18.4 Feedback by Didi

    Dear players,

    please read >> here <<.

    Thank you for being a part of this!

    • BlueShade wrote:

      Didi, Dragon Shamans are still useful.

      And I've got a proof for you: there are still several players who own a Body Warrior or Weapon Sura and who are ALSO married to a Dragon Shaman - which is owned by themselves.

      The problem is not with elemental resistances, but with the fact that a solo player is able to log both of them and do everything alone...

      You don't create relationships by ruining the game to other players - again, I don't mean to be rude, but I definitely don't agree with you.
      BlueShade why on the earth i should 'own' a second char when i can play the game with someone else??? This is a nonsense, same like in real life
      youtube.com/c/DidiShamy Didi-Romania, Diana-Universalis, DidiShamyy-Orion
    • You're right, I agree with you on that point.

      But the game allows players to create a "doll" buffer and do everything on their own. They actually are creating Ninja-dolls as well, in order to do Nemere on solo... And as a Ninja, I'm pretty pis*ed off... :D

      However, that's the way the game works. I'd like forbidding multi-account, if only there was the chance to create offline shops.

      At least, I can do things on my own when I'm alone and with my friends when they want to play with me.

      But if you support these new elemental resistance change, things will become significantly harder for players who aren't Body Warriors/Weapon Suras... And that includes me and you (and players like us).
    • Hi Didi,

      I am a fan of your channel but now i can't be on your side , the elementan resistance is a bat idea for any players that have maked items with resistance.
      I have sets for every dungeon and now when i entered on the beta server i can't finish one without dead 1 2 times even more.In v4 i can't take one room because on the official server they give me 100-300 damage and on brta server they give me 1k-1,4k ....
    • BlueShade wrote:

      You're right, I agree with you on that point.

      But the game allows players to create a "doll" buffer and do everything on their own. They actually are creating Ninja-dolls as well, in order to do Nemere on solo... And as a Ninja, I'm pretty pis*ed off... :D

      However, that's the way the game works. I'd like forbidding multi-account, if only there was the chance to create offline shops.

      At least, I can do things on my own when I'm alone and with my friends when they want to play with me.

      But if you support these new elemental resistance change, things will become significantly harder for players who aren't Body Warriors/Weapon Suras... And that includes me and you (and players like us).
      why do you think players are making ninja dolls for nemere or saman for blue dragon? Yang hungry? Yes ... But why ... YANG SELLERS!!!! This must be stop. Making things harder, it will bring players together. On the server where i'm, playing , are players doing the blue dragon solo, our guild also my guild we are doing with full group of 8, same with razador or jotun and we are happy, no issues ....so...
      youtube.com/c/DidiShamy Didi-Romania, Diana-Universalis, DidiShamyy-Orion
    • Didi some upgraders better drop with Nemere, and the Dragon chests fly changes and additions that are needed to do the equipment.
      And you are already challenging people from selling yangs.

      Honestly, I'll tell you that, you have guild and going to the dungeons.
      Where are yangs to do your own equipment that you do not have?

      Didi, as I wrote earlier, make yourself some equipment so you can do some dungeons alone.

      On the Polish server, it was Shaman who was the first character who went to v2 alone.

      So do not cry, please, that the shaman is bad, just do something with the equipment.
      And if you have a problem with earnings, do a new account - drop 55 level.
      !!!! STOP NEW ALCHEMY IN UPDATE 18.4 !!!!!!

      Mój kanał YT: Metin2.PL - Wetar - GamePriv [YOUTUBE]
    • Again, I don't agree with you, Didi. Making things harder just makes them impossible for non BodyWarrior and WeaponSura users.

      On our server, there are several players doing Berans and Jotuns on solo as well and they are the same players who use shamans/ninja dolls. Regardless of elemental defences, they'll still play on their own, if they want to...

      The only way to fix this is preventing multiaccount in dungeons.


      As for yang sellers, they should definitely remove yang drop from Devil Catacombs, and preventing continuous access to Beran's lair from the same players who already killed the dragon a hour before...
    • GamePriv wrote:

      Didi some upgraders better drop with Nemere, and the Dragon chests fly changes and additions that are needed to do the equipment.
      And you are already challenging people from selling yangs.

      Honestly, I'll tell you that, you have guild and going to the dungeons.
      Where are yangs to do your own equipment that you do not have?

      Didi, as I wrote earlier, make yourself some equipment so you can do some dungeons alone.

      On the Polish server, it was Shaman who was the first character who went to v2 alone.

      So do not cry, please, that the shaman is bad, just do something with the equipment.
      And if you have a problem with earnings, do a new account - drop 55 level.
      :)) i don't want to do dungeons by myself. This is sad and not right. Everything must be done in the guild with the guild for the guild, helping each other. You can go alone, but about the others from the guild? Not everyone has good eq, they must be helped, that why a guild is important. Very soon u will realise for jotun, meley or pvp, you will need that guild, if you dont help the guild, the guild it will be not helping you back
      youtube.com/c/DidiShamy Didi-Romania, Diana-Universalis, DidiShamyy-Orion
    • BlueShade wrote:

      Again, I don't agree with you, Didi. Making things harder just makes them impossible for non BodyWarrior and WeaponSura users.

      On our server, there are several players doing Berans and Jotuns on solo as well and they are the same players who use shamans/ninja dolls. Regardless of elemental defences, they'll still play on their own, if they want to...

      The only way to fix this is preventing multiaccount in dungeons.


      As for yang sellers, they should definitely remove yang drop from Devil Catacombs, and preventing continuous access to Beran's lair from the same players who already killed the dragon a hour before...
      Thats the idea, making the things harder enough, u will not be able to run a dungeon by yourself, on that point you will need help from the others. Thats how is supposed to be
      youtube.com/c/DidiShamy Didi-Romania, Diana-Universalis, DidiShamyy-Orion
    • I wrote you ...
      Some like to do dungeons alone, because they are lonely wolves, because they do not have to ask for help.

      And there are also people like you who like to do it in the guild and in a group.

      You can not reconcile it, and Metin2 gives you the opportunity to do solo as well as in a group, so I do not know what your problem is?
      !!!! STOP NEW ALCHEMY IN UPDATE 18.4 !!!!!!

      Mój kanał YT: Metin2.PL - Wetar - GamePriv [YOUTUBE]
    • GamePriv wrote:

      I wrote you ...
      Some like to do dungeons alone, because they are lonely wolves, because they do not have to ask for help.

      And there are also people like you who like to do it in the guild and in a group.

      You can not reconcile it, and Metin2 gives you the opportunity to do solo as well as in a group, so I do not know what your problem is?
      What do you mean? I have no problem, i just left here a positive feedback about the update and you guys jump on it :)
      youtube.com/c/DidiShamy Didi-Romania, Diana-Universalis, DidiShamyy-Orion
    • You do not know, you can see the consequences of this update in relation to the new alchemi.

      Not everything is bad in this update, but please excuse me, I've been playing since the beginning of the Metin2 uprising and I've lived through a lot.

      This update with Alchemy will be a nail to the coffin.
      !!!! STOP NEW ALCHEMY IN UPDATE 18.4 !!!!!!

      Mój kanał YT: Metin2.PL - Wetar - GamePriv [YOUTUBE]
    • GamePriv wrote:

      You do not know, you can see the consequences of this update in relation to the new alchemi.

      Not everything is bad in this update, but please excuse me, I've been playing since the beginning of the Metin2 uprising and I've lived through a lot.

      This update with Alchemy will be a nail to the coffin.
      Again, different point of view, i think its good a new alchemy level, as a normal player i can sell for higher price excellent poor stones. Maybe for you its a challenge because you have excellent alchemy and now you must make next level one, yeah, in this case bad news for you, you will not be the no1 :0 Not for me, i didn;t got excellent alchemy, i dont need it because i'm in a guild, if i need pvp or pvm help, there will be a lot to help me :D
      youtube.com/c/DidiShamy Didi-Romania, Diana-Universalis, DidiShamyy-Orion
    • Didi wrote:

      Thats the idea, making the things harder enough, u will not be able to run a dungeon by yourself, on that point you will need help from the others. Thats how is supposed to be
      Which server do you play? I suppose it's a server with a lot of people and everyone invests strong and ugly in the game. Do you think you need to make things more complicated because you do everything easily? Let me put you in another situation. Imagine yourself on a server where to make a Meley or a Zodiac there aren't people, and the few that exist can't evolve and improve because of GF's changes everythuing from one moment to another.

      "why do you think players are making ninja dolls for nemere or saman for blue dragon? Yang hungry? Yes ... But why ... YANG SELLERS!!!! This must be stop."

      This is funny ... are you worried about people who farm razador and nemere alone? That's nothing! You should look at the catacombs where there are people with 4, 5, or more "dolls" farming all day! But GF and some people close their eyes to this, you know why? Every month enters hundreds of euros in the wallet because of auto hunting, thief glove, third hand, disguises, etc etc.

      Can you find a good point in this update? If you play a big server maybe, now in a small one? It's his death!

      " i can sell for higher price excellent poor stones"

      Alchemy is no longer negotiable
    • Didi wrote:

      GamePriv wrote:

      You do not know, you can see the consequences of this update in relation to the new alchemi.

      Not everything is bad in this update, but please excuse me, I've been playing since the beginning of the Metin2 uprising and I've lived through a lot.

      This update with Alchemy will be a nail to the coffin.
      Again, different point of view, i think its good a new alchemy level, as a normal player i can sell for higher price excellent poor stones. Maybe for you its a challenge because you have excellent alchemy and now you must make next level one, yeah, in this case bad news for you, you will not be the no1 :0 Not for me, i didn;t got excellent alchemy, i dont need it because i'm in a guild, if i need pvp or pvm help, there will be a lot to help me :D
      You have not understood that update. The mythical level is a new level above legendary, so, is the same combining an excellent legendary than a matt in order to get a mythic one. Is the same as upgrading antique alchemy to legendary, if you have 2 antique matt you can obtain 1 legendary matt. The same happens if you have 2 excellent antiques, the result will be 1 matt legendary. Ugly excellent legendaries are still useless because you can do the same with an ugly matt.
    • Didi wrote:

      GamePriv wrote:

      You do not know, you can see the consequences of this update in relation to the new alchemi.

      Not everything is bad in this update, but please excuse me, I've been playing since the beginning of the Metin2 uprising and I've lived through a lot.

      This update with Alchemy will be a nail to the coffin.
      Again, different point of view, i think its good a new alchemy level, as a normal player i can sell for higher price excellent poor stones. Maybe for you its a challenge because you have excellent alchemy and now you must make next level one, yeah, in this case bad news for you, you will not be the no1 :0 Not for me, i didn;t got excellent alchemy, i dont need it because i'm in a guild, if i need pvp or pvm help, there will be a lot to help me :D

      I see that you look only at your good, and you can not look spatially on the situation in many countries.
      Your thinking is too shallow.

      Think about yourself.
      You are playing this game for 3-4 years.
      You only devote time to making alchemy.
      Now, think that the update is coming and all your 3 years of work went to dead.

      I can not explain it to you simply.

      Do not just think about yourself, about the whole.
      !!!! STOP NEW ALCHEMY IN UPDATE 18.4 !!!!!!

      Mój kanał YT: Metin2.PL - Wetar - GamePriv [YOUTUBE]
    • U want to make this game harder for good players , by doing so it will be imposible for average
      Beran-Setaou was a thing back in ages now we need too focus on higher Runs/Bosses and without those elementary resistance it will be almost imposible to do.

      I understand that u want to make this game more "social" but its no need everybody have their team and we already enjoy this game ;)

      P.S. sorry for bad englis
    • i dont know where you play bt seems like in @Didi server has active players from all sorts of levels with equipment for all dungeons active 24/7/365 but most of the servers don't.
      id like to play with other players as my main charactar is a dragon shaman, but unfortunately on my server each day there is les activity, and the active players are from south america so means a gap of6 or more hours. so when you wake up the sleep when you get home they work abd whrb they got home you sleep.

      now jst think on all the sercers not in youre, because this version will roll out all servers gameforge owns, not just the one with such a huge number of players also the smallest with less than 100 acrive players.
      “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.”
      :!: John Robert Wooden :!:
      Customer complaints are the schoolbooks from which we learn.
      Lou Guerstner
    • Didi wrote:

      BlueShade wrote:

      Didi, Dragon Shamans are still useful.

      And I've got a proof for you: there are still several players who own a Body Warrior or Weapon Sura and who are ALSO married to a Dragon Shaman - which is owned by themselves.

      The problem is not with elemental resistances, but with the fact that a solo player is able to log both of them and do everything alone...

      You don't create relationships by ruining the game to other players - again, I don't mean to be rude, but I definitely don't agree with you.
      BlueShade why on the earth i should 'own' a second char when i can play the game with someone else??? This is a nonsense, same like in real life
      • Two big reasons:
      • 1. Maybe you want to play and your shaman is not eligible to play in that time, its pretty hard to be online when the other one is too.
      • 2. More yang. Everyone is playing pvm for yang.
    • look, guys, i'm not here to argue with anyone, i'm playing this game from long time and i dont really care about the alchemy new update. This game is not about alchemy update, or eq or mobs damage, no . This game is about having fun with your friends or other players. Every evening we are caring long discussion on our discord server about us, about the game, so , actually is not about the game, its just about having fun and playing what you love. I met a lot of people playing this game, with good and bad, but at the end of the day its all about having fun :)
      youtube.com/c/DidiShamy Didi-Romania, Diana-Universalis, DidiShamyy-Orion

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Didi ().