Bell/Fan Dragon/Healing Shaman

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    • CantBuffU wrote:

      donbastiano wrote:


      Actually i do really like the skillchanges and skill-weaponary improvements with fan bonus at heal shaman skills and bell bonus at dragon shaman skills.
      These make the classes more unique and bring back the bells at all. To be honest: NOONE used a bell above the lvl 75bell at all. I mean, have you ever seen the lvl 90 or 105 bell at all? I didnt. I play a lvl 106 dragon shaman aswell and i have allready startet to craft a new bell for him.
      I can understand the people who dislike the change, but your old fans wont become useless.
      You do also have an advantage: your autoattacks are stronger with bells and scale very we with dragons aid and your skills will be better aswell.

      Sry for my bad english
      How they won't become useless? Our dmg will be way lower with fans so our only real option is to use bell's, we need to sell them but to who? Healing shaman already have fans why they will buy more and the price for fans will drop since all dragon shaman will try to sell them. I bought mine for 2kkk and i won't sell it for more then 500kk if i will be lucky.
      Bells are very rare so only option is to use item shop, i searched like a lot for my fan that's why i payed that much , but bell's haven't seen one in shop's.

      I don't complain about this change, i just don't like the fact that they will be worthless for us, what we need is a free swap or even item shop item to buy for swapping i don't mind paying 200-300 md for this, lucky i don't have an 105 bell because i will lose even more money.
      No, its not ok. They should give us a free item for change the bell from fan and fan from bell. Its no fair that we have to pay for someting that changed because they want.
    • I have brought the whole discussion to WebZen.

      The damage from Shaman skills will not be reduced because of the Weapon Specialization, it will increase if you use the specific weapon. This is not really a nerf, it is just the possibility to increase the damage even further.

      As a compromise with the Developer, we will try to reduce the bonus given by this specialization to only be +10% of damage.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      I have brought the whole discussion to WebZen.

      The damage from Shaman skills will not be reduced because of the Weapon Specialization, it will increase if you use the specific weapon. This is not really a nerf, it is just the possibility to increase the damage even further.

      As a compromise with the Developer, we will try to reduce the bonus given by this specialization to only be +10% of damage.
      Hello, this doesn't help dragon shaman, fan's having higher magical value will hit lets say the same as bell, so only healing shaman will get a boost in dmg and this its not fair.
    • baklawa wrote:

      Choose and use fan or bell. If you can't to decide this, convert your shaman to healing shaman. Same as wp sura's rune sword or dragon tooth blade, its your sentence.

      I would swap If i didn't had to start front M1 atm i see healing Shaman stronger considering we are loosing critics in pvp..

      unforgiven wrote:

      Healing shamans have had more problems in the past and one skill doesn't really help them much at the moment. If you consider everything, it would be more or less the same.

      I would like to gather more feedback on the question I put in this topic though: Shaman balancing
      i will make some test's and post it there.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      I have brought the whole discussion to WebZen.

      The damage from Shaman skills will not be reduced because of the Weapon Specialization, it will increase if you use the specific weapon. This is not really a nerf, it is just the possibility to increase the damage even further.

      As a compromise with the Developer, we will try to reduce the bonus given by this specialization to only be +10% of damage.
      So if the specialization boost is only 10% now, all the Shaman will deal less damages than before. And you don't think it's a problem? All the beta is about balancing and you put a nerf for the Shamans in pvp without compensation?

      Why not just creating a stupid item which allows a free swap between bells and fans?! It's the easiest way and everyone want this !

      Sorry for bad english again.
    • Hi Ponze,

      As explained many times:
      - The damage boost coming from the Weapon Specialization comes on top. This means that Shamans do NOT need this boost to have the same damage as they have in live servers. So no, they will not deal less damage than before per skill.

      - Regarding critical hits, every single class has had this reduction so it is NOT just for the shaman (Dragon Shamans even have higher boost than other chars from their own skill). Regarding PvP, we are currently in talks about this.

      Regarding an item to exchange Bells and Fans - we asked about this and we were discourage to pursue that route specially because it is not that simple.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Regarding an item to exchange Bells and Fans - we asked about this and we were discourage to pursue that route specially because it is not that simple.
      So because it's not easy and it will require a lot of work and imagination on the part of WebZen this is immediately refused.

      We can see their mentality (to the best of our knowledge, GF makes great efforts in terms of feedback).
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Hi Ponze,

      As explained many times:
      - The damage boost coming from the Weapon Specialization comes on top. This means that Shamans do NOT need this boost to have the same damage as they have in live servers. So no, they will not deal less damage than before per skill.

      - Regarding critical hits, every single class has had this reduction so it is NOT just for the shaman (Dragon Shamans even have higher boost than other chars from their own skill). Regarding PvP, we are currently in talks about this.

      Regarding an item to exchange Bells and Fans - we asked about this and we were discourage to pursue that route specially because it is not that simple.
      Yes it comes on top, BUT all pvp players aim for the TOP ! That's why you must take those buffs into consideration if you want to make a good pvp update !

      And why don't you totally remove this specialization buff ? People aim for the top, if there is a 10% boost, dragon shamans will use bells... I'm not sure players like this specialization stuff, it has no sense to add this in order to "balance" pvp, because it's not a balancing at all. It's a restrictive stuff.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Hi Ponze,

      As explained many times:
      - The damage boost coming from the Weapon Specialization comes on top. This means that Shamans do NOT need this boost to have the same damage as they have in live servers. So no, they will not deal less damage than before per skill.

      - Regarding critical hits, every single class has had this reduction so it is NOT just for the shaman (Dragon Shamans even have higher boost than other chars from their own skill). Regarding PvP, we are currently in talks about this.

      Regarding an item to exchange Bells and Fans - we asked about this and we were discourage to pursue that route specially because it is not that simple.
      i'm missing something or antimagic stones got nerfed in beta? If thats the case we are doing less dmg then on live server.

      Sure critic got nerfed for all class but when dueling we supose to have more critics becous we have dragon strenght, so here we are losing.
    • Overall the damage has been increased not decreased for this Beta. This is something that maybe escaped most of our players. With the latest update, with the reduction of critical hit damage yes, then in PvP the damage has been decrease which, let's be honest, it is something that will make dueling a bit more dynamic since 1-hit deaths will be reduced.
    • Yes we are losing even more now. But anyways, I'm kind of jaded now. Let's wait and cry.

      With this last patch you juste reduced the improvement path you are talking about. So I don't understand your logic at all right now.

      Should we use the right weapon? Yes of course beacause it's better.
      Should we buy new weapons? Yes of course beacause no one has pvp bells.
      Our old stuff is devaluated? Yes of course beacause only 1/2 Shaman will use it.
      Are we stronger if we follow this restriction? No beacause antimagic stones got nerfed, and the specialization boost too.

      So what?
    • well its known for all that shamans are the character more hard to achieve 1 skil death, as you can test the maximum damage achieved on 1 skill, body warriors, ninja and wolf can still insta kill even with alchemi while shamanes with alchemi and same average of thefense have less than a quarter of that dmg, so this is not a solution for instantaniously deaths at all.

      and please i expect antimagic stones to be deleted and reduce the way magical resistance works on pvp, because nerfin the maximum amount would become a disaster for all characters to pve.
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner
    • The problem is already here: WE HAVE TO CHANGE OUR WEAPONS (and is worse than before because we have less damage. What you don't understand?
      Remove this weapon improvements and give the same ammount of damage with both weapons.

      And about crits, saying that dragon shamans have more crits and the skill only gives 3% is stupid. Also if you change them to 20%, they are useless in PvP as it is said in another thread.
    • We have discussed with the developer regarding removing this Weapon Specialization and if we do it, the skill damage will not be improved, it will stay as it is. These are the two possibilities.

      Regarding Dragon Aid, we are in talks with the developer about this. By reducing the cooldown, they want to have lower Critical Hit chance from the buff. But they will increase the selfbuff from the shamans - these values are still unknown to use at the moment.
    • well if dragons aid has to be remobed the boost should be much more than just 10% as maximum .... and the av has to increase a lot to compensate it.

      Or to put a % of critical chance in dragon's shaman skills so the wolefs ones do.

      That would be a nice solution for the ones who use shaman for buffering and the ones who use it as main character wuld still deal dmg
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner