Pinned Piercing Hits

    Dear players,

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    • Piercing Hit are to strong
      Here is a video from offical brasil server
      A sura makes on a jotun healer 10-11k normal dmg
      crit 22k
      Crit + Piercing 34k
      12k only Piercing Hit compared to offical gameforge which is maybe 600 - 1k dmg is totally broken

      Gf wanted to have more teamplay in pve but with this update the opposite will happen

    • Piercing Hits

      I can tell you more. It's possible to solo Meley's Lair in like 10 minutes as a Lycan with those piercings. In general PvM is so much more atractive with those piercing damages that PvP was left behind, since none can stand against some hits or skills with these balancing new formulas.

      Hear me when I say, GF.

      The piercing damages are not actually the problem. The only problem is "over 100%". Those piercing damages benefit PvM gameplay, it's good to make some bosses able to intermediate players, rather than allowing few players to beat then. BUT... hear me, BUT Webzen need to fix this new formula, the calculation on the bonuses and resistences, IT WILL NEVER WORK, and making people getting used to it will KILL PVP FOREVER.

      I'm telling it because on Metin2 BR PvP died since you can have the strongest setup from the server and still are going to the floor in 2 skills. The reason? Too much stuff to make the damage high, and bonuses against half-humans.

      So, it will never work in the way you guys are trying to go.

      Go back to the way it used to be and think on something else to balance PvP damages. The old PvP was good, the only problem was 70%+ class resistence and also 100%+ classe reduction on 1-1. So, think on something to lower it a bit, but not THAT MUCH, since the base damage without class bonuses is already a heaven.
    • Guys, ok BR servers; but who cares.
      We are here to adjust OUR stuff, not their.
      So, please, don't refer to them and test yourself what it's changed after the news announce.

      Currently, how is the piercing hit, in your pov?
      Please share also data and info about your tests, sentences like "too op" or "omgggg so strong; meley run in 10 minutes" are not reasonable feedbacks.
      You did a great work with the past feedback; now we need the same after; and if it will not work again, we will readjust it again.

      Game and Wiki Admin at
      Metin2 tester with love :love:
    • Who cares?
      We care - so should you.

      If there's already a Version of this "Balance" out there, in what Form doesnt matter, you should also look into their Server and check how it changed the Game there.

      If the Piercing Hits do still increas the DMG as soon as you reach 100+ Piercing Chance, it's still not "good" - i will look into that later.
      Other then that, a few People already mentioned that Piercing still deals to much Damage - couldn't you just get rid of the new System and replace it with the old? It was fine the way it was, why even bother changing it?
    • Olthir wrote:

      Guys, ok BR servers; but who cares.
      We are here to adjust OUR stuff, not their.
      So, please, don't refer to them and test yourself what it's changed after the news announce.

      Currently, how is the piercing hit, in your pov?
      Please share also data and info about your tests, sentences like "too op" or "omgggg so strong; meley run in 10 minutes" are not reasonable feedbacks.
      You did a great work with the past feedback; now we need the same after; and if it will not work again, we will readjust it again.
      I have provided feedback for the dagger ninja's piercing hits (not skills) at it's current form in this post

      Dagger Ninja hits and skills

      IMO the piercing at least for dagger and bow hits, is the same as it is in the official server. I saw a LITTLE difference because i have about 20 attack value and 2% avg damage more than the official server. You can check the post above.
    • @TianyLu,

      They dont have the same version as we do. Our versions are very different. It is nice to have someone from Brazil trying to tell us what has happened there - and I thank you (muito obrigado) - but their version is really different from ours. The bonuses and amount of bonuses they can have in their gear is different from our version - starts from here and it is a huge difference.

      I have tested the Piercing with super-high chances and I have noticed some things that should not happen. Already sent the report to WebZen.

      Regarding why we are changing the piercing hit, we are changing because, if there will be new equipment, we need to solve this. How it is now doesn't handle scaling. This is a beta server, we are here to try it out and see if we can solve this basic functions before we into skills, etc.
    • Greetings again mates,

      unforgiven, you are welcome. The reason I'm trying to help here is simple and I will explain it for you guys. As I told, since a long time Webzen started to standardize Metin2 BR to GF's servers. Some updates we receive later, some we receive before... but in general, we have the same events on the same dates (per example).

      I know dear 'unforgiven' what you mean about huge differences, BUT those bonuses and resistences we can have in our gear (as you mentioned) cancel each other (bonuses><resistences) and overall we have a little more bonuses.

      Again, what may happen here because of the beta, might reflect on whats going to happen on our server, so you can understand why I'm willing to help this much.

      I don't have time now, but I can come back later with some videos showing what I was talking about in the last post. Sorry for beeing empty atm.


    • unforgiven wrote:

      I have contacted WebZen about this and it is intended that above 100% piercing damage, it also increases damage. We are currently in talks about this.
      If it is true is the most stupid and unbalanced updated I have ever seen in this game. If it continues like this I'll leave the game and I think I'm not going to be the only one, these piercing hits are very nice in PvE but in PvP they are ridicolous and make magic characters useless when they see that a lykan or a warrior deals 10k of damage using normal hits, they see nerfed their skills and cannot take advantage of the piercing hits (a normal hit of a lykan can hit 3 times more than a Shaman's ability, do you think this is normal ?).
    • unforgiven wrote:

      I have contacted WebZen about this and it is intended that above 100% piercing damage, it also increases damage. We are currently in talks about this.
      My main is a lycan so it would be nice for me, but seriously?? For all the other classes its not that easy to get over 100% pierce but for lycan it's not that hard so they want to make the class that already hits more than anyone hit even more? Keep that up :D It will definitely work out just perfect xD gg
    • I'd like to know the old and new values what pierce attack penetrates defences. I know from the current official version they do penetrate Damage Resistance, but at some point they don't at all. I need to test the current beta server about this but did someone already tested?

      Also, some interesting part: Dex increases Evasion. This type of bonus decreases any and all damages. I wonder about piercing hits :)

      Nevertheless, I have tested around and the insane damages is almost not fair anymore. Make the new function of Piercing as it is but leave the cap 100%.
    • Piercing Hits

      unforgiven, I hope I've helped out there with everything I stated before.

      Also, something I found that might be usefull:

      After 100% piercing, the game system thinks the target has a negative resistence. So, if you have 110% piercing chance, it's like if it the target has -10% resistence. This turn out in an extra damage, obviouslly.

      Mainlly, the bonuses states "chance of piercing hits". Doesn't it? (at least it's stated this way for us on M2 BR).

      So, 110% or 500% chance of piercing should always pierce the resistence, but shouldn't change the damage. Remember the key word, "chance". If it was stated +x% of/on piercing hits, then it should work like actual Beta or BR atm.

      Just to remember... whatever Webzen decide about it, will come to us... so I'm pretty much on it.

      yours, Rhapsoddy.