Pinned Piercing Hits

    Dear players,

    please read >> here <<.

    Thank you for being a part of this!

    • Then why we don't have higher damage when bleeding or poisoning ? For an archer it's extremely easy to get more than 100% poisoning chance...why we don't have that "increased" damage? Or for other bonuses? What means to have 120 crit or above? It will also increase damage?

      You have more than 100% chance not to gain extra damage but to compensate for alchemy or bonuses that could provide resistance against piercing (so you should still have 100% or more even against chars with those bonuses)
    • Same, i'll go with 1 aswell.

      As mentioned before, i still don't get why you HAD to change it. It's just 1 Spot more you'll have to work on while trying to Balance.
      Why implement a new "Feature" which could cause more "imbalance" instead of just leaving it the Way it was.

      Any other Race then Lycan really struggles to achiev higher then 100 Piercing CHANCE if they're not using a Piercing Pet in PvP, so why give the Lycan such a Advantage again..?!
    • TianyLu wrote:

      As mentioned before, i still don't get why you HAD to change it. It's just 1 Spot more you'll have to work on while trying to Balance.
      Why implement a new "Feature" which could cause more "imbalance" instead of just leaving it the Way it was.

      Because this will be important in future. Obviously the defense from users will increase with time, it will reach a point where it will break. It is better to try to solve it now than later.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      TianyLu wrote:

      As mentioned before, i still don't get why you HAD to change it. It's just 1 Spot more you'll have to work on while trying to Balance.
      Why implement a new "Feature" which could cause more "imbalance" instead of just leaving it the Way it was.
      Because this will be important in future. Obviously the defense from users will increase with time, it will reach a point where it will break. It is better to try to solve it now than later.

      With all due respect, but thats absolutely stupid. At the Moment there is WAY MORE offensive Push then there's defensive Measures.
      Just take the Alchemy for Example.. that's one of the Reason's why we actually NEED a Balancing, because you Guys (or Webzen) kept adding new Content which increased the Damage Output dramatically. 3-4 Years ago, everything was fine. Without Pets, without the Shoulder Sash System, without Lv. 100 Helmet's & so on.

      So maybe you should try to bring the defensive Measures up to a equal Level first, before you start developing Counter Measures for Future Defence.
    • unforgiven wrote:

      For you to be able to balance these things you need to start from the foundation, which means how things are calculated. Let's not start building the house with the roof.

      You could do that, if there wouldn't be a fked up Balancing on Live Servers atm - ye.

      But there is, so you gota make the best out of the current Situation. Adding further Damage to Game is not a good Idea if you think about where we at now.
    • What I do hope is that more and more people state their opinion as I see only a couple of us replying and making tests and so on...there are thousands of players and ALL should be concerned about the new implementations/ballancing.. Come on people, wake your ideas sugestions tests...whatever. Or we'll end up with what others think is best for us

      P.S. Maxing up achemy, filling up inventory with Dragon Blessing, bones, site attack, max energy and trying to get best bonuses on items then go to challenge anyone ...won't do any good to this test. More than that, it won't do any good if you don't come here and state your findings, opinions, etc.

      Wanna take part of it or just sit & wait then whine about lousy implementations?
    • Rapier wrote:

      What I do hope is that more and more people state their opinion as I see only a couple of us replying and making tests and so on...there are thousands of players and ALL should be concerned about the new implementations/ballancing.. Come on people, wake your ideas sugestions tests...whatever. Or we'll end up with what others think is best for us

      That's a thing which bothers me aswell, so i totally agree with you on that Point. For Years and Years People have been complainig about the Balance being "bad" or "off" and now that they got the Chance to actually help working on a good One, they're not willing to help & the Amount of Feedback is pretty pathetic..

      I'm sure, if the Balance will be fked up, there will be 1000 of People complaining about it even though nobody of them was willing to help testing & stuff while they had the Chance to..

      Reminds me of the ACA, everyone knows it has flaws. But they (GOP) rather complain and refuse to cooperate then helping fixing it & making it a great Thing - dindn't mean to start talking 'bout politics, it just worked well as Comparison
    • We will have a char wipe and you will not have the same possibilities as now. We are now testing the systems' scalability. Afterwards we will go for near-live testing.

      Let us stop talking about this. This is about piercing hit not about this. You can create another topic about this subject. Later on, I will move these answers to the archive.
    • If you want to make piercing hit dmg increas after reaching 100% then please remove the 32-60% piercing hit chance from the lycan.

      It is not fair at all and makes no sence in my opinion.

      It is called CHANCE to pierce, so why should it increas the DMG.
      Then you need to change the name/description and nerf the lycan crimson wolf skill.

      Do you even understand how much 32-60% are?
      You can get 1-10% on weapons, 1-10% on Bracelets, 1-8% from a Stone and usualy 1-10% on Necklaces.
      Well thats a total of 38%.
      There is a special necklace that has 20% + 8%, so usually you can have around ~50% piercing hit chance.

      But the skill "Crimson Wolf Soul" can give you a total of 60%.
      That is more then you can get normaly with 3 Items and a Stone...

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Yemon ().

    • So all in all, we (the non-lycan players) can have 96% piercing but the lycan can have
      18% pierce from weapon with stone
      10% pierce from bracelet
      28% from heaven necklace
      20% from dew
      20% from Piercing Strike

      And all the above (except for the stone maybe) are pretty <<normal>> stuff to have (without losing important bonuses) for higher level characters to have on pvp (or at least 80-90%). But on the other hand lycans can reach an <<easy>> 150%.

      So Webzen has decided (long ago) that it is right/fair to cap an archer's max speed to 200 (and yes we <<don't care>>, says webzen/ymir, that you have Feather walk which gives +75 speed, WOW MANY LIKES FOR THIS, it is just useless because with a stone of haste +4 and 21 move speed from bio and an easy to get purple pot +40/60 you can easily <<break>> the 200 <<record>> max speed, but no we will cap it, because this is fair). On the other hand it would be unfair for a lycan to be caped to 100% piercing chance so how about we give him for the % more than 100% extra damage. Yeap most fair and balancing feature ever. Sorry for my sarcasm but it is unimaginable that the most OP character at the moment for pvm (and with the right gear for pvp too) will an extra OP buff too and become even more OP. Just fairness to its maximum.
    • Instead of modifying the ph which is really not the priority you should focus on the class spells (the basis of a re-balancing) and their effects / interactions in relation to others.
      I think especially of protection of darkness, feather stride, sparkling shot, repeated fire, fire arrow, reinforced attack, care, roar of the dragon, soul of the purple wolf, poisonous mist.
    • That's called "good decisionmaking" *sarcasm on*

      As mentioned before, i like the Idea of Piercing Hits dealing with too much Defence etc. etc. but atm the Balancing is just fundamentally screwed, so Webzen decided it would be a great Idea to put even more Damage in the Game.
      Work on the Defensive Methods before, it's about Time you do, and afterwards think about which Counter Measures you could work on.
    • As an archer I have also the "Training" Pet skill that adds about 11-12% piercing so theoretically I can reach 108% and another 2% from sash so I can say that a "normal" character could reach roughly 110% piercing CHANCE. And here comes the lycan with an added bonus of 60% that gets him 170% piercing chance...and a cherry on top of it (more damage). Ballance that...

      P.S. Dunno how this ballance is supposed to work but what I saw till now is that you lowered the damage of Magic Suras almost as before (that makes them low damage chars), you took the chance to evolve Rune Sword in 115 weapon that took the chance for a warrior to have a 2 x HH weapon or have a proper 1-1 weapon, also that completely disadvantages the Weapons Suras that mostly have Rune Swords so they won't benefit from a new weapon and now lastly, we have the lycans that could reach much more piercing chance compared to any other class and also get a damage bonus from that...when they were anyways one of the class with the best damage overall

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Rapier ().

    • There is no balance between the attack and the defense, since now most if this system is implemented as this, the attack will prevail widely against the defense of the characters, with which nobody withstand more than a physical blows.
      Obviously classes that use physical blows will benefit especially the lycan who has it practically passively, but the magic classes will be at a great disadvantage. In this I oppose although I use a body warrior as my main character, because I think things have to be balanced in pvp. In pvm everyone has a role so in that case is different.
      It is illogical for a magical character to have to depend on his blows to kill the others, since in itself, the damage of these characters mainly comes from their abilities.
      I am against this change in piercing hits since it serves to have defenses if the characters go with 100% penetration and it will be the same as not having defenses in duels or wars. I am someone who does not do pvp but it seems to me that this new system of penetration is very unfavorable for pvp.
      It also seems to me that it is a serious mistake that the penetration chance if it is greater than 100% does more damage, since supposedly having 100% chance should be for each hit it will be 1 blow of penetration.
      I hope that something was changed before implementing this system because as it is, it will generate a great imbalance and that our answers will be taken into account as we have been testing these changes that come.
      (Sorry for my bad english, is not my main language).
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.
    • Theoretically, 100% piercing chance should give you the chance to get piercing hits/skills on any character with a level less than or equal to your character. If you have above 100% chance eventualy, this should increase your chance to deal piercing hits/skills in characters with level above yours. If you have lvl 120 then it shouldn't matter if it's above 100%
    • unforgiven wrote:

      It does make sense till some degree, if you have higher than 100% chance of piercing, you don't really reap any benefits, having higher damage compensates for this.
      It doesn't make any sense mathematically nor "balance-ly"
      I know you're with us on this one, it's just ridiculous to have this bounce like this
      especially when the only char that can reach above 100% easily is the Lycan
      WebZen should only gives you ideas but not force them to you, Gameforge is the one to deicide and as you can see from this thread we all disagree with it and for a good reasons

      As far as i remember having for example more than 100% defence against A character doesn't make that character receive damage when it hits me, or make me gain some HP for that !