Don't ruin Dragon Shamans

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    • unforgiven wrote:

      That video was done when there were problems with the skills... So it doesn't mean a thing.
      Hey, anything changed in weapon specialization bonus? If not and in that video was 30% now it's 10% noting improved for dragon shaman, we can't use bells in pvp since it now worth it and with fans we have lower dmg, once since we get no weapon specialization bonus, and second because AMR got reworked and except for rare casese when your oponent have 100 MR, we hit less then on live server when he have let's say 80 MR
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Priore wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      That video was done when there were problems with the skills... So it doesn't mean a thing.
      You didn't say nothing about skill been adjusted
      There were some problems with the skills. They weren't working as they should. This was fixed afterwards. So, now, it is how it should work.
      I did a test now, with same equip my healing shaman still hits like 1k more then dragon shaman, is it intended or?
    • CantBuffU wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      Priore wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      That video was done when there were problems with the skills... So it doesn't mean a thing.
      You didn't say nothing about skill been adjusted
      There were some problems with the skills. They weren't working as they should. This was fixed afterwards. So, now, it is how it should work.
      I did a test now, with same equip my healing shaman still hits like 1k more then dragon shaman, is it intended or?
      This time around I think it's intended. We have critical hits, burn and slow malus and esier life in pvm as they said...
    • Priore wrote:

      CantBuffU wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      Priore wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      That video was done when there were problems with the skills... So it doesn't mean a thing.
      You didn't say nothing about skill been adjusted
      There were some problems with the skills. They weren't working as they should. This was fixed afterwards. So, now, it is how it should work.
      I did a test now, with same equip my healing shaman still hits like 1k more then dragon shaman, is it intended or?
      This time around I think it's intended. We have critical hits, burn and slow malus and esier life in pvm as they said...
      Ok so from now on to win a duel we just have to pray that critical kicks in, if not we will lose and the gap between dragon shaman and healing shaman get higher since burn and slow doesn't affect them, with that improved cure we won't do any dmg .
    • CantBuffU wrote:

      Ok so from now on to win a duel we just have to pray that critical kicks in, if not we will lose and the gap between dragon shaman and healing shaman get higher since burn and slow doesn't affect them, with that improved cure we won't do any dmg .
      Or you get better euipment and alchemy so 3 skills are enough to kill your Opponent... worked pretty well so far.
      Of Course there are the adjusted anti Magic Stones, but it will still work because you don't Need to get clos to your Opponent anymore.
      I Play both shamans, Dragon and healing at Lv. 55... and I can tell you that the gap is fine as it is.
      Dragon shamans are there for burst damage,healing shamans for dps... it's as easy at that.
    • NMD wrote:

      CantBuffU wrote:

      Ok so from now on to win a duel we just have to pray that critical kicks in, if not we will lose and the gap between dragon shaman and healing shaman get higher since burn and slow doesn't affect them, with that improved cure we won't do any dmg .
      Or you get better euipment and alchemy so 3 skills are enough to kill your Opponent... worked pretty well so far.Of Course there are the adjusted anti Magic Stones, but it will still work because you don't Need to get clos to your Opponent anymore.
      I Play both shamans, Dragon and healing at Lv. 55... and I can tell you that the gap is fine as it is.
      Dragon shamans are there for burst damage,healing shamans for dps... it's as easy at that.
      So u think that dragon shaman can kill healing shaman in 3 skill? but in the same time u say that healing shaman are for dps(so he can splat us from 2 fast skills that he have) so witch one is it? if i need 3 skills to kill healing, i will go down just from 2 from healing shaman.
      I know all healing shaman loves this update (no wounder why nobody said nothing when @unforgiven asked your opinion), they got only good stuffs like improved cure, lower recharge on skills and weapon specialization bonus, dragon shaman only bad stuffs nerfed critic, no weapon specialization bonus (with just 10% bonus u get now nobody is crazy enough to use them so pointless update for dragon shaman and 10% more dmg in pvm will help us kill razador just from skills right?) and anti magic stones reworked so lower dmg below 100 magic resistance (yep that apply for healing shaman too but at least he got the bonus from weapon).
      Burst dmg from where? 2 skills? dragon raw is weaker then summon lighting, flaying talisman doesn't worth to be mentioned.
    • Only comparing the two shamans in duels and not mentoning shamans dueling others just doesn't work.
      You can't only compare shamans and be like "Dragons must be worse because the get killed from two healing shaman skills".
      With my post i meant shamans dueling or fighting others in General and that's where Dragon shamans have burst and healing shamans dps, that's a fact.
      And of Course I don't like the whole shaman update, but with my experience of playing both shamans for 4 years at the same time, I can tell you that most of you are simply overreacting when it Comes to pvp.
      Shamans will still be strong, just not overpowered as they were before.
      But I have to admit that I don't really know the Situation of pve for shamans, because I only Play pvp.
    • I don't think that all the races are meant to do the same amount of damage. Each race and doctrine has its own feature, pros and cons on which dmg is based.

      I don't even know if this gap in damage is intended since I'm not an expert in balacning taking in consideration all the factors of a race.

      BTW, duels shouldn't last 2 skills anymore. One of Webzen team's goal is to reduce the overall dmg. I hope they will succeed in doing so.
    • NMD wrote:

      Only comparing the two shamans in duels and not mentoning shamans dueling others just doesn't work.
      You can't only compare shamans and be like "Dragons must be worse because the get killed from two healing shaman skills".
      With my post i meant shamans dueling or fighting others in General and that's where Dragon shamans have burst and healing shamans dps, that's a fact.
      And of Course I don't like the whole shaman update, but with my experience of playing both shamans for 4 years at the same time, I can tell you that most of you are simply overreacting when it Comes to pvp.
      Shamans will still be strong, just not overpowered as they were before.
      But I have to admit that I don't really know the Situation of pve for shamans, because I only Play pvp.
      It's not about balancing anymore, balancing is what happened to healing shaman (AMR got reworked in exchange they get weapon specialization bonus, better cure and so on). With all the buffs that we had and slightly higher dmg then healing shaman, they where still more effective then us in pvp 1 vs 1 or mass pvp. They had instant skills, cure, ability to hit from distance with all skills. That was balanced more or less, right now it's not balanced.
      And what's a burst dmg? dose dragon raw hit faster or better then summon lighting? they are both instant skills that hit from distance, btw dragon raw it's not even our main skill so summon lighting it's a fact that can hit way higher with at least 20% (30% with weapon specialization bonus) higher when u start reading Summon Lightning Boost so when u start talking about endgame pvp things get worse.
      Also keep in mind that's just first balancing round, what if next balancing other classes will get some love? we will get with an unplayable pvp class.
    • CantBuffU wrote:

      And what's a burst dmg?
      Dragon shamans have 3 Dmg spells which results in killing the enemy almost instantly when being close to the target (except they have high defense)
      Healing shamans also have 3 Dmg spells, but lightning claw isn't mentionable imo so healing shamans have less dmg with one Combo than Dragon shamans. (burst)
      And because a healing shaman has switfness, he can cast his abilities much faster so after a certain amount of spells he deals more dmg than a Dragon shaman. (dps)
      That's all I wanted to say.

      CantBuffU wrote:

      Also keep in mind that's just first balancing round, what if next balancing other classes will get some love? we will get with an unplayable pvp class
      Trust me, I definetely keep that in mind and I hope what most shamans hope: shamans should be strong in pvp... not overpowered, but strong.
      Right now I'm just talking about the update as it is now, not what could of what should happen in the future when all balancing stages are combined.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by NMD ().

    • The main burst perks of dragon chamans (compared to healers) were criticals and roar damages. Because a healer can cast [lightning => summon lightning => lighting] combo with his big casting speed so as to get a big burst right now, which is similar (a bit weaker) to dragon's [shooting => roar => flying talisman] combo in terms of damages. So yes, without criticals at 100% damage dragon chamans are no longer better for burst.

      But, dragon get a huge range for roar, and that's a big perk for raids, and they get a KD on shooting dragon which is just fine (AOE KD by the way). It depend the situation but dragons still have better AOE burst than healers.

      In fact, the 2 classes are now very similar in terms en gameplay, with 1 instant AOE ranged spell and 1 kiting spell. I don't think it's a good idea, I prefer a stronger roar at close range only so as to make dragon chamans' gameplay a bit more agressive and all in in raids.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Priore wrote:

      unforgiven wrote:

      That video was done when there were problems with the skills... So it doesn't mean a thing.
      You didn't say nothing about skill been adjusted
      There were some problems with the skills. They weren't working as they should. This was fixed afterwards. So, now, it is how it should work.
      @LHQentin Can u remake that dmg test? I don't have +9 bell and my dragon shaman is just lvl 100 so my test aren't that precise. Thanks.
    • I can not redo the test because when the new beta stage started and the items were copied again, I had the items moved to another account and now it seems that the recordings are closed so I can not copy them. And also i can not copied my healing shaman to do that test

      But in order to see the difference between characters, the test should be done without alchemy, and with exactly the same items. Because you may not have the same alchemy on both accounts.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by LHQentin ().