Dear players,

    please read >> here <<.

    Thank you for being a part of this!


      Sorry for my bad english XD
      Although I have not yet been able to test this new method of alchemy I leave a general impression based on what I have read, heard and seen so far.

      The mythical alchemy we do not need, especially for mine that already has a brilliant and excellent alchemy mounted, how many yang will I have to spend? certainly much more than I have spent to date to have my current alchemy! You just have to make sure that the excellent can be updated with each other or through the items included in the store of articles! As for the fragments of non-tradable dragon, I am in favor , but we should increase the limit of cor draconis from 3 to 15 for single pg. Recharging alchemy will become impossible if the limit of 3 per day remains, and those who do not yet have alchemy will have to wait ages before they can even make a matt!
    • First of all hi guys, im a player in the Hiperion server from Metin2 PT. lets tal about this new alchemy.
      There is a 50% chance to improve the class of a stone, so you would need lets say 3 strones for 1 stone of a class above so this make 243 draconis for each stone from the new class.
      To level up the clarity of the stone you have a 70% chance. if 2 stones= 100% and 3 stones = 50% with this 70% chance we will need around 2.43 stones to increase the clarity.
      So in the Best and New Class to get an excelent stone(NOT 100% PERFECT) it will be JUST 8472.88 draconis. So if we have 6 differents type of stones we will ned 50837.32 draconis to get an excelent alchemy from the new class, and have an extreme luck to get it perfect in first try.
      As you guys all know a draconis costs 9 DC so 50837.32x9=457535.85 DC and 100 euros are 3150DC which makes JUST 14524.95 euros.
      If this is difficult for players that spend money immagine for those who cant put much money in the game...
      14524.95 EUROS WITH EXTREME LUCK! 99% would prefer to buy a car with the money instead of "buying" 6 virtual stones.

      Thanks for your time, i hope this is a good feedback, you can tell me if!
    • Feedback 18.4

      On behalf of my clan in Italy, I would like to say that we are 100% against the thought of making this new updates.

      Players have spent over the years as you know, huge amounts of money ( just check your pockets o. O) to build an effective alchemy and a strong carachter!!
      Having to change everything ( or mostly) again is a disgrace. we are sick and tired of being robbed because of these useless updates of yours!!

      You have implemented in the past things that now you want to take a step back on, why?
      Why always put the player in the corner forcing him to quit everytime ? Every update pushes a lot of people away, still dont want to realize that?

    • We have been so patient and lenient in regards to the latest updates you have implemented... made clearly and undeniably to build huge income. But this is really too much to do, the new alchemy is a no brainer for everyone, you are killing a beautiful game!
    • This patch is the end of metin2?

      Absolutely against this new updates idea, people especially under my eyes in my server in Italy, have worked their socks off to be competitive and have a good alchemy to play both in PVP and PVE, finding themselves in this situation of having to do everything again is a no brainer!!!
      As a matter of fact, whether it becomes official, many players in my country ( and i say this for sure) will quit the game!
      If thats what you want that's what you will get!
      #NO TO UPDATE 18.4
    • Good evening everyone,
      As many stated previously I dont like in any ways whatsoever the new update proposed in the beta Server.
      Denying the possibility of trading the dragon stone shards is a no brainer, how do you expect people to improve their alchemy?by buying the cors draconis from the item shop? Can't figure out how you thing and set these ideas out!
      If u want metin2 to really start declining drastically everywhere, then you are on the right path!
    • Alchemy changes are so bad

      You can't do that to the alchemy sistem. I think if you do this change, 90% of the players will leave the game. It's almost impossible for new players to craft their own alchemy from cor draconis to legendary alchemy, even more impossible for good players to get their alchemy to bright or excellent. In this way you make a favor to the old players that already maxed their alchemy, and now they just need to extend it. Please reconsider this update. It's not healty for the game future. Wish you all the best from Romania!
    • This alchemy update is really regrettable, to begin there is no motivation for the people
      that is starting to play Metin2 every update is made for high levels so the people who currently play
      is one that takes a long time in the game 4-5 years or more ... people who for a long time have been adapting to each
      update even being dissatisfied with it, but this new alchemy is already too much because it is to delete all the
      effort, time and money that we have invested in the game for years to get it. Simply the new aquimia is
      unnecessary and dangerous for the game if it's intention is to retain players, I mean you are not motivating people to continue playing, you are only separating them more and more from the goal that each one of us proposes in the game making it endless, frustrating and boring.

      Of course ... there are many things to improve the game but alchemy is not one of them, it has already a very high difficulty.