Weaponary Suras General Weakness

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    • baklawa wrote:

      @YoTeDoPo @OmulCuier
      I Wonder what is your wp. sura level?
      I have 105 lvl wp. sura, 105 lvl body warrior, 100 lvl dragon force shaman and 76 lvl wp. sura.

      What is your experience with wp. sura?
      I don't have a self-experience with higher lv weaponary suras, but i have friends that are weaponary suras and they, with really worse equipment than me, can do everything in PvE. Also they don't need costumes with magic defense in Enchanted Forest, don't need huge ammounts od Devils and Arrow Resistance in Grotto, they can defeat supermetins (i don't know their English name) using autoattack. A lot of things that I can't do with better equipments with my Shaman, and they do it really easily.

      @baklawa I understand what is your problem, and I'm agree with you that weaponary sura are worse than most of the classes in PvP. But you can't have everything in the same character. Open a threat proposing a PvE balance and I will support all the changes you are proposing to weaponary sura.
    • I have a level 75 Sura Weapons and I only use him for farming and events, so I don't really have any experience with him in PvP but I've seen lots of videos of him in PvP in official servers from my country and he doesn't seem to be weak. He's not powerful but nor is he weak, to me he's in the middle when it comes to PvP and is still the best in PvM.
    • baklawa wrote:

      Maybe level make difference for tank decleration.

      Also I have 76 lvl wp. sura for groto and devils catacomb. I can use that character as immortal, in groto, catacomb, fireland, ghost forest and red wood. For lover levels wp. sura is best for PvM, I agree. Minimum cost, maximum yield.

      Higher level every class can beat bosses and metins. I can give many example videos for this but it's not necessary. There is no wp.sura advantage. Weak for PvP as we're talking about.

      As a result; why are we doing high level?
      I agree with you @OmulCuier you can see my post.
      Game starting with PvE, I like PvM very much.

      "But you can't have everything in the same character." @YoTeDoPo its from you.
      For high lvl, every class can do what wp. sura doing.

      Thank you for support, there has not been any change in wp.sura's benefit for a long time and @unforgivens post is clear; They have no plan for us, maybe later. Only dispell skill changed, enchanted blades hp absorbtion error corrected after three years :)
      “Why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?”
      “Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?”
    • YoTeDoPo wrote:

      baklawa wrote:

      Wp. suras calling on Turkey servers as "Dispeller". Only duty is dispelling others. Because very weak PvP power, because weak skill powers.

      This age is skill age, close combat is non magical. You can try this, maybe you die slower but you cant doing anything to opponents.

      You can't understand wp. sura situation.

      Because you have 75-90 lvl wp. suras for farming and its enough for your game plays and supporting main battle characters.
      But you have to undestand that it is a role game. Of course i can do things in PvE, but i will never be able to enter enchanted forest and use bravery capes or defeat jotun thrym alone. If there is an update with a new map, weaponary suras are the first to get benefit from it because they can adapt to the updates easily than the rest of classes.

      I know that weaponary suras are worse than shamans and black suras, but they can't be the best in everything. Maybe a change in Enchanted Armour, increase the damage of Dispell or reducing a little bit their cooldowns can be viable, but not an increase of skill damage of Finger Strike and Dragon Swirl.
      It isn't a role game! Sura's as known as strong PvP character. You can read context in the game. But he isn't garbage right now. Because he didn't get any changes for 7-8 years. Other characters got a lot changes. Bones, new weapons, 6. skill, cooldown buff (body warrior) and others (new stones for shamans and black magic sura).

      The post was edited 2 times, last by reveina ().

    • reveina wrote:

      It isn't a role game!

      Wikipedia wrote:

      Metin2 is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) originally developed by Ymir Entertainment (now owned by Webzen Games) and originally released in Korea in 2004.[1] It has since been published in many European countries and in the United States by Gameforge 4D GmbH,[2] in Singapore by TEC Interactive.[3] Other versions exist in Asian languages
    • unforgiven wrote:

      Every single person plays differently reveina, just like you prefer PvP there are others who like PvE. I understand your point but, as said before, at the moment there are no plans to change something in Weaponry Sura in regards to PvP.

      The Waffensura has 2 own skills that are USELESS in PvM and PvP from 95.
      Then are the Half-man incomplete and give 3.6% instead of the specified 10% in each item.
      And each class does get new swords of only the Waffensura not.
      All classes get more attack, more Half man, more attack speed.
      Furthermore, you can not improve the Rune sword as Waffensura his specific weapon and is forced if you want to have the new weapon to create a new weapon that is appropriate for the Waffensura of level 65. It needs no other class and is extremely unfair. This can be serious you is a class so neglected.

      We should help and say what bothers us and then nothing is done.
    • Yes you think this is a role game so characters should have different PvP power. What about Knight Online? That game has different roles but all characters almost have same PvP power.

      Find new, true, sensible argument.

      @unforgiven When will you give PvP power to weaponary sura? 5 years later? 10 years later? Never? We have already waited 7 years without any changes. When will you consider weaponary sura? Look to sura threads, notifications. No one talked about suras until this thread. Because weaponary sura is dead. And you still don't think any changes.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by reveina ().

    • - that the solving of the magic does not increase the damage by the half human bonus
      - 2 defensive skills such as dread and magical armor (did not notice much before 105 lwl and 6 kills came to play)
      - the chance to beat the opponent is 0 unless you are able to damage enough damage to your opponent with a finger stroke and a dragon turn,
      - do not work as well as the legends and statues given to the character
      -magic armor combine with horror and new attack skil must be added to the existing skills of the defame is not increased after I do not expect much performance I magical weapon suradan
      -We want to see our accounts like we do on the battlefieldadd-on mental combat skills with 5 attack skillsmental kick,have a strong hit
      - the runic sword still does not turn
      -We want to participate in wars like ourselves
      - Consider these when balancing
    • I very much enjoy this non-sense on beta board , this is not testing this is every1 trying to get arguments to buff their class , lets review this , Weaponry Sura wasnt a character designed for PVP , what are we talking here? He has the best kit for PVE i really dont see an valid argument there beside some s*it , 1st Enchanted blade is more useful that Aura of the sword by the simple HP abs , and its not alittle , and the Fear? A joke of a skill? :)))))))) Lets be real here its the best PVE skill ever , to be able to reduce 37% of the Atk Power at P? Do u realize what that means? Furthermore the Enchanted Armour gives u much more armour in case that u dont have itms. This character was never designed for PVP as i said , it is easy to bring arguments but keep in mind that his PVP aspect is to Dispel and outdamage via auto -attacks , and very skilled suras do that at higher lvl as well , + they have the best kit for PVE ,lets not bring subjective arguments to the table maybe i can get something for my class.
    • That's why you don't know this game. Weaponary sura designed as PvP character. He was the best 1v1 character 4-5 years ago. But the game changed. Another classes got buffs. They have been better character. We have been very weak character after many changes. He hasn't the best kit. If you ask the best kit, you can look lycan character. New character and has the best PvE power. 1st Enchanted Blade isn't useful against blocking and full defence. Fear is a joke skill. It is trash skill. Which character use hit damage except body warrior? Very useless against skill damage. How will you survive against dagger ninja and mental warrior? Also you add useless enchanted armor skill. Woooow 150 defence man. 150 defence. Very big difference. Very usefull skill! Shit skill against bonus.

      Dispel is very good skill! It has delay. You can take 5-10 skill until if you use dispel.

      We have the worst PvP kit and standard PvE kit. You got an answer. You can be pulled.
    • To be honest i think most of you guys are whining.
      If the 1hit bug in pve is solved where is the problem, you still are one of the best pve classes. You might bot deal the most damage ( however it has been showed that wpsura can deal crazy amount of dmg with right alchemy/eq) but you are very solid. I remeber farming with wp sura is chill cause you almost never die.

      so to the pvp point. I dont want to offend anybody but most of the people here whining about how weak wp sura in pvp is are just not "good" enough.

      I would describe the class for pvp very eq and alchemy dependent. The better your stuff is the better your char scales. I have played and also seen wp suras with alchemy near to be perfect and trust me they are strong. Its just that you need that stuff to matter, and many of you dont have it. The fact that people still think dagger ninjas skills are his main dmg resource in high class pvp shows that you havent really played it.
    • ZunamiBeta wrote:

      Weapon sura is a beast class in pvm of course and is also really good in high level pvp, if you say that is crap in pvp, probably you didnt tried it with good items and the right alchemy

      Your video hasn't anything. Briefly it isn't an evidence. Weaponary sura is standard in PvE but useless, trash in PvP. No info. I didn't see your HP, items, potions. No info. Sorry that video doesn't prove anything.

      On the other hand damage videos show everything. Because defence get calculated over damage. I mean if you hasn't skill damage, your character is useless in PvP. This is reality.

      Also you didn't demonstrate enemy's defence. Maybe they haven't any defence?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by reveina ().