Weaponary Suras General Weakness

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    • Say me

      Where are items? Where is market support? Where are enemy's defences? Where is sword defence? You fight against low defence. I can understand that. Because I played enough in this game. You can't hit that damage against full defence.

      Are you serious? You didn't prove anything. Probably that guy found a video on Youtube. (after many researches) We aren't brainless. Even you can't find longer and clearer video.

      Weaponary sura hasn't a change against same defence, same bonus.

      Meanwhile if we come PvE. Yes mate we are the PvE monster but razador boss shred us. Lycans and body warriors are more comfortable against razador.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by reveina ().

    • reveina wrote:

      Weaponary sura hasn't a change against same defence, same bonus.

      That’s just not true. Get your Boost up to perfect, and you will deal up to 5,8k on 60 Defence and Sura Shield.

      As a Weaponary Sure you have to rely on using Attacks + Skills. It has ALAWYS been this way since this Class got released.

      reveina wrote:

      Meanwhile if we come PvE. Yes mate we are the PvE monster but razador boss shred us.

      If the Razador shreds you, your Equipment is simply not good enough. I was able to easily kill it with Matt/Clear Alchemy, same goes for Nemere and the other Bosses I did solo.
      If you’re expecting to Solo a Boss without having Titan Shield + a good Diamond, your Expectations are just too high. So if you get one hit too often your Skill Resistance is just way to low.
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Alles was ich im Umfang einer Diskussion schreibe, stellt lediglich meine persönliche Meinung dar.
      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • Howcome you can say that Weaponary Sura is bad xD
      Saying that is just example you don't finish your chracter yet or literally don't know how to play it.

      Weaponary Sura is PERFECT to setup in wars or battles, because of his tanky setup (next to Black Magic Suras) and the Diespel skill that can change the battles in his team lead.

      Since Metin2 was made, that SuraWP was and in my opinion still is the strongest character in PvE and if someone likes that playstyle also is a beast in PvP. I can agree that there is not so much good PvP Weaponary Suras, and it's because it has specific playstyle if it comes to fights.

      The first Meley SOLO was made by Weaponary Sura.

      You can't expect from game that is somekind of RPG having every vocation the same or with the same power.

      There are few good Weaponary Suras around the servers like: Zunami on DE (PvP and PvE), Vajcik on CZ (PvE, first one that did Meley solo), MistrzTokarz on PL (PvP), olsenus on PL (PvE) and some more.

      Some examples of dmg:

      Most of people that talking are not even using the INT eq to boost up ;)
      Nickname: Dosarphic
      Profession: Ninja Archer
      Lv: 115

      Metin2 PL
      Server: Samos [s.51]
    • You think weaponary sura killed all of the enemy? It is ridiculous because there are many people. Weaponary sura only used his dragon swirl and finger skill. Also we can't understand anything of that video. Because I can't see alchemy, dews, item shop, and enemy's defence. You know weaponary sura is weak. So you don't want PvP power for weaponary sura. Briefly you don't want another opponent class.

      Dosarphic, you're still talking about PvE. Why not are talking about PvP? Talk reality. Also lycans can do same thing. Even more.

      meh, That's true. Weaponary sura is the worst (by far) PvP class. Yes weaponary sura hasn't a chance against mental warrior, dagger and archery ninjas, black magic and shamans. We can just fight against body warrior and lycans if we can dispel them. (bullshit because it is possibility) We can't use our attacks against blocking and sword defence. Because we haven't many options.

      No it hasn't always been. Because there is no 6. skill, alchemy, pet, shoulder, costums, weapon skins. All this changes killed us. All this changes killed auto hit damage. All this changes killed body warrior and weaponary sura in PvP.

      Razador just shred us. It doesn't shred another classes. Do you try razador? Probably no. Because you are speaking by heart. So we aren't the best PvE class. Maybe until 90 lv we are the best.

      Yes we need PvP power. Don't be afraid weaponary sura and weaponary sura players. Also don't sabotage this thread with wrong ideas and videos.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by reveina ().

    • reveina wrote:

      Dosarphic, you're still talking about PvE. Why not are talking about PvP? Talk reality. Also lycans can do same thing. Even more.

      reveina wrote:

      meh, That's true. Weaponary sura is the worst (by far) PvP class
      Worst? It's specific and to play Weaponary Sura in the PvP way you have to adore this class. Of course you can't deal TONS OF DMG, but you are tanky enought, you got the most hated skill that is Dispel and with the same eq vs enemy you just gettin' off the buffs and auras from enemy making you free win when you go some abs eq + full piercing. You (as a class in Metin2) can't be good everywhere, but sura is very OK vs exp/bosses/drop and stabil in the PvP if you are dedicated Weaponary Sura.

      Reality you said. Tell me what % of all Weaponay Suras carry in eq the items with +12 INT bonus. Tell me how many Weaponary Suras playing PvP way - right, not so many and it's because they don't like this playstyle in PvP, that is ok when you don't like PvP mechanics of one class you can make another strict to only PvP while having Weaponary Sura to drop and earn yangs for the another one.
      In the past there was (on PL) alot of people going Weaponary Sura to fast profit and then making Black Magic ones to have fun in PvP that they hadn't on the WP ones.

      And don't compare them to Lycans. Lycans ONLY advantage is that metins, bosses and stuff have no defence against claws. That is the only thing Lycans making faster Dragons, Razadors and stuff like that. Don't tell me Lycan is beast in PvP. Of course he is if you fight him with low or no defence against Lycans/claws.
      Nickname: Dosarphic
      Profession: Ninja Archer
      Lv: 115

      Metin2 PL
      Server: Samos [s.51]

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Dosarphic ().

    • reveina wrote:

      meh, That's true. Weaponary sura is the worst (by far) PvP class. Yes weaponary sura hasn't a chance against mental warrior, dagger and archery ninjas, black magic and shamans. We can just fight against body warrior and lycans if we can dispel them. (bullshit because it is possibility) We can't use our attacks against blocking and sword defence. Because we haven't many options.

      If that is the case you are playing your Character wrong. You should not blame the character for situations in which you lose. That’s up to you and your equipment. The character itself is fine the way it is, I can assure you that. At least I never had problems playing with it, but that may be because I knew how to. Judging from your Posts you got a wrong mindset. Weaponary Sura doesn’t deal most of his Damage with Skills. It’s a combination of Skills and Attacks. 2-3k Piercing Hits + 5,8k Skills on Full Defense doesn’t seem weak to me – sorry.

      I have tried the Razador myself, yes. Or where else do you think I got my 3 perfect Pets from? I played a Weaponary Sura myself and strangely I never thought something about the class itself is “weak”.

      Please.. as soon as the Beta comes online, log in and I’ll take a look at your equipment. Because from what you are writing I’m 100% certain that bad Equipment is the real Reason for your Character getting crushed. Either that or a wrong mindset, as I said. I don’t know what you expect from a class, 15k Skill Damage? Tank everything.. sorry buddy, that’s just not realistic.

      The Sura is fine, the way it is. Other Players with good Equipment and Alchemy have proven that (I consider 15 15 10 Defence + HP in 1 Piece and min. Clear Alchemy as “good Equipment” if you’re running around with less than that, you should know what you’re doing wrong). But still it should come to no Surprise, that you get hit for a Lot if you're wearing 15 Sword, Two Handed & Dagger Defence while you're missing out on Claw & Arrow Resistance. But that's called "bad Equipment Choice" not "Character Weakness".
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Alles was ich im Umfang einer Diskussion schreibe, stellt lediglich meine persönliche Meinung dar.
      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • 1-shamans and blackbirds.
      Added spellbinding stone.blackjack has five attacking skills.Shamans have three attacking abilities, but the duration of these skills is high.
      2-close combat ninjas.the sixth attacking skill has been added, and this character has five attacking skills and is so good at the time of the armed attacks.
      3-archer ninjas.the sixth ability to deal damage like spark hit.the last update is added in a slight step attack.
      4-mental combatants.the sixth sixth attacking skill has been added and the game has the most damaging skills.soul hit and violent hit.
      5-bodily warrior. added sixth skill
      6-magical weapon sura.the magical sharpness of your attack power has been reduced from 585 to 525.critical hits and piercing hits to your skills, you have two aggressive skills and a high retention time.
      7- You can easily gain 35000 life points after these innovations with the porki, khan seal, domestic alien, alchemy, belt, belt, costume, etc coming from Metin2. You can not fight this attack power with 2 attacking players with this kind of life score.
      8-I think gameforge and webzen will solve these problems.we do the balancing test and hopefully when the test is over, all players take their place in battlefields on equal level.
      9-Please note that Metin2 is an online game and all accounts have equal rights to participate in the battlefield.
      10-pve character does not have anything that makes the necessary items can be every character pve'yi.
    • meh wrote:

      reveina wrote:

      meh, That's true. Weaponary sura is the worst (by far) PvP class. Yes weaponary sura hasn't a chance against mental warrior, dagger and archery ninjas, black magic and shamans. We can just fight against body warrior and lycans if we can dispel them. (bullshit because it is possibility) We can't use our attacks against blocking and sword defence. Because we haven't many options.
      If that is the case you are playing your Character wrong. You should not blame the character for situations in which you lose. That’s up to you and your equipment. The character itself is fine the way it is, I can assure you that. At least I never had problems playing with it, but that may be because I knew how to. Judging from your Posts you got a wrong mindset. Weaponary Sura doesn’t deal most of his Damage with Skills. It’s a combination of Skills and Attacks. 2-3k Piercing Hits + 5,8k Skills on Full Defense doesn’t seem weak to me – sorry.

      I have tried the Razador myself, yes. Or where else do you think I got my 3 perfect Pets from? I played a Weaponary Sura myself and strangely I never thought something about the class itself is “weak”.

      Please.. as soon as the Beta comes online, log in and I’ll take a look at your equipment. Because from what you are writing I’m 100% certain that bad Equipment is the real Reason for your Character getting crushed. Either that or a wrong mindset, as I said. I don’t know what you expect from a class, 15k Skill Damage? Tank everything.. sorry buddy, that’s just not realistic.

      The Sura is fine, the way it is. Other Players with good Equipment and Alchemy have proven that (I consider 15 15 10 Defence + HP in 1 Piece and min. Clear Alchemy as “good Equipment” if you’re running around with less than that, you should know what you’re doing wrong). But still it should come to no Surprise, that you get hit for a Lot if you're wearing 15 Sword, Two Handed & Dagger Defence while you're missing out on Claw & Arrow Resistance. But that's called "bad Equipment Choice" not "Character Weakness".
      No. You defend wrong argument. I blame my character over full items. So I'm right. Because I have maximum things. I can't do more. My equipments are enough but my character isn't enough. It isn't hard to understand. Actually you understand but you deny. You never had problems because you never had enough lv.

      Attacks are useless right now. So body warrior and weaponary sura are the weakest 2 classes. It isn't difficult to see. Skill damage is more important right now. So dagger ninja, archery ninja, lycan (he has both auto ttack and skill) and mental warrior are the strongest classes. Yes we want good skill damage. Because we already has two active skills. Finger and dragon swirl. So we should have higher skill damage.

      I take higher damage same items with weaponary sura from razador. You didn't think about the class itself is weak. Because you never did fight against many people, many character. Bad equipment isn't real reason. I already have maximum equipment and I passed another characters for PvP. So funny. I reached lv 120 and I started another character for teamfight.

      Weaponary sura isn't fine. Another players have same equipment and they can do more work. I have multiple 120 character. They have same items, equipments. The weakest class is weaponary sura. Then body warrior. Don't worry. I know everything. I will put in order all characters as PvP.

      2-Dagger ninja
      3-Mental warrior
      4-Archery ninja
      5-Black magic sura
      6-Shamans (they almost have equal power)
      7-Body warrior and weaponary sura

      I understand and know PvP. Weaponary sura needs buffs. Even skill damage buff and more weapon option.

      Why another characters got multiple buffs? They didn't need but they got! We need more. I blame my character because he is very weak. I can't fight another classes without better equipment. It isn't fair. I do not have to deposit more money. I want PvP power for my character.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by reveina ().

    • Dosarphic wrote:

      reveina wrote:

      Dosarphic, you're still talking about PvE. Why not are talking about PvP? Talk reality. Also lycans can do same thing. Even more.

      reveina wrote:

      meh, That's true. Weaponary sura is the worst (by far) PvP class
      Worst? It's specific and to play Weaponary Sura in the PvP way you have to adore this class. Of course you can't deal TONS OF DMG, but you are tanky enought, you got the most hated skill that is Dispel and with the same eq vs enemy you just gettin' off the buffs and auras from enemy making you free win when you go some abs eq + full piercing. You (as a class in Metin2) can't be good everywhere, but sura is very OK vs exp/bosses/drop and stabil in the PvP if you are dedicated Weaponary Sura.

      Reality you said. Tell me what % of all Weaponay Suras carry in eq the items with +12 INT bonus. Tell me how many Weaponary Suras playing PvP way - right, not so many and it's because they don't like this playstyle in PvP, that is ok when you don't like PvP mechanics of one class you can make another strict to only PvP while having Weaponary Sura to drop and earn yangs for the another one.
      In the past there was (on PL) alot of people going Weaponary Sura to fast profit and then making Black Magic ones to have fun in PvP that they hadn't on the WP ones.

      And don't compare them to Lycans. Lycans ONLY advantage is that metins, bosses and stuff have no defence against claws. That is the only thing Lycans making faster Dragons, Razadors and stuff like that. Don't tell me Lycan is beast in PvP. Of course he is if you fight him with low or no defence against Lycans/claws.
      Your argument is completely wrong. Lycan has metin, boss, auto attack and PvP advantage. Weaponary sura just have PvE advantage between 30-90 lvls.

      This balancing should require equal PvP idea. I don't want my character as standard PvE and the worst PvP character. If we are the best PvE class, where is our advantage after 95 lv? You still didn't answer. Because you deny.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by reveina ().

    • ZunamiBeta wrote:

      Weapon sura is a beast class in pvm of course and is also really good in high level pvp, if you say that is crap in pvp, probably you didnt tried it with good items and the right alchemy

      The right question : how much money you put to make this video ? (Itemshop longterm / shortterm)

      Ps : i have x2 armor 115+9 / x2 runes sword +9 / x2 helmet 100+9, ... i know how its work.

      reveina wrote:

      meh wrote:

      reveina wrote:

      meh, That's true. Weaponary sura is the worst (by far) PvP class. Yes weaponary sura hasn't a chance against mental warrior, dagger and archery ninjas, black magic and shamans. We can just fight against body warrior and lycans if we can dispel them. (bullshit because it is possibility) We can't use our attacks against blocking and sword defence. Because we haven't many options.
      If that is the case you are playing your Character wrong. You should not blame the character for situations in which you lose. That’s up to you and your equipment. The character itself is fine the way it is, I can assure you that. At least I never had problems playing with it, but that may be because I knew how to. Judging from your Posts you got a wrong mindset. Weaponary Sura doesn’t deal most of his Damage with Skills. It’s a combination of Skills and Attacks. 2-3k Piercing Hits + 5,8k Skills on Full Defense doesn’t seem weak to me – sorry.
      I have tried the Razador myself, yes. Or where else do you think I got my 3 perfect Pets from? I played a Weaponary Sura myself and strangely I never thought something about the class itself is “weak”.

      Please.. as soon as the Beta comes online, log in and I’ll take a look at your equipment. Because from what you are writing I’m 100% certain that bad Equipment is the real Reason for your Character getting crushed. Either that or a wrong mindset, as I said. I don’t know what you expect from a class, 15k Skill Damage? Tank everything.. sorry buddy, that’s just not realistic.

      The Sura is fine, the way it is. Other Players with good Equipment and Alchemy have proven that (I consider 15 15 10 Defence + HP in 1 Piece and min. Clear Alchemy as “good Equipment” if you’re running around with less than that, you should know what you’re doing wrong). But still it should come to no Surprise, that you get hit for a Lot if you're wearing 15 Sword, Two Handed & Dagger Defence while you're missing out on Claw & Arrow Resistance. But that's called "bad Equipment Choice" not "Character Weakness".
      No. You defend wrong argument. I blame my character over full items. So I'm right. Because I have maximum things. I can't do more. My equipments are enough but my character isn't enough. It isn't hard to understand. Actually you understand but you deny. You never had problems because you never had enough lv.
      Attacks are useless right now. So body warrior and weaponary sura are the weakest 2 classes. It isn't difficult to see. Skill damage is more important right now. So dagger ninja, archery ninja, lycan (he has both auto ttack and skill) and mental warrior are the strongest classes. Yes we want good skill damage. Because we already has two active skills. Finger and dragon swirl. So we should have higher skill damage.

      I take higher damage same items with weaponary sura from razador. You didn't think about the class itself is weak. Because you never did fight against many people, many character. Bad equipment isn't real reason. I already have maximum equipment and I passed another characters for PvP. So funny. I reached lv 120 and I started another character for teamfight.

      Weaponary sura isn't fine. Another players have same equipment and they can do more work. I have multiple 120 character. They have same items, equipments. The weakest class is weaponary sura. Then body warrior. Don't worry. I know everything. I will put in order all characters as PvP.

      2-Dagger ninja
      3-Mental warrior
      4-Archery ninja
      5-Black magic sura
      6-Shamans (they almost have equal power)
      7-Body warrior and weaponary sura

      I understand and know PvP. Weaponary sura needs buffs. Even skill damage buff and more weapon option.

      Why another characters got multiple buffs? They didn't need but they got! We need more. I blame my character because he is very weak. I can't fight another classes without better equipment. It isn't fair. I do not have to deposit more money. I want PvP power for my character.
      I'm not agree with this order, smarter body warrior can switch with 2 hands and do better dommages than weaponary sura.
      For me the order is :
      1. Lycan (the famous claw bonus --> that nobody has without buying/switch a complete stuff)

      2. Dagger ninja ( magical/dagger dmg, can use swords)

      3. Mental warrier ( 2 hands / 1 hands, 5 attack skill, ...)
      4. Black magic sura (anti magic/ 5 attack skill / 1 protection broken)
      5. Shamans (2 type of weapons , anti magic)

      6. body warior ( 2 hands / 1 hands)

      7. Archery ninja (just one bow/ maybe better with update ?)
      8. weaponary sura : fear doesnt work very well in pvp / enchented armour useless / only one hands / runique sword cant be upgrade ...

      Yudo - Sura Weaponary
    • At least number 6-7-8 should get some buffs for PvP. They should approach top rows. Etc weaponary sura hasn't a chance against dagger ninja. Even dispel is useless skill against dagger ninja. Moreover dispel was nerfed. We have been worse PvP character.

      Game admins should set a boundary. Etc number 1-2-3 should get nerf. Number 6-7-8 should get buff. Number 4 and 5 should stay same.
    • Yudo wrote:

      ZunamiBeta wrote:

      Weapon sura is a beast class in pvm of course and is also really good in high level pvp, if you say that is crap in pvp, probably you didnt tried it with good items and the right alchemy

      The right question : how much money you put to make this video ? (Itemshop longterm / shortterm)

      Ps : i have x2 armor 115+9 / x2 runes sword +9 / x2 helmet 100+9, ... i know how its work.

      reveina wrote:

      meh wrote:

      reveina wrote:

      meh, That's true. Weaponary sura is the worst (by far) PvP class. Yes weaponary sura hasn't a chance against mental warrior, dagger and archery ninjas, black magic and shamans. We can just fight against body warrior and lycans if we can dispel them. (bullshit because it is possibility) We can't use our attacks against blocking and sword defence. Because we haven't many options.
      If that is the case you are playing your Character wrong. You should not blame the character for situations in which you lose. That’s up to you and your equipment. The character itself is fine the way it is, I can assure you that. At least I never had problems playing with it, but that may be because I knew how to. Judging from your Posts you got a wrong mindset. Weaponary Sura doesn’t deal most of his Damage with Skills. It’s a combination of Skills and Attacks. 2-3k Piercing Hits + 5,8k Skills on Full Defense doesn’t seem weak to me – sorry.I have tried the Razador myself, yes. Or where else do you think I got my 3 perfect Pets from? I played a Weaponary Sura myself and strangely I never thought something about the class itself is “weak”.

      Please.. as soon as the Beta comes online, log in and I’ll take a look at your equipment. Because from what you are writing I’m 100% certain that bad Equipment is the real Reason for your Character getting crushed. Either that or a wrong mindset, as I said. I don’t know what you expect from a class, 15k Skill Damage? Tank everything.. sorry buddy, that’s just not realistic.

      The Sura is fine, the way it is. Other Players with good Equipment and Alchemy have proven that (I consider 15 15 10 Defence + HP in 1 Piece and min. Clear Alchemy as “good Equipment” if you’re running around with less than that, you should know what you’re doing wrong). But still it should come to no Surprise, that you get hit for a Lot if you're wearing 15 Sword, Two Handed & Dagger Defence while you're missing out on Claw & Arrow Resistance. But that's called "bad Equipment Choice" not "Character Weakness".
      No. You defend wrong argument. I blame my character over full items. So I'm right. Because I have maximum things. I can't do more. My equipments are enough but my character isn't enough. It isn't hard to understand. Actually you understand but you deny. You never had problems because you never had enough lv.Attacks are useless right now. So body warrior and weaponary sura are the weakest 2 classes. It isn't difficult to see. Skill damage is more important right now. So dagger ninja, archery ninja, lycan (he has both auto ttack and skill) and mental warrior are the strongest classes. Yes we want good skill damage. Because we already has two active skills. Finger and dragon swirl. So we should have higher skill damage.

      I take higher damage same items with weaponary sura from razador. You didn't think about the class itself is weak. Because you never did fight against many people, many character. Bad equipment isn't real reason. I already have maximum equipment and I passed another characters for PvP. So funny. I reached lv 120 and I started another character for teamfight.

      Weaponary sura isn't fine. Another players have same equipment and they can do more work. I have multiple 120 character. They have same items, equipments. The weakest class is weaponary sura. Then body warrior. Don't worry. I know everything. I will put in order all characters as PvP.

      2-Dagger ninja
      3-Mental warrior
      4-Archery ninja
      5-Black magic sura
      6-Shamans (they almost have equal power)
      7-Body warrior and weaponary sura

      I understand and know PvP. Weaponary sura needs buffs. Even skill damage buff and more weapon option.

      Why another characters got multiple buffs? They didn't need but they got! We need more. I blame my character because he is very weak. I can't fight another classes without better equipment. It isn't fair. I do not have to deposit more money. I want PvP power for my character.
      I'm not agree with this order, smarter body warrior can switch with 2 hands and do better dommages than weaponary sura.For me the order is :
      1. Lycan (the famous claw bonus --> that nobody has without buying/switch a complete stuff)

      2. Dagger ninja ( magical/dagger dmg, can use swords)

      3. Mental warrier ( 2 hands / 1 hands, 5 attack skill, ...)
      4. Black magic sura (anti magic/ 5 attack skill / 1 protection broken)
      5. Shamans (2 type of weapons , anti magic)

      6. body warior ( 2 hands / 1 hands)

      7. Archery ninja (just one bow/ maybe better with update ?)
      8. weaponary sura : fear doesnt work very well in pvp / enchented armour useless / only one hands / runique sword cant be upgrade ...

      Yudo - Sura Weaponary
      Yes I can be wrong about archery ninja. However ranking is more or less like this.

      Sorry for spam quote.
    • reveina wrote:

      I don't care your biased comments.
      You're making lists about which characters are strongest in pvp? That is not biased or what?

      Yudo wrote:

      6. body warior ( 2 hands / 1 hands)
      A body warrior can't switch between weapons during a fight (aura of the sword), I'd personnaly rank weapon sura above body warriors for pvp but that's just my opinion.

      Yudo wrote:

      1. Lycan (the famous claw bonus --> that nobody has without buying/switch a complete stuff)
      I don't understand how you can put that at top with the argument 'no claw def', that's still not the character's fault but the fault of your items. Nevertheless, Lycans are still somwhere in the same range as mentals/daggers imo, looking at damage from skills. A small nerf in crimson could be accepted, because of lycans also having more pvm power than these. However the current nerf is too excessive,
      á damage nerf is not even that necessary as claimed. This character also has disadvantages, but some people just don't see them or don't accept them as a disadvantage and same goes for certain advantages of certain characters.

      Everyone is litteraly saying that claw defs are usually the problem against this character. So why is this not being tackled in the first place?

      Yudo wrote:

      4. Black magic sura (anti magic/ 5 attack skill / 1 protection broken)
      5. Shamans (2 type of weapons , anti magic)
      I don't understand how these are below mental (with the current antimagic on official). Magical characters should get a buff in their damage, and nerf in anti magic (as they are planning in the beta).

      Yudo wrote:

      7. Archery ninja (just one bow/ maybe better with update ?)
      Let's hope so.

      And who cares anyways about a pvp list like that?
      1. The game has become more about pvm, also explaining why body warriors/weapon suras are much more popular than other characters.
      2. The game is more about items/alch/pets/.. rather than which character you are playing, which brings us back to point 1. Why would you play a rather bad pvm character when you can basically achieve nearly the same in pvp with a good pvm character? For fun or for more diversity, nothing more.

      The post was edited 4 times, last by jeroenado ().

    • Shaman is currently(offical server) the strongest pvp class thanks to antimagic how can you list shaman on rang 5?
      Lycan rang 1 is also not true. When you have enough defense against him he is not that strong. For example mental warrior makes more physical damage on same defense than a lycan.

      Also its not rly a antimagic nerf. Blackmagic sura makes more damage on the beta. Shaman is a little bit weaker compared to offical server but still too strong. Shamans do on the beta 7-14k damage on 108 magicresistance, 77 shaman defense and 29 skill resistance how can this be balanced?
    • jeroenado wrote:

      Yudo wrote:

      6. body warior ( 2 hands / 1 hands)
      A body warrior can't switch between weapons during a fight (aura of the sword), I'd personnaly rank weapon sura above body warriors for pvp but that's just my opinion.

      Yudo wrote:

      1. Lycan (the famous claw bonus --> that nobody has without buying/switch a complete stuff)
      I don't understand how you can put that at top with the argument 'no claw def', that's still not the character's fault but the fault of your items. Nevertheless, Lycans are still somwhere in the same range as mentals/daggers imo, looking at damage from skills. A small nerf in crimson could be accepted, because of lycans also having more pvm power than these. However the current nerf is too excessive,á damage nerf is not even that necessary as claimed. This character also has disadvantages, but some people just don't see them or don't accept them as a disadvantage and same goes for certain advantages of certain characters.

      Everyone is litteraly saying that claw defs are usually the problem against this character. So why is this not being tackled in the first place?
      1.When smart body warrior performs a weapon change during a duel. / in war, most of the time aura is gone and switch is an advantage.

      2.The famous old (new) character (lycan) highlights the fact that we need the itemshop, this is not an option as you are made to believe (most people of my server stop because of that).

      The balancing with someone who play freely and someone who pay was broken, if they add new itemshop bonus the game will close. (Fact talks : 5 server put in 1 --> FR servers no one PvP except noobs under lvl 60)

      I like this game, and its hard to say, but metin2 is the more expensive game i never see ...

    • reveina wrote:

      Attacks are useless right now. So body warrior and weaponary sura are the weakest 2 classes. It isn't difficult to see. Skill damage is more important right now. So dagger ninja, archery ninja, lycan (he has both auto ttack and skill) and mental warrior are the strongest classes. Yes we want good skill damage. Because we already has two active skills. Finger and dragon swirl. So we should have higher skill damage.

      I take higher damage same items with weaponary sura from razador. You didn't think about the class itself is weak. Because you never did fight against many people, many character. Bad equipment isn't real reason. I already have maximum equipment and I passed another characters for PvP. So funny. I reached lv 120 and I started another character for teamfight.

      Weaponary sura isn't fine. Another players have same equipment and they can do more work. I have multiple 120 character. They have same items, equipments. The weakest class is weaponary sura. Then body warrior. Don't worry. I know everything. I will put in order all characters as PvP.

      You’re in denial. First of all as I said i used the Weaponary Sura for straight 7 Years in PvP. So please, stop referring to me as some Idiot who has no clue about the game, if you want to fool people into thinking the Weaponary Sura Is very weak – try it, but that’s not going to work with me. Just because I experienced it myself and I know better.

      You have maximum Equipment? Meaning 4/5x 15 Defense + Excellent Alchemy? Please, log into the Beta later that Day and give me your in game Nick. I’d like to check that for myself, since I don’t believe you a bit:)

      The Reason why the Weaponary Sura can’t be the strongest is simple. He has many Advantages that make PvE very easy for him (Lifesteal) and even though Fear is not working on higher Lvls you still get hit for less. Evading is a big Thing to when talking about Archers shooting at you, PvP Helmet with 15 Evading in Combination with Fear is pretty strong.

      Talking about Attack Damage, sorry that’s a lie. Everybody is focusing on Skill Resistance these Day, people without Block get hit for a lot. Same can be seen as a Body Warrior. And NO, you WONT get higher Skill Damage. That’s because you’re not supposed to kill your Enemies with Skill damage, rather than with a combination of Skill + Attack Damage.

      Please tell me your in game Nick, I will take a look into your stuff.

      I got one more Thing to add. If you’re wearing 3x 60 Defense in Open PvP, that’s fine and good – yes. But it should come to no surprise that Lycans/Archer Ninja’s hit you for a lot. But as I mentioned above, that’s not the Classes fault. You will NEVER be able to defend against everybody. And that’s a good thing. You have to find a way to defend against as many Threads as possible from a Combination of Defense, Resistance against X, Belts, Pet Defense etc.

      You got a wrong mindset if you expect to be immune against every form of Attack.
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Alles was ich im Umfang einer Diskussion schreibe, stellt lediglich meine persönliche Meinung dar.
      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • You're in denial. You deny who is weak character. Do you know balance cycle? If another characters get buffs but if weaponary sura doesn't get? You know what it means. Weaponary sura can stay weak character. Yes you have no clue about the game. Actually you have no clue about balancing. You don't know anything. You are just talking.

      Yes I have maximum damage but weaponary sura can take the most damage. I logged Beta every day. Don't wonder. Honeyeyes. Check my nickname or don't write.

      He isn't the best PvE class so he should have better PvP power. Also he hasn't many advantages. He doesn't stay best PvE character after 90 lv. So your argument is invalid again. Woooow really? PvP helmet is very strong? Are you kidding me? No one cares PvE. PvE is in the backround. Every use our character and body warrior secondary or event character. Woooow. PvE is so important man. Moreover we aren't the best PvE character after a certain level. I already said my nick.

      No. That's the character fault. If a character doesn't good work with same items, that's problem. That means this character need buff. Why do i have to deposit more money for PvP? I'm not foof. Every character should have equal PvE and PvP power. Like another MMORPG games. I have to defend against ridiculous op dagger ninja and lycan. It isn't fair situation. I didn't need PvE as 120 lv character. My character is still staying as 120 lv. It has been 4 years. What is mean of PvE? Yes I'm saying again. PvE is useless, trash, garbage. Whatever you say. I already have maximum equipment but that isn't enough. That isn't enough against op PvP characters like dagger, archery ninjas, lycans and mental warriors. And this situation isn't fair.

      What is your problem? You didn't prove anything. You're talking nonsense.

      Yes weaponary sura needs buff by this arguments.