Alchemy cor draconis

    Dear players,

    please read >> here <<.

    Thank you for being a part of this!

    • TcatalunyaT wrote:

      Salsie wrote:

      I can understand the frustration. I am a player as you are, but webzen can only understand our frustration when gameforge send them our feedback :/ So all feedback which is in this board won't be ignored but what is done with this feedback will be shown with the release, because we as player only can give feedback. This feedback will be forwarded to the gameforge (actually gameforge employee are reading this feedback, too like Badidol or other CoMa and Staff :) ) and this feedback will be forwarded to webzen.
      the idea of this sounds great, bat as allready told you, won't work. Why? i don't know, but that is the way metin2 beta works (when implemented pets, wolf and new skills, when unbalance released ) so now the same will happen, they can read every single thread, bt they jst take into account the things they wanna read.
      I agree, it’s a little too late to revoke for example the new alchemy because that was planned and developed for a long time and let’s be honest they won’t drop months of developing just because more than 60% doesn’t like it. It will happen ! and it will have one of the biggest impacts on the players.
      What they can still change is the resistance rate or the non negotiable shards because that’s a minor change from coding point of view.
    • danielc25 wrote:

      I agree that the daily limit of 3 a day is not enough, but 30 is way too much. I feel that 6 cors a day would be a fair number.
      Nope, in my opinion, I think that 6 would NOT be enough.

      Before this change, you could get up to 15 cors (you can have up to 5 characters per single account: so, by trading dragon shards, you could get that maximum number of cors).

      Therefore, if they REALLY want to remove tradeable shards, they should keep in mind a value around 10-15, otherwise it would become way too difficult.
    • fusion y beta

      good night or good afternoon esteemed game forced many people that recharge Dr and some who do not recharge we have the great concern if what is in the beta is reflected what they want to implement.
      Since with all respect is very bad nothing good if it is towards we have in mind to make a class action to return us to the last weight that was invested in the game because the good things of the game and that have made the game last in time they have been barias things and are not taken the points of improvement that matter as the skill of mining that at this time is useless, as the increase cordraconis because if they do not want to be tradable or passable by the store has to compensate in some way the idea of giving elemental power was very good but also have to think that there are many people who already spent more than 2000 dollars to make excellent alchemy so I express my discomfort and all my friends we are more than 1200 people who spend more than $ 26,000 with different accounts now if they do not give us a decent solution we will stop playing and we will sue game force for damages because Resistance of barium games in metin2 hides the percentage of improvement is not shown at the time of improvement, for those who buy drs are not given a percentage of certainty that a real item has what they are offering, etc.
      This ticket is to tell you that I do very good things but I should improve things instead of making them worse when they could do a dungeon for gerreros and suras like this the nemeres for shaman and ninja all the players got the same respect and improvement since the community would be more apollo since what they showed in the beta was bad and we hope that that is not implemented since thank you very much thank you
    • Feedback Dragon Soul Shards 18.4

      Hello i have a feedback about the dragon soul shards .Im a lykan 117 level most of time i trade my dragon soul shards to my sub-chracters to make 15 cor draconis per/day because i use almost non-stop alchemy what you just did ? Now dragon soul shards cant be traded,storable ,dropable from your main character and or private shop can u please tell me how can i extend my time from the alchemy if you block this feature that mean i must put items of my 4 sub chracters and make 3 cor draconis right ? you force me to stay more time on the game .My ideea is to raise the 3 cor draconis per day on 15 per account i say again "Per ACCount " . And why you deleted my topic from yesterday?
      #NoToUpdate 18.4 Dont Change the elementary rezistance no to new alchemy
    • YoTeDoPo wrote:

      Olthir wrote:

      Currenty the daily amount of cor draconis is set to 5.
      And do you really think is enough?
      the answear: you need 50835 draconis in order to have 6 excelents from the new class(not 100% perfect)
      so at least 10000 days of corse its not enough and they know it.
      Lets see what the webzen is going to do. all we and the gf can do about this is wait for an webzen response
    • Olthir wrote:

      YoTeDoPo wrote:

      Olthir wrote:

      Currenty the daily amount of cor draconis is set to 5.
      And do you really think is enough?
      I'm here to say you what is the current game design.I'm not here to decide if the game design need to be changed or not ;)
      Oh so the testers can’t or don’t have any opinions to be shared . Interesting :)
      ♥ فكر فيما سوف تكون عليه في الغد .. فالأمس مضى ، واليوم يوشك على الانتهاء ♥.

      ♥Think about what you will be tomorrow. Yesterday is over, and today is about to end

      YouTube Channel

    • SkyRiM wrote:

      Olthir wrote:

      YoTeDoPo wrote:

      Olthir wrote:

      Currenty the daily amount of cor draconis is set to 5.
      And do you really think is enough?
      I'm here to say you what is the current game design.I'm not here to decide if the game design need to be changed or not ;)
      Oh so the testers can’t or don’t have any opinions to be shared . Interesting :)
      Not true.
      We are players like you, we are teamlers and we can have opinions too.
      Mine is already given and the testers of the beta are the players: we wants to know what you think about these new implementations.
      Stop joking; we are reading you, so continue to talk about this topic, please :)

      Game and Wiki Admin at
      Metin2 tester with love :love:
    • Olthir wrote:

      SkyRiM wrote:

      Olthir wrote:

      YoTeDoPo wrote:

      Olthir wrote:

      Currenty the daily amount of cor draconis is set to 5.
      And do you really think is enough?
      I'm here to say you what is the current game design.I'm not here to decide if the game design need to be changed or not ;)
      Oh so the testers can’t or don’t have any opinions to be shared . Interesting :)
      Not true.We are players like you, we are teamlers and we can have opinions too.
      Mine is already given and the testers of the beta are the players: we wants to know what you think about these new implementations.
      Stop joking; we are reading you, so continue to talk about this topic
      We hope this beta server will have a good outcome eventually, and I think you may know this gonna affect us very hard . Thank you
      ♥ فكر فيما سوف تكون عليه في الغد .. فالأمس مضى ، واليوم يوشك على الانتهاء ♥.

      ♥Think about what you will be tomorrow. Yesterday is over, and today is about to end

      YouTube Channel

    • Why you want to sink Metin?

      Hello, i am from czech official server, i am sorry but i dont understand how you could get idea like a "dissable trading with fragments of dragon soul" you want to bring here new players but you want to take them chance to earn fast money, i talking about little prices for get a new equipment new player need to sell all what he find, and exactly that fragments its easy money for them and THIS thing hold here new players, if you want to hold here players why you want to bring new items new thinks to this mess, you have many thinks what u can do here, remap textures i am sorry but rpg´s arround metin are on highest level then metin i talking about technicall issues, that server crashing, lags and many more i think its waste of time to type it all .... that new alchemy and pet system are interesting but thats all what players can accept, next... decrease resist values, i am sorry but if i buy a car with 350 horse power i paid for this values, and i will angry same as now when somebody come to my doors and will be talking me how he want to f*ck up my car and decrease his horse power... just wake up and do things what you hear from us day by day :) how long you want to ignore that feedbacks.... btw thanks for notice about restart server :) i didnt seen any thread about that thats all.
    • Yes this cannot happen... dragon shards must be tradeable!
      I started playing 2 months ago and without farming and selling dragon shards i wouldnt be able to grow...
      New players that doesnt have any items anything they just want to lv up to 30 and farm shards thats the best way and the only way to real grow...
      Please make dragon shards tradeable again...