Lycan DMG on Metins (Original vs Beta) + PvM Feedback Lycan

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    • I can assure you that were not just destroying 1 Metin Stone while were in the process of testing something ;)

      But keep in mind, that there’s also Lycan players who react way more “calm”. Who are looking at the “full spectrum” and agree that the Lycan nerf itself is acceptable.
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Alles was ich im Umfang einer Diskussion schreibe, stellt lediglich meine persönliche Meinung dar.
      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • meh wrote:

      I can assure you that were not just destroying 1 Metin Stone while were in the process of testing something ;)

      But keep in mind, that there’s also Lycan players who react way more “calm”. Who are looking at the “full spectrum” and agree that the Lycan nerf itself is acceptable.
      with the nerf to the damage, yes

      with the short duration of 55 seconds,

      those who hate lycan if they would agree

      neither for pvp nor for pvm
    • We can not perceive a future balance for PvP as a result of this. A friend only observes for PvE as we lycan players still do not like nerf.55 seconds very short and full INT +640 crimson damage very little

      Magical Weapon (+780) Body (+800) and do not wait for us to believe that the times are longer than we can still assume is fair :)

      For lycan +800 Crimson Wolf Soul(with Full INT) Enough

      Time must +100 second.
    • IElfenLied wrote:

      We can not perceive a future balance for PvP as a result of this. A friend only observes for PvE as we lycan players still do not like nerf.55 seconds very short and full INT +640 crimson damage very little

      Magical Weapon (+780) Body (+800) and do not wait for us to believe that the times are longer than we can still assume is fair :)

      For lycan +800 Crimson Wolf Soul(with Full INT) Enough

      Time must +100 second.
      I prefer that they fix the duration of 55 that increase the damage, 55 is unplayable
      in a pvp 2 - 3 seconds that takes to activate the ability (without intelligence equipment) is to receive and not to give much damage ... if they leave it thus, only for that reason stopped playing with the lycan

      the reduction of the duration of the skill to 1/3 of what was before has no justification
    • I didn't see many lycans saying this nerf is acceptable... But if you say, i try believe you... Is hard after a tester asked to lycans owners what the problem in this new crimson wolf duration time... If you guys really here to help, so is obvious what the problem...
      Damage nerf is a problem, but no so big than duration problem... Now we just need wait to see if our feedback really is important, and if they will change skill time and give a bit more damage to crimson.
    • There are no lycans in these threads, who think that this nerf is acceptable! Everybody says that only a small nerf is "okay"!

      Check your info and the threads! @meh
      Our opinion is that the nerf is much too high! Your opinion is an problem! But you have to check the "Full spectrum" because we are Metin2!

      My main character is weaponary sura and I AGREE WITH THE LYCANS and their argumentation, that the nerf is not acceptable, as an outstanding class! Should been noticed!
    • İ am weaponry sura. And Lycans are still very powerful. İn Pvm they are most powerful character, in PvM they are most powerful character too. They have 4 attack skill working very very well. They have 2 skill that make them very powerfull. GAMEFORGE R U JOKİNG?

      So What is fair? Just delete Crimson Wolf Soul. That is fair. İf u think lycan is weak. Play Weaponry sura!!!!!
    • meh wrote:

      I can assure you that were not just destroying 1 Metin Stone while were in the process of testing something ;)

      But keep in mind, that there’s also Lycan players who react way more “calm”. Who are looking at the “full spectrum” and agree that the Lycan nerf itself is acceptable.
      i dont see lykans saying is acceptable, especially the duration, even not lykans are saying that the nerf will ruin the chracther, the nerf is not live yet and im seeing almost of lykan of my country leaving the game, even the 105+. Do you tested pvp? cause i do... and our damage is really low vs defenses, we deal 2k skills full HH is this normal?
    • If I can switch lycan to any other class like wp or body I will make it even right now. Why I don't do this? Because I have excellent/brilliant alchemy and a lot of lycan eq +9 with defense etc. Just give something to 100% successfully remove alchemy and u will see how much lycan stays.

      Just be seriously u can't make lycan the weakest class, with broken hits from ground and 55s duration skill time. If u reduce then reduce EVERY CLASS, not only the skills with dmg but also skills another class without enchanted sword etc. Because reduce lucan attack value = reduce skill dmg.

      And please don't cry that wp don't make great dmg, I compared lycan and wp and as I wrote lycan without switching on purple with int eq make THE SAME DMG.
    • So I finally tested my lycan in beta too.
      The damage nerf isn't that bad. I expected worse:
      lv95 lycan, 92/94 bios not done, matt alchemy, 2 pets, 46avg lv70+9 claw, 20% vs monster battle boar, P crimson, lv100 metins
      On beta slightly better sash (8-10av, 2%avg difference) and more attack from leadership (P on beta, g8 on live, 12av difference)

      Live server: with 145int (+929) 11.7-12.2k crits; with 90int (+585) 9.6-10.5k crits
      Beta server: with 145int (+567) 9.8-10.6k crits; with 90int (+360) 8.8-9.7k crits

      So with 145int lost about 1.6k (13.1%) from the max values and 1.9k (16.2%) from min values
      With 90int it's 0.8k (7.6%) lost from max values and 0.8k (8.3%) from min values.

      So far judging form the results of my and Yemons tests seems like the high lvl all out push people will feel the nerf the most.
      I will do some more tests later when I get some more time without pets/alchemy and with more noobish items :D

      The duration must be changed tho :( on beta had to activate it twice to kill one metin. It should be at least 100sec

      I'm more tended to pvm but I have some pvp items so tried a bit of pvp too :D

      10hh on helm/brac/earrings, 5hh on shield, 20hh on lv90+8 claws vs my buffer no defs no bios:

      Breath: beta 19.9-21.2k / live 19.5-20.2k Edit: I forgot that I have P boost in beta so this part isn't that accurate :(
      Claw: beta 15.8-16.5k / live 17.8-18.1
      Shred: 8.2-9k per hit / live 9.6-10.2k per hit

      Only on beta with same gear vs same buffer, 66% claw def:

      Breath: 6.2-7.0k
      Claw: 4.8-4.9k
      Shred: 2.3-3.2k per hit

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Testreg ().

    • The damage nerf may not seem 'that bad' to some (still doesn't seem good at all to me), but you are only comparing your 'original damage with crimson' versus your 'new damage with crimson' !

      You also got to ask yourselves, is it still that "worth" to have this skill? And this is what bothers me the most I think that crimson should be a bit the 'main' skill of this character.

      Testreg wrote:

      Breath: beta 19.9-21.2k / live 19.5-20.2k
      I think something weird happened there for you
    • Testreg wrote:

      jeroenado wrote:

      I think something weird happened there for you
      Yeah you are right. I totally forgot that I had made P boost on the first days of beta (before the nerfs) changed items and alchemy and so on. Now for the tests I used same items and alchemy as in live but forgot about the wards and boosts.
      damage nerf inst that bad, but lycan skill damage wasnt that good before the nerf, so, pvp will suffer a lot on lykans, and pvm will too, because of crimson duration! That really need to stay the same
    • So from what i can see, all who did "test" the difference came up with this conclusion:
      • The damage nerf is not bad at all.
      • The duration must be buffed to at least 100 sec.
      Sounds reasonable to me.

      The thing is all of them were just on pvm aspect, could anyone of you guys who're concerned about pvp test it for us ?
      I'd be glad to help if you needed a character with full claws defence.

    • I didn't see anyone saying that it is 'not bad at all' apart from trolls etc. They said that it's not that bad as they expected it would be, so YOU can't conclude anything at all now. If they put crimson to +100 attack and you'll only see a difference like 20-30% in your TOTAL damage, then still you'll have damage, but also it's not gonna be a big deal on total.

      The only thing you can conclude out of this is that the skills of the characters in pvm aren't that much of a game breaking problem(in their 'damage problem') at their current states.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by jeroenado ().

    • Calm wrote:

      So from what i can see, all who did "test" the difference came up with this conclusion:
      • The damage nerf is not that bad.
      • The duration must be buffed to at least 100 sec.
      Sounds reasonable to me.

      The thing is all of them were just on pvm aspect, could anyone of you guys who're concerned about pvp test it for us ?
      I'd be glad to help if you needed a character with full claws defence.
      @jeroenado is it better like this ?
      [Sorry for my terrible mistake\]

    • Calm wrote:

      Calm wrote:

      So from what i can see, all who did "test" the difference came up with this conclusion:
      • The damage nerf is not that bad.
      • The duration must be buffed to at least 100 sec.
      Sounds reasonable to me.

      The thing is all of them were just on pvm aspect, could anyone of you guys who're concerned about pvp test it for us ?
      I'd be glad to help if you needed a character with full claws defence.
      @jeroenado is it better like this ?[Sorry for my terrible mistake\]
      much better, but after testes i stiil think that the nerf is not necessary tl be that big, and the duration is really unacceptable, i think it shoulde remain the same and the Av of crimson should be something like 450/minimun, with 90 int. because lykan has really weak skills in pvp.