Weaponary Suras General Weakness

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    • in turkey forum the subject taht weaponry suras weaksenss has 14 page. but u just simple dont care them. Why? Why u dont care us? Why u ignore us? Who is doing this balance? U say "suggest for balance" but u dont care our suggestions for balance. i feel stupid. i wont wrote anymore. i never buy dragon money. And i advice new players this. "Dont play this game, they dont care u, they always want money money money but they donr respect u. Acording to them u are a cow!!!!"
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    • I think Weaponary Suras are not bad in PvP, maybe they are not as good as Ninjas, Black Magic Suras or Shamans (with this updates they are better than Dragon Shaman's), but they are gods in PvE. This is a balance, the classes have to be near in PvP, but some classes have to be better because they are worse in PvE (Ninja, Black Magic Suras and Shamans).
    • But we aren't near to another characters in PvP. Also PvE isn't good enough until PvP. Problem is here. Yes we can be good in PvP. However it isn't enough and true. Actually this is general balancing. Every character has good, equal PvP. Player skill should detect winning. But character differences detect winning.

      Etc ninjas can do 300k damage we can 100k damage. Try same skills to full defence. They will do 10k damage we will do 3.5-4k. It is big difference. Big number. They will give 25-30k damage till death. We will give max 18-20k with auto and skills.

      Actually I mean damage will increase in the same rate.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by reveina ().

    • fear is good, if this needed an update, blessing needs it to, but after that both will have a imba pvp AND pvm skill
      sorry we have to be a litte fair, that would be too strong, why don't take the "worst" skill and give it the necessary strengh to make it more balanced?

      one sayes we want less damage, the other one wants the tank to deal more damge...

      in pvp is the weapon sura very weak against 6 chars, he can kill body warriors and lycans (remember, even with dispel they have one skill more, so the sura must do more dmg with normal hits)
      i fought some mental warriors with REALLY bad equiment, and had no chance against them, this is not balanced!

      in pvm it is to strong, here we need a reduction, without cut his damage (because weapon suras would rise their pitchforks ;D)
      maybe reduce his life steal on maximum 3-5 enemys per hit (and let it work with skills? it would the sura better im 1vs1 and worse his imbalanced strong group power)

      i know, that would take a long time to program, but sorry i can't wait another 5 years to make metin perhaps good <.<
    • the only class with 2 devensife skills... lower attack from weapons like all other classes... can stand like no one else between mass of mobs...
      who else is a tank? mental warrior?

      many people call suras tank. and i see, masu has the highest pvp dev., wasu the highest in groups.

      if you want to call him damage dealer, okay Ô.o even a ninja can do a higher damage on ground.
      My highest char is a weapon sura, if all the others lay on the ground, i was still standing (not much longer, but still longer)

      if you want the same damage on weaponsuras like body warriors have... why shoud i play sura?

      i see... we don't have a clear picture where we want to go. i think the developers have no one, too.
      no balancing can work like this <.< and no discussion has a sense
    • Erandur wrote:

      if you want the same damage on weaponsuras like body warriors have... why shoud i play sura?
      @Erandur thank for your answer.

      I have 105 level wp. sura and 105 level body warrior.
      Body warrior distinctly better then wp.sura for my level. I can clearly seeing everything for that two class.
      “Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?”
      “Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?”
    • Maybe level make difference for tank decleration.

      Also I have 76 lvl wp. sura for groto and devils catacomb. I can use that character as immortal, in groto, catacomb, fireland, ghost forest and red wood. For lover levels wp. sura is best for PvM, I agree. Minimum cost, maximum yield.

      Higher level every class can beat bosses and metins. I can give many example videos for this but it's not necessary. There is no wp.sura advantage. Weak for PvP as we're talking about.

      As a result; why are we doing high level?
      “Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?”
      “Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?”
    • As last weaponary sura players, probably we will leave this game after beta balancing update. You still think PvE is important. No PvE isn't important. PvE is unnecessary for maximum level players (after 105). But PvP is valuable for every level. Lv 15, 30, 55, 75, 90, 105, 120. It doesn't matter. You can profit by every level. Weaponary sura players don't want PvE power. Give PvP power or delete this character. Let us get rid of. Please.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Amasyali wrote:

      Please Edit weapon suras pvp damages and edit skill's problems, example:Fear skill (I read "Reduce opponent skills" on skill window but work only mobs.. :thumbdown: )
      There is no way to separate PvP and PvE damage.
      The problem with that skill is just translation. It is working as intended.
      We spend a long time in perfecting all skills,we should not be crushed at PvP. I think the fear skill word translation is correct but it works wrong.I request review Pvp-PvE balance.
    • reveina wrote:

      As last weaponary sura players, probably we will leave this game after beta balancing update. You still think PvE is important. No PvE isn't important. PvE is unnecessary for maximum level players (after 105). But PvP is valuable for every level. Lv 15, 30, 55, 75, 90, 105, 120. It doesn't matter. You can profit by every level. Weaponary sura players don't want PvE power. Give PvP power or delete this character. Let us get rid of. Please.
      And what do you want? The best class in PvE being also the best in PvP? Is absurd, I think every class must have a roll and not all classes can be so good in PvP.
    • You're right not everybody can be good in pvp and PvE. However, this is game no longer compensated either pvE or pvp. In PvE you need more no Waffensura, each class can kill with a little equipment and defeat the mobs without problems.
      In Hunting to no longer play against Monster group on maps, you hunting just bosses, and it takes no longer Waffensura.
      From 120 to do only pvp and there the Waffensura despite good equipment is just bad and weak.