YoTeDoPo wrote:
I can't believe that there are still people that think weaponary suras needs more damage on PvP. They are the best on PvE, they don't need to be the best on PvP. Now with the new map, what is the best class on Zodiac Temple?
Give me an advice. My sura is 120. What can I do? I'm waiting your valued comments. Meanwhile I forgot to say. My character has been waiting for 2 years. Without any activity. Where is PvE? PvE can finish but same thing isn't available for PvP. PvP inclued every lv.
For lv 115+ I'm asking again. Where is PvE? Probably game admin will bring new lv limit like 130-135. But that isn't a problem. I will reach 130-135 lv. PvE will finish again. This game has been released 2005. 12 years. PvE isn't important as before. Everybody knows this. Everybody trends PvP characters. Etc. lycan, dagger ninja, mental warrior, blackmagic sura.
Come Turkey server and find an active weaponary sura player (as 120 lv). I will give you 100 dollar.
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