Pinned Piercing Hits

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    • New Test done:

      Char 1:
      • Syleen
      • lelv 115
      • Schaman
      • no Eqip
      • Lv90 Biolog quest done, still doing lv 92 quest
      • Defence 247

      Char 2:
      • lv55
      • Ninja
      • no Eqip just blue due, halfmoon ring and tiger earrings
      • Lv50 Biologe quest done

      Char 3:
      • Yemon
      • Level 100
      • Lyka
      • Lv94 Biolog quest done, 2x Attack Damage
      • no Eqip no rings, no tieger eqrrings, jsut with the fist

      Test 1:
      Char 2 hits Syleen with the fist and:

      0% piercing = 259 dmg
      10% piercing = 789 dmg (piercing hit)
      38% piercing = 789 dmg (piercing hit)

      Test 2:
      Char 2 hits Syleen witht hefist and 12% avarage damage (25% sash with 48 a.d. Bow+6) and:

      0% piercing = ~420 dmg
      21% piercing = ~1100 dmg (piercing hit)
      41% piercing = ~1100 dmg (piercing hit)

      Test 3:
      Char 3 (Yemon) hits Syleen with the fist and:

      0% piercing = 246 dmg
      10% piercing = 737 dmg (piercing hit)
      38% piercing = 737 dmg (piercing hit)

      Test 4:
      Char 3 (Yemon) hits Syleen with the fist and sash (12% a.d.) + rubin 18% a.d. + 5% a.d. earrings:

      0% piercing = ~854 dmg
      21% piercing = ~1992 dmg (piercing hit)
      41% piercing = ~1992 dmg (piercing hit)
      97% piercing = ~1992 dmg (piercing hit)

      Test 5:
      Char 3 (Yemon) hits Syleen with green wolf fang+9 (22 strong agains half humans) and:

      0% piercing = ~1060 dmg
      50% piercing = ~2360 dmg (piercing hit)
      88% piercing = ~2360 dmg (piercing hit)

      Test 6:
      Char 3 (Yemon) hits Syleen with the fist and CRIMSON WOLF SOUL (90 Int) and:

      34% piercing = 648 dmg NO PIERCING HIT
      34% piercing = 1539 dmg (piercing hit)
      112% piercing = 1753 dmg (piercing hit)

      Piercing hit chance is only increasing the piercing hit DMG if you use Crimson Wolf Soul!!
      On all other options it is just the Chance to pierce.

      So maybe it add additional DMG to the bonus dmg that crimson soul gives.

      I would like to know if this also happens when body warrior uses Aura of the Sword and Weapon suras uses Enchanted Blade, but I have no char to test.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Yemon ().

    • Character 1:

      - Yoshiiro
      - Weaponary Sura
      - Lev. 118
      - Biologist Quest, 92 & 94, HP

      Character 2:

      - iKaktus
      - Body Warrior
      - Lev. 97
      - Biologist Quest, none

      Test 1:
      Weaponary Sura hits Syleen without using Enchanted Blade

      - 0% Piercing: 281 DMG
      - 20% Piercing: 833 DMG (Piercing Hit)
      - 30% Piercing: 833 DMG (Piercing Hit)

      No increase in DMG notable.

      Test 2:
      Weaponary Sura hits Syleen while using Echanted Blade

      - 0% Piercing: 691 DMG
      - 20% Piercing: 1653 DMG (Piercing Hit)
      - 30% Piercing: 1653 DMG (Piercing Hit)

      No increase in DMG notable when using Enchanted Blade.

      Test 3:
      Body Warrior hits Syleen without using Aura of the Sowrd

      - 0% Piercing: 230 DMG
      - 20% Piercing: 731 DMG (Piercing Hit)
      - 30% Piercing: 731 DMG (Piercing Hit)

      No increase in DMG notable.

      Test 4:
      Body Warrior hits Syleen while using Aura of the Sword

      - 0% Piercing: 650 DMG
      - 20% Piercing: 1573 DMG (Piercing Hit)
      - 30% Piercing: 1573 DMG (Piercing Hit)

      No increase in DMG notable when using Aura of the Sword.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TianyLu ().

    • Rapier wrote:

      Attis, this is only the first implementation of it. Don't be disappointed, that's why we need to state our impressions and what we're testing so GF and Webzen take note and alter things accordingly...hopefully
      I do not disappointed. Just so do i not the pvp enjoy.

      unforgiven wrote:

      The Piercing hits problem will, most likely, be addressed this week in an update. :)
      We are working on it!
      I look forward to the weekly update. We see, what will be good :)
    • Piercing hits

      Greetings! I would like to help you guys with this issue.

      We had this update months ago in Metin2 BR, and we still have this piercing hits issue from that time. We had time to test it, so here it go:

      -Piercing hits are giving more damage after 100% piercing. It's almost like an "extra bonus" after you reach more than 100.

      -Indeed it's normal that Lycans achieve it due crimson wolf's piercing bonuses, but it's not about the skill! We have "jollas", it's like 2 more extra in every item, wich can be +5% piercing hits, so we can reach 100%+ easier.

      -This bonuses (after 100%) works like ALMOST a general bonus against whatever you are hitting, sadly I couldn't perform a perfect calculation to tell you from what it counts (110%... 100% + 10%... +10% from what damage output?)

      Feel free to ask, I would be glad to help. Oh yes, by the way, Metin2 BR is much more like GF's servers nowadays since Webzen wants to, the only big diferrence is the "white extras" that I spoke.

      yours, Rhapsoddy.
    • I did some testing
      Normal hits: 165-175
      Critical hits: 330-360
      Piercing hits: 660-680

      And then I get another type of hits with 850 damage. The hit looks like critical damage, with that splash of light, but it seems to me it's the sum of a normal hit + piercing hit.

      Then I add 30% sword defence only from earrings and necklace. I didnt equip armour and shoes, I didnt want the extra-defence points, and I got
      Normal hits: ~120
      Critical: ~240
      Piercing: ~620
      And the other type of hit: ~750

      What is this extra-type of hit ? is this normal? I played only on sura BM, so excuse me if its noob question, but it's unclear to me..
    • In theory you can have:
      - normal hit/skill dmg
      - critical hit/skill dmg = 2 x normal
      - piercing hit/skill dmg (dunno how it's calculated but usually depends on the defence...the more defence you have, the bigger the damage inflicted)
      - piercing + critical hit/skill dmg = it is a piercing hit that's also critical so it should be 2 x piecing it can be lower than that cause it's most probably calculated different
    • Rapier wrote:

      - piercing + critical hit/skill dmg = it is a piercing hit that's also critical so it should be 2 x piecing it can be lower than that cause it's most probably calculated different
      I think piercing hits are supposed to ignore the defence so it shouldn't matter how much def the enemy has the pierce should always be same (at least with my logic). I dunno how it works either but this how I think it works: pierce = normal hit + enemy def so if enemy has low defs you will hit higher normal hits and pierce will be just a little bit more but if enemy has high def normal hits are low but the piercing hits will be higher (relatively). For example: your attack value 1000, enemy A def: 300, enemy B def 800. Vs enemy A: normal hit 700, crit 1400, pierce 1000; VS enemy B: normal 200, crit 400, pierce 1000. At least that's what it used to be :D The piercing hits have same dmg on lv5 and lv105 metins (in normal server at least,haven't checked in beta yet) but in PVP might be different because of the pvp defences and resistances - idk if those are counted too or not.

      Rapier wrote:

      - piercing + critical hit/skill dmg = it is a piercing hit that's also critical so it should be 2 x piecing it can be lower than that cause it's most probably calculated different
      I think it's the other way around - a critical hit that's also piercing :D

      If I'm wrong somebody please correct me :D
    • I always saw that piercing inflicts more damage if the opponent has more defence. A piercing hit in a mental with Strong Body active deals much more damage than in same player without it or in another character...test it and see, the difference is notable.

      For the other part... I really don't know exactly (and to be honest don't care) if it's a critical strike that pierce or it's a piercing strike that's critical :))) What I do know, is that it is more than a piercing strike or a critical strike

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rapier ().

    • If your damage is 5000 and 10000 critic,

      then on a object with 15% defence you should take 4250 and 8500 critic against it
      and if you pierce that object you should take that 5000 normal and 10000 critic.

      Now in a object with 98% defence you should take 100 and 200 critic against it
      and if you pierce that object you should take 5000 normal and 10000 critic.

      To me that's the idea of piercing, every object has his own defence by natural, and you have your damage, the only think that the piercing do is to take out the defence, there is no such thing as double damage by piercing, that should be just a critic that does not take in the defence on the formula i guess.
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel
    • It might be only my opinion but for Body Warrior and Lycans, the damage per hit is still over powered compared to other classes. Also it looks like it's piercing more often compared to me for ex. When I take hits, almost every hit is above 10k, some being 20k (so I guess they're piercing hits)....when I use hits, piercing is only one every 5-6 hits and it is much less (say maximum 7-8k). I don't think that arrow resistance is used so much that everyone, even lower level chars take only 8k hit. I don't understand how the defence and piercing was altered that other classes have more damage than on the official server and I have less...

      On official, a Body Warrior has 5-6k max per hit (usualy 3 or less). Here one gets easily 10k up to 20k. I inflict 8-12k per hit on the official server, here on beta max was 8k but mostly is 6-7 (before piercing was activated for archers, I was doing below 4k per hit)

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Rapier ().

    • Unfortunately i can't tell you anything about it, because i'm not able to play on the Beta because of some weird "API Gamehack" Error occurring..

      Anyway, if the Piercing Hits still work the Way, that one Brasilian Player described them, they're still to strong. In no way Piercing Hits should deal more DMG if you have over 100 Piercing Chance equipped.

      Its almost no Problem for anybody to reach 100 Piercing Chance, the Lycan can get up to 169.. so that's still way to strong.

      Why not just leave it the Way it used to be? It was fine in my Opinion. Why is there a need to change it? It's just 1 Thing more you'll have to work on getting it balanced..