Spider pet: is it useful?

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    • Spider pet: is it useful?


      I was wondering, do you actually find the Spider Pet to be useful at all? Considering you've to craft a key (whose creation is not really simple at all, as it may fail several times) and invest a SD2 Ticket in order to get a CHANCE to drop the egg, I believe this pet is almost useless.

      It's supposed to be a specialist in Lycan Resistance and Invincibility. However, these are its unique positive characteristics.

      Not to mention that Invincibility is not really useful at all, I've been experimenting it on live servers and it almost never kicks in: besides, it requires much time to recharge. By the way, White Flags are way more efficient. I guess you didn't want to make it too unbalanced, but as it is now, is nearly to useless.

      This way, the only useful feature of the Spider pet would be a single Resistance.

      What do you think about it?
    • As you said, spider pet is only special for lykan resistance. On PvM is outclassed by Razador and on PvP is also ouclassed by Razador and Nemere. And as you said, the spider key is too expensive (spider legs and Queen Spider Poison, combined with the high % of failing), so in my opinion Spider Pets are not useful, only if you get one Egg from Tombola or Okey Event and it has good HP and slots.
    • Exactly, I've never seen a 3-skill monkey pet as well.

      Still, while it's somewhat fair for a monkey pet to be less specialized, since they're so easy to find, I wouldn't say the same thing for spiders, since it's not really that easy to get.

      And yet, monkeys actually max out resistance to warriors and suras, which are - until now - the most preferred classes.

      Razador is specialized in ninja resistances, but it's the ultimate PvM pet. Nemere is specialized in shaman resistance, but it also combines this feature with antmagic, so it's the preferred choice for magical classes.

      I don't know much about Meley pet, but I guess it's a sort of combination type, since it always gets three skills.

      Spiders just specialize in res. Lycan, since invincibility does not work really well.

      Is it ntended to be this way?
    • Maybe it'll be an off-topic, but I really have to say that "active" pet abilities are really useless as they are now.

      Invincibility isn't even provided with a 50% chance of activation - as if it wasn't enough, it has got the LONGEST cooldown ever seen. 600seconds. 10minutes!

      Come on, is there any crucial activity that really requires 10minutes, on Metin2?
      PvP duels do not even last one minute; killing bosses isn't a big deal either - if you need more than 10minutes to kill a boss in a group, you probably won't make it anyway.

      The same goes for Healing. 480seconds, that would be 8minutes. And it may EVEN fail! Why did you put them in the first place?

      I believe that a specialized pet should have a real advantage in terms of active skills. If the other unspecialized ones are giving 40%-45%, a specialist should give at least about 65-70%, and I think it's really reasonable, since it's still a probability, not a certainty.

      More over, these are active skills.

      You probably took inspiration from the long cooldown of Guild skills, they also have pretty long cooldowns. However, those skills provide long lasting BUFFS, like extra HPs or Chance to deal critical hits.

      Instead, pet active skill effect is INSTANTANEOUS. You're about to die? You get cured/become invincible for few seconds. The effect is used up.

      I know that you probably did not want to make it too exaggerated, but as it is now, it's really pointless even bothering to teach it to a pet.