Hey guys,
this thread is about the following topics:

Will there be a quest wich we can do once per day?
--> We could enter 2 Zodiac Runs per Day.
Or how will it be?

I guess it will be an Item-Shop item?
Or maybe once per Day :o ?

You die sometimes pretty fast during the run because of lags, unmounting, stuns, etc.
So will it be possible to get some more?
If yes, where?
Improvement for Beta-Test: could you add a 200 stack of the Resurrection Stone to an NPC?
Because we wan't to test a little bit more and it would be sad if we can't move on because we can't revive.
Back to the overview: Zodiac Temple - Overview/Collecting Thread (no discussions)
this thread is about the following topics:
- Where do I get "Charge Marble of Life" from after the Beta ends?
- Where do I get "12 Zodiac temple ticket (3h)" from after the Beta ends?
- Resurrection Stone - Feedback.
1. Where do I get "Charge Marble of Life" from after the Beta ends?

- Currently you can buy the "Charge Marble of Life" from the Storekeeper for 1 yang.
- The Item gives you 30 Marble of Life
- You need 12 Marble of Life to enter one Zodiac Run once.
Will there be a quest wich we can do once per day?
--> We could enter 2 Zodiac Runs per Day.
Or how will it be?
2. Where do I get "12 Zodiac temple ticket (3h)" from after the Beta ends?

- Currently you can buy the ""12 Zodiac temoe ticket (3h)" from the Storekeeper for 1 yang.
- The Item allowes you to enter as many Zodiac Runs as you want for 3 hours.
I guess it will be an Item-Shop item?
Or maybe once per Day :o ?
3. Resurrection Stone - Feedback.

- Currently you get ONCE after you killed 10 Metin of Zodiac 200 Resurrection Stones
- After that you can get every day 20 Resurrection Stones after you killed 10 Metins again.
- You need them to revive your selfe or other people.
- first reviev = 1 Stone
- second = 2 Stones
- third = 4 Stones
- fourth = 8 Stones
- over four times = 10 Stones
- first reviev = 1 Stone
You die sometimes pretty fast during the run because of lags, unmounting, stuns, etc.
So will it be possible to get some more?
If yes, where?
Improvement for Beta-Test: could you add a 200 stack of the Resurrection Stone to an NPC?
Because we wan't to test a little bit more and it would be sad if we can't move on because we can't revive.
Back to the overview: Zodiac Temple - Overview/Collecting Thread (no discussions)
The post was edited 2 times, last by Yemon ().