose time on Sword Orb casting , deals no dmg ,the rest of the skills as well . But wow , lykans deal an immense amount of dmg with all skills not just 1. In PVE? Mentals deal no relevant dmg in bosses , his defence doesnt account very much there either , Lykans? That auto deals more dmg than any other class ( not to mention the piercing hits ) ( ofc i mean a well equiped warrior as well as lykan) . In lvl-ing and vs alot of monsters? yea , no problem for lykan puts some block ing on his shield , quilins and from 2 basics all are dead . Mental? U dont have the dmg to kill them instantly so press "space" and keep attacking , oh but suddently alot of them pierce and well mental is down.Im in the most powerful guild on my server , for dungeons they preffer to take lykans and Body Warrior , im accepted just if there is an empty place , and thats that.

      In conclusion: I think that they sould be nearfed but not this much ( cuz I have a Lykan ) and i enjoy him , the perfect way will be this :
      1.Eliminate the scaling with Int over 90 and set the atk value of that skill to something near a sura or a Corporal warrior , but now from what ive seen in BETA i think that is too low without int . ( lets say 600-700) would be okay but with no way to increase it)
      2.Eliminate the bleeding , crits and piercing from their kit .Thats all.

      Thank you if u readed all of this and a note:
      As a reprezentant of mental warrior class as well i would like to to see some changes to MW as well such as a rework for strong body cuz now it didnt help on either PVE or PVP or if u gonna keep it this way just remove the chance that monster can pierce. If this class is considered too OP for a single skill we should lower the dmg on spirit strike and increase the other skills dmg cuz we can really deal dmg just with Spirit Strike.That all .

      The post was edited 2 times, last by VoidKrator ().

    • Wow this complains of the pvp of a mental, the mental has 5 skill of attack and is bad, if you have opaque alchemy it is obvious that you are ridiculous, i liv 120 with excellent alchemy because i need to see my pg useless in pvm? It will have more damage to sura am than a lycan lol, plus every 55 seconds you will have to activate purpureo, in pvm you will do nothing more, the warriors are advancing against the bosses, they get less critics and manage to hold them much more than other classes, It has been easier to hold a blade with a brilliant alchemy with a lycan with excellent alchemy (with much more res skill).
      Small nerf? This is destroying the Lycan class, if eliminated, it will not change much at this point, we do not talk about a bit of damage, but a lesser-than-average damage to criminality and purple piercing and reduced charging time is ridiculous this thing
    • MarK wrote:

      Theplayer wrote:

      55 seconds is a totally unacceptable time for the skill duration.

      Think about the money people spent for the lycan, think properly about it. Would u like if someone come and ruin something yours?

      U said we slightly nerf the lican class, so do it slightly.

      Thank u
      Like when the lycan came and ruined all the equipment where players spent their time and money? Sounds fair :rolleyes:
      you are just a hater kid.. Is players like you that metin doesnt need.. this crimson soul update in not aceptable
    • VoidKrator wrote:

      did u ever tried to land the spirit strike on a moving target vs a lykan skill?
      Yes, but at least you have the advantage to use autoattacks to land your skills and you can also deal extra damage, Lycans' autos are just messed up. I've rarely seen a lycan who is actually trying to catch someone with his autos.

      VoidKrator wrote:

      And so i've started a lykan , for about a year i have a lv 66 Lykan with P Crimson , m8 Indigo and m2 Shred. I had him for events mainly cuz he can deal alot of dmg so i only have 2k pv itms a 42 +9 armour and some lv 30 PVE claws. I didnt want to invest in itms for him cuz i put all my money on my main.But one day i found some lv 30 claws with Skill dmg + 11 , and war + sura +4 on a cheap price , so i got them after that i started to duel some 70-90 ppl , i must say that i was very suprise of the dmg output , ofc full claws players will still beat me but i beat some warriors sura and ninja high lv quite easly . For example yesterday i dueled a mental warrior lv 78 with SSB +9 with lycan stone and 35% claws and i had 0% 2 hands .Thatwas something a , and i remember he dealt like 7k per his spirit strike P and i did like 9k Shred ( 3k - 3k -3k) i wonder what wouldve been the case with a crit there , but i was unlucky :(.
      I have a lv 80 mental warrior as well with ssb+9, WITHOUT any other items I can deal very easy over 10k to peeps without def, 12k+ on low levels without items(with class stone). Would like to see some proof about that mental hit.

      VoidKrator wrote:

      On the other hand here i see ppl that say that lykan is weaker than mental or ninja
      No, I find it being on the same level more or less and that's why I say it's not overpowered (looking at just the damage output from the skills).

      VoidKrator wrote:

      lykans deal an immense amount of dmg with all skills not just 1
      Seriously? Your mental class has for example Bash which has reasonable amount of damage compared to spirit strike W, also Stump has a decent amount of damage.

      VoidKrator wrote:

      In lvl-ing and vs alot of monsters?
      On horse yes, lycan can kill mobs easy, but on floor its clearspeed is very very slow, you will usually use skills which will lose benefits from bonusses such as piercing, attack speed, hp absorb, ... Yes polymorph is an option, though it's still bugged sometimes for lycans in certain situations.

      And I say again, what a lycan can in pvm, a body warrior can do it too for sure.
    • Nice.. Lycan are now ruined in both pvp and pvm.. and this come to the official server, if it comes like beta is rigth now, i will leave the game, and its not blackmail, is a goodbye, and until i have sure that this update is not like that, i wiil not put any more of my real money, to make sure that i dont spend money on a game im about to leave