Devil's Catacomb Discussion

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    • BodyBoy wrote:

      Salsie wrote:

      BlueShade wrote:

      Anyway, there's a sad truth. Webzen/GF are obviously against an excessive yang influx (otherwise they wouldn't have made the thongs of time, or the costume projection so expensive) and more importantly they'd have associated a greater quantity of yang to high level dungeons.

      So I still think that the key lies in reducing the excessive amount of yang drop in DC - or limiting it to a higher floor, which:

      1) would require the usage of shruken heads;
      2) would have a limited time, as the dungeon would expire after 1hour anyway.

      This is still the best option for me and if there were a poll or something similar (we all know they won't put it, but oh well :D) I'd definitely vote "yes" for something like this.
      Let's see but you can be sure every single suggestion will be forwarded. :)
      i, have some ide to this off the outhunter :)

      Then tell me your idea please :)
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • ok first i,sorry for error Writing 1: turn off "auto hunting" 2: make a new quest 3: select lv to enter

      BodyBoy wrote:

      Salsie wrote:

      BlueShade wrote:

      Anyway, there's a sad truth. Webzen/GF are obviously against an excessive yang influx (otherwise they wouldn't have made the thongs of time, or the costume projection so expensive) and more importantly they'd have associated a greater quantity of yang to high level dungeons.

      So I still think that the key lies in reducing the excessive amount of yang drop in DC - or limiting it to a higher floor, which:

      1) would require the usage of shruken heads;
      2) would have a limited time, as the dungeon would expire after 1hour anyway.

      This is still the best option for me and if there were a poll or something similar (we all know they won't put it, but oh well :D) I'd definitely vote "yes" for something like this.
      Let's see but you can be sure every single suggestion will be forwarded. :)
      i, have some ide to this off the outhunter :)