Shaman dragon force vs healing force

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    • unforgiven wrote:

      1 - Balancing needs to be done little by little.
      2 - Regarding the bugs, send them in PM to me with a good explanation and how to reproduce them.
      3 - Most versions go live with relatively low amount of bugs and no software is completely free of bugs.
      Sure i'm ok with that, balancing need to be done, but dragon shaman dealing half the damage that a healer do in pvp it's just plain wrong.
      After the beta go live again i will make a video and show u that a healer can farm w/o buff's just fine in Enchanted Forest, why? because the real dmg dealers there are doing magical dmg and blessing doesn't help with that from what i know so cure might be better there.
      The don't even need 25% critical we have now from dragon aid because u have 8 on weapon, event 18 but that's rare, 10 shoes, 14 bracelet , 10 Necklaces, 8 earings 20 from red dew 20 from Critical Strike so thats 90% critical u can event get 100% if u use Fight Wolf, our normal hits do same dmg (we don't get any weapon specialization dmg for hits) and nobody farm there w/o mount so more damage with skills are not necessary in pvm they are pretty useless tbh since normal hits are lame for shaman.

      That's what u said right? that we will get nerfed in pvp just because we have an easier time in pvm then healers? Trust me doing easy solo stuffs like killing metin stones are the same for both and harder bosses are not possible for dragon shaman.

      Name a thing that a healer can't do but dragon shaman will do it easy in pvm and I will not comment any more about dragon shaman getting nerfed.
    • Priore wrote:

      Why do you think they are doing this now? Because pvp in Metin2 is dead. If the situatione stays like this for 1 or 2 more years from now everyone will leave.
      Yeah thats true. PvP is dead on german servers. But why ? Because of the bad balancing between the races ?
      Definitely not ! 6 years ago there was a bad balancing as well. 90% played warrior in PvP, they were so dominant.

      The truth is that PvP died because of the push from the IS. You cant see the push so its impossible to have
      fair duels between players or guilds.

      If you own nice PvP EQ thats not enough, you need money for the IS if you want to be successful.
      Thats a sad situation.
    • Yes, metin2 cas gone froma a "free to play" to a "pay to win" and now is becoming a "pay to do something" its sad but its reality.

      Same with the black market you can buy characters really hight lvl for a very cheap price compared to the price of the items on IS, same with yang trade for real money, if that happens mabi it is bc yang and lots of stuff are too expensive to buy in IS.
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TcatalunyaT ().

    • How is that fair? Look at this video on official server Metin2 Ro sv Orion. It can see clearly from minute 9:51.
      On 75 sword and maybe full resistence on warrior mental warrior can get just 800 damage on body warrior, and he is a good player, with a good alchemy and full hh.
      Sura or shamans can get 6k on that resistence... how can i win in a duel against sura or shaman when i can get 800 damage on skills and 1300 per hit and my opponent can get on me more then 6k on skills.
      Now i don't want to say to make all classes to take the same damage, but is so big difference between these two classes

      The post was edited 1 time, last by LHQentin ().

    • Well if that warrior had % penetration bonus, with fisical atacs it evades all the sword defense, so obiously it has to be somewhat similar for machical characters when u can get more mr easily, not that hard to undrstand.
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner
    • LHQentin wrote:

      I noticed that the shaman healer has twice as much damage as the dragon shaman and i want to know why?

      I do not even mention that on 108 magic resistence and 77 resistance to shaman get 12k normal damage. What do you think abaout that?
      Is that normal?

      Obviously, I have other complaints about the abilities of these characters, like when i try to use skills for buff on a member of group, if he moves the buff skills fails, and i have to wait another 250 minutes until i can try again. The Dragon's Roar can be activated from higher distance, and that is an inconvenient for other character, because in a duel until you can get close you are more then half life took off by the roar and flying talisman.

      rmsh and layla73
      These accounts have strong against human beings 93%
      But I agree with you about the difference between the two characters
      There is a big difference between Shaman and Dragon healing
      The cause is a higher damage to the fan to heal versus the bell to the dragon
      This large injustice ratio is 10% premium and the bell is weaker than the fan at 30% with the premium fan remaining the best for the dragon
      As for me, if I still have two options, I have to leave the game
      The second is that I change training to heal

    • I have invested a lot of money in the development and charm of weapons. After all this comes an update that tells me sorry what I did now is not appropriate. You had to pay attention in the other weapon, which was less efficient
      The development of weapons goes through many stages until you reach the level 105 is not easy and it is very expensive real money and even magic does not come in vain
      Please change the bell thought because if it continues there will be left to play or change the training and this is not much can do
      Note: The posts have been translated into googel
    • Another fact with that i don't agree is, when I try to buff an account who is not im my group, I gave the buff to my self. That is not fair. I can invite just 8 members in a group. If we are in a general fight how can I give buff to those who are not in my group. Or, at major events, I personally charm in sd3, with sura WP lv 55 and 114 shaman, how can I give a buff if I can not invite that 55 account in the group, because I need 30 levels difference to be part of an group.
    • I made some dmg testing, i don't know how accurate are they since i dont have +9 bell, i had to use an +5 one and i also used an +5 fan to compare dmg, only difference was that the +5 fan didn't had double hh. So dmg can be different with an +9 fan/bell.
      On both accounts i used matt alchemy diamond, rubin and jad, no sapphire, no anti shaman stone on any weapon (since they take that opportunity away from us), 63 antimagic on 105 healing shaman and 61 on 100 dragon shaman, both nemere with shaman resistance 12.
      Items used :
      - +9 dragon hat with 10hh
      - bracelet with 10hh
      - 61 shield with 8 int
      - Heaven's Tear Earrings+9 with 10hh
      - dragon clothing with antimagic stone
      - +9 demon fan with double hh and antimagic stone
      - +5 Dragon Ghost Bell with double hh and antimagic stone
      - +5 Lying Dragon Fan no bonuses with antimagic stone

      Dmg test for lvl 105 healing shaman:
      - highest dmg with +9 deamon fan was - 5411
      - highest dmg with +5 lying dragon fan - 4075
      - highest dmg with +5 dragon ghost bell - 3538

      Dmg test with lvl 100 dragon shaman:
      - highest dmg with +9 deamon fan - 4328
      - highest dmg with +5 lying dragon fan - 3786
      - highest dmg with +5 dragon ghost bell - 3615

      That beeing said, from my test healing shaman had better dmg with all weapons, only diffrence was 2 more antimagic on healing shaman from pet and matt diamond on healing vs clear diamond on dragon shaman. I will leave the video here.

      Keep in mind that for more attack except alchemy (i have excellent diamond he have excellent dimond so dmg will be the same) i can't get more then that, he puts shaman shield i can put anti shaman stone so that's our max dmg, with +9 Dragon Jaw Bell my dmg will still be lower then +9 deamon fan so we are stuck around 4300 vs full magic i guess it's too low but at this point dosen't look like it will get any better, we are just doomed to be nerfed.
      Imagine an duel with healing shaman, fire doesn't affect him and our dmg from 2 skills will be healed once with cure that will be epic, we are more imbalanced vs healing shaman then weaponry sura vs black magic sura.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by CantBuffU ().

    • unforgiven wrote:

      Hello @CantBuffU,

      Can you please do a real PvP match and not just theorycrafting?

      Thank you!

      Here is some random pvp, sure they are higher then me and i do pvp with +9 pvp fan (i even try my dmg with my +5 bell and my +6 pvp fan with sura stone).

      My dmg vs that sura is embarrassing tbh 1200 with talisman that's with deamon fan+9 or +5 Dragon Ghost Bell (max for my lvl is +6 so not much i can improve with that weapon) matt alchemy and he was hitting me for 4k thru +8 from sapphire , +10 resistance from pet, clear diamond ofc and 60 sword.

      At the very end of that video i made some more dmg testing with 120 heal shaman and i had 97% magic resistance, +9 dragon shield, nemere with +12 shaman resitance, +8 ruby earings (+5 skill resistance) and matt alchemy, what i was missing vs shaman? +5 magic from bracelet and Oceanic Shoes to go full defense and maybe 100 helmet with 10 skill resistance and he was hitting me for 21k. Really?

      So yeah dragon shaman is sent back to stone edge, at least before antimagic stones we had the advantage of good hits damage combined with critical hits, now we are just doomed.

      Here is the video:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by CantBuffU ().