18.4 Feedback by Didi

    Dear players,

    please read >> here <<.

    Thank you for being a part of this!

    • Let's see @Didi I will try to explain step by step everything that they want to modify with this update in the game:

      First of all the change of alchemy means that they are incorporating a new class called mitica, which will bring elemental strength and better bonuses than the legendary alchemy of today, up to here everything is fine.

      The problem is that watching your videos and many players, we all know how much each one has tried / invested in achieving their excellent alchemy and etc so that they tell us now, well if you want to achieve the best you have to start from 0 the alchemy again and above you have to use twice the resources you used before (this is what is happening since to create a mythic, you will need 2 legendary class alchemy).
      In addition, this is a change that the players never asked for and even with this modification we still have the problem of alchemy with excellent purity without bonus.

      I clarify that my way of seeing the game I share with you, that is, the idea is to have fun and have fun with a group and etc (this is what I personally do too) but without realizing this change we are frustrating many people who like to compete, or people who have put a lot of money or time in their alchemy to make them and for everyone who has set out to make excellent alchemy. In addition, the change that dragon stone fragments are not tradable or storable will make this new alchemy much more difficult than now.

      The nerf of the elementary resistances I think is excessive unlike you, I think that as many that we should hit more than in the normal server, but not as much as in the beta even carrying a lot of wind or other resistances, the monsters remove hits enough .

      I think it would be good to reduce the effectiveness of elemental resistance a bit but not take it to the point that is now in the current server where I can put a character with 100% wind and honestly do not take or 1, really the solution was simple which to my liking was to reduce by half the effectiveness of the elemental resistances and add a maximum limit (60%) of what you could carry as the movement or the load time of skills and in this way we would avoid the blows of 1 and the autocaza and all that exists because even if you wear a good pegar but someone with a team and average / good alchemy could endure but still have the chance to die if neglected.

      My friend here @BlueShade and @YoTeDoPo is true what they say, in many other servers, there are too many ninja dolls, shamans and etc that really only have people to go to nemeres or things like that, in my server at least there will be at most 10 main dragons shamans or something and ninjas maybe 10 main, but this is already a problem outside this beta update and really to stop the yang sellers that you mention the company should try to control those black markets and pursue them and etc.

      In the server that you play @Didi is one of the most populated Gameforge has with which this previous problem will never happen or delay in happening since there are always people to do things and etc although this update will impact all the communities, even the most populated will be affected with this update .It would be important if you saw what it really means to apply these drastic changes that affect the day to day of the people, the equipment they have, the alchemy they perform and many other things.

      Also, even with the changes that there will be, there will still be these people who will continue doing this kind of thing to go alone, since with the mythical, without realizing it, you are giving them more power of damage and all that, with which these people will continue killing the Nemere alone, maybe they can not with the Meley as they can now but for that they will take 2 or 3 more people and with that we return again to the same problem, with which even with this change of difficulty the people will eventually come back to do the same, you would only be temporarily stopping them. With which to my liking is not the correct solution for this same reason.

      Sorry for the long post @Didi but I have tried to explain my point of view at least what this update means.
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Metin2.es Server: Nemesis.
    • [censored], you guys all acting like you gonna have to start alchemy from 0, the legendary ones you have are still fkn good and will do the job, but if you want to do more powerfull ones you will have a new tier, its ur choice, no one is forcing you to create the new alchemy

      Edit Salsie:
      Constructive pls
      Discount code : Alpha

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Salsie ().

    • loltyler1.com wrote:

      [censored], you guys all acting like you gonna have to start alchemy from 0, the legendary ones you have are still fkn good and will do the job, but if you want to do more powerfull ones you will have a new tier, its ur choice, no one is forcing you to create the new alchemy
      When you have an excellent mythical alchemy without bonus and you see that you can not do anything with it, you will realize what we were really claiming that at least with purity something can be done. Well you spent a lot of alchemy the day you do that and you will say seriously that this mythical has left me ugly and there is nothing I can do to change it ?.

      About your answer, yes, we will continue to be strong even with the new alchemy, but my main claim is not only about the new alchemy, but about the impact that the dragon stone fragments can not be traded or stored.
      You have to understand that this update will directly affect the alchemy trade and also the amount that may exist.

      Edit Salsie:
      Quote edited
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Metin2.es Server: Nemesis.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Salsie ().

    • "Balancing"

      Just some feedback regarding this new "balancing" update.

      The main issue on this game is that some resistances can be over 100%. Just because a lot of IS items can be bought.

      For example wind resistance on your "normal" stuff can be stacked up to around 70% I geus. When buying IS costumes it will be up to 100% and than the DSS system is not even included. This maximum of over 100% is just the main problem, not the actual working of the resistance. 70% resistance should always just mean the mobs will to 70% less dmg, but the should just be limited on somewhere between 60-80. Someone that did the effort to just getting all the resistances on their items still cannot play with these new damage.

      DSS system is in compare to your "normal" stuff is currently al over powered. With new stones this will only be more OP. When someone has a perfect stone with the current system the issue is that they have a useless stone that cannot be changed. Just make it possible to change these stones instead of given them 1 chance to improve the stones, and give like 90% change to still have the same max leveled useless stone. Just give 'm a IS item to change DSS or let 'm change these stones with 2 perfect, this is also just a sick amount of work on just doing it on the free daily tasks.

      Smaller servers or ftp players will get with this update no possibility to play this game with fun. New players have to invest over 10k to just get a decent account. There are very few that will do this if you can buy just a gaming console and some games with it.

      On our Dutch server it is even impossible for the lower level players to obtain a decent set with wind resistance to level. With my Sura with 60 wind res and 1k def they still hit 600 in the 95+ maps.

      I gues the smaller servers can juts be deleted when this is updated, well done :thumbdown:

      Best just limit the maximum resistances with all above like 50-80% will just be set to the maximum and give players juts the option to up 2 legend perfect DSS to 1 legend perfect with new bonusses and/or an IS item to change DSS. Problem solved right?
    • passaport wrote:

      Hi Didi,

      I am a fan of your channel but now i can't be on your side , the elementan resistance is a bat idea for any players that have maked items with resistance.
      I have sets for every dungeon and now when i entered on the beta server i can't finish one without dead 1 2 times even more.In v4 i can't take one room because on the official server they give me 100-300 damage and on brta server they give me 1k-1,4k ....
      Thank you. don't worry, just create a level up party with your friends or a shaman and you will be fine
      youtube.com/c/DidiShamy Didi-Romania, Diana-Universalis, DidiShamyy-Orion
    • Blesenth wrote:

      Let's see @Didi I will try to explain step by step everything that they want to modify with this update in the game:

      First of all the change of alchemy means that they are incorporating a new class called mitica, which will bring elemental strength and better bonuses than the legendary alchemy of today, up to here everything is fine.

      The problem is that watching your videos and many players, we all know how much each one has tried / invested in achieving their excellent alchemy and etc so that they tell us now, well if you want to achieve the best you have to start from 0 the alchemy again and above you have to use twice the resources you used before (this is what is happening since to create a mythic, you will need 2 legendary class alchemy).
      In addition, this is a change that the players never asked for and even with this modification we still have the problem of alchemy with excellent purity without bonus.

      I clarify that my way of seeing the game I share with you, that is, the idea is to have fun and have fun with a group and etc (this is what I personally do too) but without realizing this change we are frustrating many people who like to compete, or people who have put a lot of money or time in their alchemy to make them and for everyone who has set out to make excellent alchemy. In addition, the change that dragon stone fragments are not tradable or storable will make this new alchemy much more difficult than now.

      The nerf of the elementary resistances I think is excessive unlike you, I think that as many that we should hit more than in the normal server, but not as much as in the beta even carrying a lot of wind or other resistances, the monsters remove hits enough .

      I think it would be good to reduce the effectiveness of elemental resistance a bit but not take it to the point that is now in the current server where I can put a character with 100% wind and honestly do not take or 1, really the solution was simple which to my liking was to reduce by half the effectiveness of the elemental resistances and add a maximum limit (60%) of what you could carry as the movement or the load time of skills and in this way we would avoid the blows of 1 and the autocaza and all that exists because even if you wear a good pegar but someone with a team and average / good alchemy could endure but still have the chance to die if neglected.

      My friend here @BlueShade and @YoTeDoPo is true what they say, in many other servers, there are too many ninja dolls, shamans and etc that really only have people to go to nemeres or things like that, in my server at least there will be at most 10 main dragons shamans or something and ninjas maybe 10 main, but this is already a problem outside this beta update and really to stop the yang sellers that you mention the company should try to control those black markets and pursue them and etc.

      In the server that you play @Didi is one of the most populated Gameforge has with which this previous problem will never happen or delay in happening since there are always people to do things and etc although this update will impact all the communities, even the most populated will be affected with this update .It would be important if you saw what it really means to apply these drastic changes that affect the day to day of the people, the equipment they have, the alchemy they perform and many other things.

      Also, even with the changes that there will be, there will still be these people who will continue doing this kind of thing to go alone, since with the mythical, without realizing it, you are giving them more power of damage and all that, with which these people will continue killing the Nemere alone, maybe they can not with the Meley as they can now but for that they will take 2 or 3 more people and with that we return again to the same problem, with which even with this change of difficulty the people will eventually come back to do the same, you would only be temporarily stopping them. With which to my liking is not the correct solution for this same reason.

      Sorry for the long post @Didi but I have tried to explain my point of view at least what this update means.
      Thank you for your long replay. Well, my feedback comes from what i tested with my friends on a 5 players group, we have no issues. I think this is the right way in order to jump to a conclusion a write a feedback. I can't say anything about alchemy as i didn't tested yet.
      youtube.com/c/DidiShamy Didi-Romania, Diana-Universalis, DidiShamyy-Orion
    • Didi wrote:

      Hi, i'm Didi and this is my feedback. First of all, this is a big improvement on the class balance first and game balance overall. Actually, at the moment, on a normal metin2 server, shaman class is dead, you trash the shaman class bringing those resistance against mobs damage, no one need a shaman in a group or even in a guild, as you can get no damage from mobs with 80-100% resistance and you can use dew for critic. So, the big picture here is class balance, thats how i see this update. Back in time we are doing dungeon runs with 8 ppl group where a mental warrior, shaman dragon and a healer was a 'must have on the group'. This game is made to be played on a team, on a guild, for fun, not for selling yang, from my point of view the catacombs and the blue dragon must be reworked Now going on the feedback, we checked the razador, seems to be fine, the damage is decent, we tried the jotun dungeon seems to be fine, we tried enchanted forest, again, seems to be fine. Also we tried the blue dragon and here are some problems. The blue dragon dungeon is still easy to be done. Yeah, the mobs dmg seems to be higher but who care, we can move the mobs on one side, i think you should increase the dragon hp and increase the blue dragon elemental damage. Again, all those dungeons, must be made on a full group of 8 by average players, only on this way we can scrap the yang sellers. Also the ice witch is way to easy to be killed. Zodiac temple looks ok. On the alchemy update i what to thank you for given us a solution for the no bonuses excellent stones.Thats my feedback for the moment, i will come back with more after the shop bugs will be fixed, thank you.
      Hi Didi, I agree with everything besides the alchemy update: yes it’s sad when you spend 60-100won to to buy 2 brilliant stones and try to make an excellent but you get a bad one but this is something like you buy bonus adders and fail in adding a bonus, there you have no such thing as a second chance like they try to give you with this new alchemy stuff.

      P.S. sunt mare fan al live-urilor tale ;)
    • Didi wrote:

      Thank you. don't worry, just create a level up party with your friends or a shaman and you will be fine
      That is easier said than done. Please, see the status of our servers (prints below), which aren't the worst of the various European servers. As all of you can see we have one kingdom overpopulated and the other two almost empty. After such an update it will still be more empty. Do you really think it's going to be possible to get a party?

      Your point of view only makes sense on servers with many people, there are three, more or less, German, Turkish and Romanian (which will be negatively affected as well).

      Once again the little ones are always the ones who get screwed, due to the greed of the GF and the players of the big servers. If GF doesn't care about the small servers, shut them down for good, stop squeezing the orange down to the last drops of juice. It's a lack of respect, because we can be less but we are customers in the same.

    • curioso2 wrote:

      Didi wrote:

      Thank you. don't worry, just create a level up party with your friends or a shaman and you will be fine
      That is easier said than done. Please, see the status of our servers (prints below), which aren't the worst of the various European servers. As all of you can see we have one kingdom overpopulated and the other two almost empty. After such an update it will still be more empty. Do you really think it's going to be possible to get a party?
      Your point of view only makes sense on servers with many people, there are three, more or less, German, Turkish and Romanian (which will be negatively affected as well).

      Once again the little ones are always the ones who get screwed, due to the greed of the GF and the players of the big servers. If GF doesn't care about the small servers, shut them down for good, stop squeezing the orange down to the last drops of juice. It's a lack of respect, because we can be less but we are customers in the same.

      Yeah, that's sad, we are all waiting for a truly European/Global server where we can play together
      youtube.com/c/DidiShamy Didi-Romania, Diana-Universalis, DidiShamyy-Orion
    • Feedback update 18.4

      Its unbelievable how you guys think only and exclusively about your profit and don't see things from the player's perspective!
      People have spent so much time and so much money to have what they have now!
      In 2018 changing something so sofisticated like the alchemy is and idea that only people with no brain will have!
      We are tired of these steps back and of this game experience changing updates... its not hard to comprehend folks!
    • 1.It seems that this version of the game and all its changes were thought by people who want metin2 to be closed.

      -elemental resistances: It is a mockery to all the people who invested their money, time and effort in improving their equipment so that now they become almost useless, for example in the meley it will be impossible to use polymorphic balls without dying every minute, in my case for example spend a lot to put 1.5k hp 50 attack and 15 fire resistance to my armor level 115, although it is true that you would have to make some changes so that it would not stand in places of level 95 or more with level equipment 1, it is not justified that they restrict and disable the pvm in such a way. I wonder what will be the fate of the players who invested so much to be able to run different dungeons and now they will not have any way of winning yang? I do not think they will invest their money again to redo their equipment. HAVING AS EXPERIENCE WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE ELEMENTAL RESISTANCES, these people will feel confused, uncertain and disappointed and their only way will be to leave the game. Keep in mind that the mirror sura is not the only race that makes pvm.

      -Alquimia and fragments of stone dragon: This had become one of the main ways to earn yang, now that players will think that they were dedicated to this when they can not do their cordraconis quietly or trade their fragments? I can assure you that most of these people will end up leaving the game, besides nothing will be worth investing in thief's glove or inventory keys, etc ... ALSO RECHARGE THE TIME OF THE ALCHEMIES WILL BE A HEADACHE

    • First of all hi guys, im a player in the Hiperion server from Metin2 PT. lets tal about this new alchemy.
      There is a 50% chance to improve the class of a stone, so you would need lets say 3 strones for 1 stone of a class above so this make 243 draconis for each stone from the new class.
      To level up the clarity of the stone you have a 70% chance. if 2 stones= 100% and 3 stones = 50% with this 70% chance we will need around 2.43 stones to increase the clarity.
      So in the Best and New Class to get an excelent stone(NOT 100% PERFECT) it will be JUST 8472.88 draconis. So if we have 6 differents type of stones we will ned 50837.32 draconis to get an excelent alchemy from the new class, and have an extreme luck to get it perfect in first try.
      As you guys all know a draconis costs 9 DC so 50837.32x9=457535.85 DC and 100 euros are 3150DC which makes JUST 14524.95 euros.
      If this is difficult for players that spend money immagine for those who cant put much money in the game...
      14524.95 EUROS WITH EXTREME LUCK! 99% would prefer to buy a car with the money instead of "buying" 6 virtual stones.

      Thanks for your time, i hope this is a good feedback, you can tell me if!
    • lmcdoss6 wrote:

      First of all hi guys, im a player in the Hiperion server from Metin2 PT. lets tal about this new alchemy.
      There is a 50% chance to improve the class of a stone, so you would need lets say 3 strones for 1 stone of a class above so this make 243 draconis for each stone from the new class.
      To level up the clarity of the stone you have a 70% chance. if 2 stones= 100% and 3 stones = 50% with this 70% chance we will need around 2.43 stones to increase the clarity.
      So in the Best and New Class to get an excelent stone(NOT 100% PERFECT) it will be JUST 8472.88 draconis. So if we have 6 differents type of stones we will ned 50837.32 draconis to get an excelent alchemy from the new class, and have an extreme luck to get it perfect in first try.
      As you guys all know a draconis costs 9 DC so 50837.32x9=457535.85 DC and 100 euros are 3150DC which makes JUST 14524.95 euros.
      If this is difficult for players that spend money immagine for those who cant put much money in the game...
      14524.95 EUROS WITH EXTREME LUCK! 99% would prefer to buy a car with the money instead of "buying" 6 virtual stones.

      Thanks for your time, i hope this is a good feedback, you can tell me if!
      I'm not that good at math but i will take your word for that calc, so i need 50.837 draconis for all 6 stones, and in a day i can make 15 (that if i can move them thru deposit) so 50837/15 it's 3.389 days 3389/365=9 years :)))))))))
      That's all i had to say.

      And btw @Didi i'm not playing this game for pve, that's not what i enjoy about this game, pve it's just something i need to do sometimes so i can do ok in pvp, u are playing on that new server so u don't have any excellent yet iirc so think about others with 12 excellent equipped how much yang and time did they invest?

      Off topic: i see here some friends from last years when we witnesses that hit on dragon shaman and what did we learn from it? Doesn't matter if we like it or not that alchemy will change 100%, old excellent stones will be at the same price as a matt etc.
    • Alchemy and PvE point of view !

      First , i want to quote Salsie in one of his reply:
      ''Guys remember that everyone can have their own opinion and your opinions can also diverge.

      As mentioned before, there are players who like the team game and there are players who prefer to play alone.

      There are also players who don't have the equipment so please accept this too

      Pointing to someone is not the sense of feedback.

      But thank you very much for your feedback and your discussion so far ''

      First of all I want to talk about alchemy.

      ''Mythic Alchemy
      The mythic alchemy system has been added to the game. It will give you the opportunity to further upgrade your alchemy and improve your character. The new system is coming with a new row of legendary dragon stones which can be crafted by combining 2 normal legendary stones into a new mythic legendary stone. To make it easier for players and to give a use to not so useful excellent dragon Stones, you will be able to combine legendary dragon stones from any Clarity. Meaning you will be able to combine 1 legendary matt and 1 legendary excellent dragon stone into a new legendary mythic stone.''

      We can not test it yet,but but from what I understand you want to change the alchemy system to make it easier for players and to do something with excellent alchemy.
      1.If you make it easier to make it, it will become cheaper. And it's not fair to the players who have farmed so much to get yang to buy a shiny / excellent alchemy, and over a few weeks / months to see the same alchemy it's now half price or even cheaper.Or players who bought shards from itemshop to make alchemy, and after version 18.4 see that with the same amount invested could do much more and better alchemy.
      1.1.If the alchemical upgrading system will be easier, dragon chips should not be sold or negotiated to make it harder to do so that the price on the alchemy market is not ruined.But that would destroy a way of producing yang, farming shreds. And shreds are selling much faster than many other items you can get from metin stones, mobs or boss (at least those of small lvl).
      2.If the new mystic clarity will provide better bonuses than it offers excellent alchemy it will upset many players who have invested a long time to equip their character with excellent alchemy with perfect bonuses.Because until now to equip an excellent alchemy account with perfect bonuses is the most costly thing in the game. For someone who has invested a lot of time and money to get one, and then see that even better clarity appears, will be devastating and will leave the game.

      I believe that the alchemical system should not be changed very much in order not to affect the alchemical market or the farmers who "live" from the sale of shards.
      I say that the best solution for empty excelent alchemy would be to be able to upgrade 2 excellent ones to get a new one. And if we're lucky, we get something with bonuses that can help ,or if not ,we try again.

      ''Elementary Resistances
      Since we introduced the elementary resistances they have been a debating point within the communities. We are trying to improve this circumstance, which is why we will reduce the effectiveness of these resistances. We are aware, that this is a critical topic and reducing the effectiveness can be quite dangerous. Which is why we will start off slow, so we can further adjust them in future if needed.''

      Here's something to change, because it's not normal to fit 90% + elemental resistance and to beat without taking damage.
      1.Why to turn the game around is all over your head, when you can much easier to eliminate the elementary resistances on suits and voucher weapons.Or at least just the ones on the voucher weapons, because i dont consider it normal for weapons vouchers to have bonuses that are typically for armours.Why weapons vouchers cant have only bonuses that are typically for weapons.This will be logic and normal, and will not upset anyone.
      2.PvE on metin2 need to rethought,to be more in-team, and players to team up with other players, not just on their own.

      I think just what it takes to grow the players should be able to do it alone. But what about the yang product should be done in a team.

      Curiosity.Why did you try to test other things, when the equilibrium of races you have not finished yet.

      (Thread creeted whit help of google translate,soo sorry for bad engleish,hope u understand my point of view).
    • Feedback 18.4

      My feedback about this new update isn’t good, for me this idea of change alchemy isn’t worth for all players we have spent a lot of money and time for make a good alchemy and now u like change the rules. I dislike this idea really,i hope u can change The game in another way. I hope u can , but if u follow this way i think you lose a lot of players new and old.
      Try listening all players of community and make a game good 4 all.
      I hope u can.
      Have a good work! :saint:
    • curioso2 wrote:

      Didi wrote:

      Yeah, that's sad, we are all waiting for a truly European/Global server where we can play together
      You can wait sitting down so you don't get tired. Several times the GF said that a Global server will never happen.
      Did happened last year, had been called 'Global EU' but the server died 6 months later....
      youtube.com/c/DidiShamy Didi-Romania, Diana-Universalis, DidiShamyy-Orion
    • Hello
      I'm going to talk about character balance.

      Continuous balances in the game is deterioratin and innovations are coming.
      Sometimes Sura is sometimes developed such as shaman, ninja and so on, and innovations are made on it.

      At the moment, the black magic sura is superior in terms of attack and defense, and other characters remain passive.
      Critical shamans are now the most passive character.People don't even need a shaman.

      very interesting game
      If an update is available in the future, it gains value again
      Because this game was always like this
      There is always a character in the foreground

      sometimes ninja, sometimes warrior, shaman, sura and so on.
    • SENORITA wrote:

      I'm going to talk about character balance.

      Continuous balances in the game is deterioratin and innovations are coming.
      Sometimes Sura is sometimes developed such as shaman, ninja and so on, and innovations are made on it.

      At the moment, the black magic sura is superior in terms of attack and defense, and other characters remain passive.
      Critical shamans are now the most passive character.People don't even need a shaman.

      very interesting game
      If an update is available in the future, it gains value again
      Because this game was always like this
      There is always a character in the foreground

      sometimes ninja, sometimes warrior, shaman, sura and so on.
      Thank you Senorita, exactly what i said about shamans and this must be changed with this update!!!
      youtube.com/c/DidiShamy Didi-Romania, Diana-Universalis, DidiShamyy-Orion