Elementary Resistances Discussion

    Dear players,

    please read >> here <<.

    Thank you for being a part of this!

    • Guest wrote:

      Even killing at normal mobs is almost impossible with this update
      I agree that bosses need to get buffed, but regular mobs are hitting really hard now to the point that its not fair. In enchanted forest with 55 wind resistance I die ( Dagger Ninja). I could only imagine how a shaman healer would feel. Does no damage to monsters and cant stay alive. I fee like nerfing the resistance this much is a horrible idea. But I agree that bosses should have more hp and more defense.
    • Clearly - RESISTANCE HAVE BEEN REDUCED TOO MUCH -dmg of mobs is immense and it's almost impossible to resist, if you are not sura weapons to regenerate the rest of the accounts will not be good in pvm. This decrease in resistance has to be redefined.
    • Bad experience in resistances and DSS

      Whats the new formula behind the resistances? its really bad btw.
      We can have swords, we can have arrows working as intended.
      I understand receiving 1 dmg is not fun but at least use a new foruma because this one is broken.
      I tested room 21 with buffs and 105% lightning and i cant even take 5 groups. Just bad.
      The second is the Dragon stone shards...
      If you put the dragon stone shards untradeable much people will lose the farm and thats not cool for the community.
      I mean, at least tradeable if you want to take out of shops... but tradeable and dropable would be nice.
      Please review the formula a bit.

    • feed --------

      hello then I consider the new harmful update both at the level of alchemy and at the level of reduction of elemental resistance it is not possible to hold any type of bosses even with the alchemical archaeist complete excellent mythical and not even full resistance to the element that the damage is I was exaggerated in my opinion the maximum reduction of damage to elemental resistance should be around 20% such a drastic reduction would involve serious difficulties especially to classes and that nn are sura am I hope that this update will be re-evaluated with a new beta thanks and best regards
    • Feedback Version 18.4 (RO server) REMOVE THAT UPDATE!!!

      - Again, try to lower the resistance !!! WHY??? Practically you want us out of the game! And here I'm not talking about myself, I'm thinking about the others! Maybe some players have some alchemy and very good items to resist well above average, but these are just a few, most of them today have trouble resisting you will make them to leave the game! Keep in mind that both sides keep the game alive! :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:
      -Edit (OFF topic) And now speaking for the Romanian community, because everyone talks about it on the server, where is the FUSION IN Q3... We are already on the end of September ?(
    • Ahahaha , utan , HalfOP already told us in BebeZEU livestream that the fusion will no longer be in q3 ... why ? because this stupid beta server.A beta server where they are moking players off all comunitis whit aberant changes like a new class of alchimy.HalfOP is hoping that the fusion will be in december.

      HEY gameforge and webzen team, we dont want this ilogical and aberante update, so come whit the fusion of servers on romanian server.
    • I am shaman heal and i test map95 with 70% wind. At the beginning of the map, the mob deals 1000 damage per it ! I test with 35% wind and 41 blocking attack and other bonus, monsters deal 2k damage per it. Doing metin or xp is now impossible for me.

      I was so happy to can play my chamane in this map but with this "update", it will be impossible. Even if i play with others, i will be always dead and useless because, an healer who is dead doesn' heal...

      1 solutions for me to keep having fun : play warrior but i'm not going to. I prefer stop this game. What can i do now with my shaman lvl 105 if i can t play without instant death ?

      So i said no to this update or at least don't nerf so hard elementaries resistances.

      Sory to this second message, i didn t write it in the correct subject

      hy! i just tested the "new" resistance only in v4 for now and i'm tryin' to find a nice way to tell you my feedback about it :rolleyes:
      On live server i can easily resist on room 13 with 70% lightning, on beta i can barelly resist in the first room, how the hell are we supposed to resist on live server if we do not always have the "site items" ?
      I'm an Sura magic weapons, i do not want to imagine how a ninja would deal with the mobs on all maps with this update :)) sorry, but if this remains like this, i'm out :thumbdown:
      I think you should remove the resistances from costumes if you want to somehow make it "harder" in pvm, or make a "maximum percent that is usefull", for example 50, everything that would be above that number to be useless"
      Cheers :love:
    • Versiunea 18.4

      Verzsiunea 18.4 va distruge tot jocul in loc sa evolueze impreuna cu jocul ei depreciaza caracterele. Primul pas nu se întâmplă greșit și aici implică majoritatea jucătorilor care se lasă ușor influențați de tine. Reducerea rezienților și a dmgului pe elemnte trebuie implementată treptat în funcție de echipamentul de alimimie mistica (care avea rezistența elementelor dar a fost amanată) și cea a dmgului prin actualizarea talismanelor (îngrijirea în momentul de față este imposibilă) în loc să se preocupe cum să ne imbunatati jocul si sa implementam noi mape noi bossi pe ei ii intereseaza doar profit si deprecierea caracterelor noua versiune nu ne aduce niciun plus in joc cu exceptia cartilor pt pet. Faceți apel la toți jucătorii care iubesc acest joc nu ne batem joc de acest joc sau ce mai rămâne din el. Ori evoluam in acest joc ori ramanem la fel .. Nu trebuie sa dam 2 pasi inapoi pentru acesti incompetenti. Un joc plăcut tuturor dar dacă această versiune va fi implementată va fi un cancer pentru joc.