Feedback 18.4

    Dear players,

    please read >> here <<.

    Thank you for being a part of this!

    • Feedback 18.4

      I am completely against update 18.4, i have spent over 7 years of my life to build the alchemy that I have now, having to change it again after this update is a nightmare! If u are comprehensive humans then this update should not take place, otherwise consider me and many friends quitting the game forever.
      Enough is enough
    • this is just stupid man. I mean if u have 99% sword defence,a corporal with sword will hit almost nothing,so if u have 99% wind its logic to be the same. But no,those brainless people from webzen want to destroy that game once and for all. Also let get a new class in alchemy when people worked hard 3-4 years for the best that they can have. Good job Webzen,you are doing a hell of a job ruining this game.I can bet a lot of people will give up on this game if you implement this. If you won`t listen to the players you will close this game very soon
    • I don't agree with this version. I belive that a rezistance must remain the same, cause in my case it's the only way to pvm with a dragon shaman . And other caracters will have same troubles in this part of game. Except weaponary suras or warriors other caracters can't even farm in forest or grotto without rezistance. In dungeons we are allready a bit useless cause we dont have so much dmg like a phisical caracters, if we die after every single meley/hydra/jotun thrym atacks it is a nonsense. With the rezistances we can lvl up or farm at metin stones like others. We dont need a caracter who carry us wherever we go. So in my opinion the rezistances are fine and must remain the same.
      Alchemy it s a very sensitive subject, i dont think that "secondary" alchemy must be the same or better than old one cause we spent so much time to make it, so many hours of farming, yang and dragon coins. I'd like to see a solution for excelent stones with no bonuses. Maybe we can combine two of them for a chance to get a new one with random bonuses. Or maybe we can downgrade them to a perfect, at least, to be posible further upgrades. With the dragons pieces that now can not be traded or sold i see here an issue. I'll must go with my 105 +account to farm them and it's a nonsense again. Now I go to farm yang to buy them or i go with a little caracter to drop them and after this bring them on main account. It's complety insane this update.
      Don't kill ninja blade/bow, shamans or BM suras who are allready bad or harder in PvE.
      I never liked to beg for help from other players.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by MoiseRomania ().

    • General FeedBack update 18.4

      Ho giocato a questo gioco fin dal primo giorno sui server italiani, in tutti questi anni di gioco ho sempre temuto ogni singolo aggiornamento come molti altri (chiedo perché?)
      Gli aggiornamenti che idealizzi hanno sempre spinto i giocatori a spendere di più PER MIGLIORARE O AGGIORNARE LE LORO ABILITÀ ALL'INTERNO DEL GIOCO, raramente si trattava di migliorare l'esperienza di gioco (basti pensare alla grafica, ecc.).
      Solo per citare un esempio l'introduzione di Lycan, i nuovi pezzi di equipaggiamento (elmi e armi, armature) e ora anche tu vuoi mettere le mani sulla cosa più importante del gioco! L'alchimia! L'aspetto più difficile, più costoso e più impegnativo del gioco (e tu ne sei consapevole, meglio di noi).
      Quello che mi sto chiedendo ora dopo tutti questi cambiamenti, tutti questi aggiornamenti e tutti i soldi spesi, quante persone pensi (onestamente) saranno disposti a cambiare i loro set di alchimia dopo questo aggiornamento?
      Tutto ha un limite e lo stai attraversando proprio ora! Per favore, fai un passo indietro!
      Sì ai miglioramenti all'interno del gioco no agli aggiornamenti che cambiano la vita per noi!
      # NoToUpdate18.4
    • JudoItalia wrote:

      Ho giocato a questo gioco fin dal primo giorno sui server italiani, in tutti questi anni di gioco ho sempre temuto ogni singolo aggiornamento come molti altri (chiedo perché?)
      Gli aggiornamenti che idealizzi hanno sempre spinto i giocatori a spendere di più PER MIGLIORARE O AGGIORNARE LE LORO ABILITÀ ALL'INTERNO DEL GIOCO, raramente si trattava di migliorare l'esperienza di gioco (basti pensare alla grafica, ecc.).
      Solo per citare un esempio l'introduzione di Lycan, i nuovi pezzi di equipaggiamento (elmi e armi, armature) e ora anche tu vuoi mettere le mani sulla cosa più importante del gioco! L'alchimia! L'aspetto più difficile, più costoso e più impegnativo del gioco (e tu ne sei consapevole, meglio di noi).
      Quello che mi sto chiedendo ora dopo tutti questi cambiamenti, tutti questi aggiornamenti e tutti i soldi spesi, quante persone pensi (onestamente) saranno disposti a cambiare i loro set di alchimia dopo questo aggiornamento?
      Tutto ha un limite e lo stai attraversando proprio ora! Per favore, fai un passo indietro!
      Sì ai miglioramenti all'interno del gioco no agli aggiornamenti che cambiano la vita per noi!
      # NoToUpdate18.4

      Hey, can you translate this in english please? We need your feedback in english or german pls :)
      if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

      Solltet ihr Probleme im Spiel haben oder Hilfe benötigen könnt ihr euch jederzeit an mich wenden!
    • Salsie wrote:

      JudoItalia wrote:

      Ho giocato a questo gioco fin dal primo giorno sui server italiani, in tutti questi anni di gioco ho sempre temuto ogni singolo aggiornamento come molti altri (chiedo perché?)
      Gli aggiornamenti che idealizzi hanno sempre spinto i giocatori a spendere di più PER MIGLIORARE O AGGIORNARE LE LORO ABILITÀ ALL'INTERNO DEL GIOCO, raramente si trattava di migliorare l'esperienza di gioco (basti pensare alla grafica, ecc.).
      Solo per citare un esempio l'introduzione di Lycan, i nuovi pezzi di equipaggiamento (elmi e armi, armature) e ora anche tu vuoi mettere le mani sulla cosa più importante del gioco! L'alchimia! L'aspetto più difficile, più costoso e più impegnativo del gioco (e tu ne sei consapevole, meglio di noi).
      Quello che mi sto chiedendo ora dopo tutti questi cambiamenti, tutti questi aggiornamenti e tutti i soldi spesi, quante persone pensi (onestamente) saranno disposti a cambiare i loro set di alchimia dopo questo aggiornamento?
      Tutto ha un limite e lo stai attraversando proprio ora! Per favore, fai un passo indietro!
      Sì ai miglioramenti all'interno del gioco no agli aggiornamenti che cambiano la vita per noi!
      # NoToUpdate18.4
      Hey, can you translate this in english please? We need your feedback in english or german pls :)
      Do you need feedback? DON'T DO THIS TO OUR GAME. :) #NoToUpdate18.4 :cursing: :thumbdown: <X

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Salsie ().

    • This isn't a sollution for the excellent useless alchemy.Instead of having an empty legendary we'll have empty mithycs.Where's the sollution in that?
      The players who worked really hard in getting the best alchemy will do what?(this is the first time when i'm happy not to have excellent alchemy)
      This entire update is wrong,stop it!
    • in 2017 I spent 10000 coins to get 2k hp 10 hp absorption and 50 attack on my level 115 armor, in 2018 I spent another 10000 coins in the same armor to get 1.5k hp 15 fire resistance and 50 attack ... And now they tell me to spend another 10000 coins to leave my armor as it was in 2017 ?????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? And the same story with all my equipment
    • Olthir wrote:

      DontMakeUsAngry wrote:

      Game has got a lot of bugs and firstly you should fix them.
      For now update is unnecessary and this update only makes things harder and players will give up the game( also gameforge lose money sad but true ^^ )
      Tell me: what are the major bugs you are talking about? :rolleyes:
      blue potions on auto hunting slots are used for nothing even the procent is 10% set, lykans who continue polimorph with red wolf soul, bugs with instances where is posible go in with a different group meley/jotun thrym, weapon skin bug when you pass through a portal on ape dungeons, ninja arrow spark do 2-3 times dmg in first enemy if the target is behind, like wolf howl, ninja bow horse skill who do 10k dmg in 80+ arrows rezistance with 2 seconds cooldown, hm. If i think more i can tell you many of them
    • xKali wrote:

      I am completely against update 18.4, i have spent over 7 years of my life to build the alchemy that I have now, having to change it again after this update is a nightmare! If u are comprehensive humans then this update should not take place, otherwise consider me and many friends quitting the game forever.
      Enough is enough
      You must be some kind of time traveller mate, since alchemy was introduced in 2013 and 2018-7 years 24/24 on the game you know is 2011.
    • I feel the same about this stupid update, you guys keep changing the resistance instead of doing what needs to be done, everything has a purpose and that is for us to spend more and more money, events are shallow and stupid but always need should start thinking about those idiots who spend nights and money so you can actually be capable of implementing an update...anyways..we need emotions yeahhh to fk each other online..that's how much time we allocate to this game and yet, worse is yet to come. Btw, i just started again and i'm considering quiting based on your decision.
      Regards.. :thumbdown: :thumbdown:
    • Olthir wrote:

      DontMakeUsAngry wrote:

      Game has got a lot of bugs and firstly you should fix them.
      For now update is unnecessary and this update only makes things harder and players will give up the game( also gameforge lose money sad but true ^^ )
      Tell me: what are the major bugs you are talking about? :rolleyes:
      #NoToUpdate 18.4 Dont Change the elementary rezistance no to new alchemy
    • While i understand how people can feel it is sad that most don't look at the whole picture.
      The moment that everybody find out that with 90%+ res for wind/fire/light. you take no dmg this game become a joke.
      It is wrong when you can put a 95 lv character without alchemy with useless items onto the HARDEST map available and it will be close to invincible.
      There is no sense of progress anymore. You just buy mediocre items with 15% res shoes+necle and that's it. doesn't matter if you're 95 or 120, what alchemy you got. You can do everything that maxed out 120 lvl can do just slower.
      The same goes for the alchemy.
      It will take a loooooong time for people to get the new one to decent level, but everybody acts like the minute that update hit, your PERFECT one that you work so hard to get, will be useless.
      Having zodiak weapons and perfect alchemy is enough overpowered as it is when it comes to pvm. How often do you need 8 people in party to do something nowdays? 2 people can clear whole content, you can solo it using multiple acc.
      When Zodiak Temple was introduced all 75lv weapons lost on value but most of the people was excited to get stronger.
      At very least this update can give some of the players a new goal.
      This game needs a new map/boss/cap lvl, hydra is just a smoke screen that doesn't change anything. Farming meley/auto farming catacumbs will only bring more and more yang so very soon we will need a new currency.
      got carried away ;p oh well you get my point
    • Olthir wrote:

      DontMakeUsAngry wrote:

      Game has got a lot of bugs and firstly you should fix them.
      For now update is unnecessary and this update only makes things harder and players will give up the game( also gameforge lose money sad but true ^^ )
      Tell me: what are the major bugs you are talking about? :rolleyes:
      just try auto-hunt with an amd fx8300 cpu, and that's for a start..

      ontopic: i am trying not to think every single update this company doesn't want their players to enjoy the game. but it seems they are getting so much passion on ruining things that brings the joy for us players...

      We are Metin2 players, we don't want the things to be easier, we been getting challenges with every update and adapting to it.

      im sure that later in the future we will adapt to this changes, but we are now making us hear for the good sake of the game

      .this alchemy's new content is ok for sure, but the effort to make it without failing or getting it with best possible option it just feels not ok

      -it would be awesome if we can get an item that would change values on the same alchemy as we getting this new item doing the same for pets..

      -The actual alchemy economy is wonderful, why erradicate it? not tradeable shards, and non storage draconis, will impact economy directly

      -Resistance modifications are not a problem in my opinion, but it makes a huge impact on again... in the economy of players.. we now have to be changing equipments all over again

      i say NO TO UPDATE 18.4, although i've say that we adapt... but sometimes is just not fair..
    • People says NO to 18.4 for a simple reason - they spent alot of time/money/both to power up their characters with excellent dragon alchemy that now gonna be just something like "ok", but difference between legendary and the new one will be huge and we all know how ends up removing actual alchemy :)

      Don't know if someone had same idea like I do, but I would like to share it.

      Take for example player with 6 excellent dragon stones (full circle) and think how he can perform better.
      First thing he got probably some non used excellent alchemy that we players call "mix", that he gain in the process of making the perfect ones which he decided to place in the circle.
      Soooo give him a chance to create from all types of excellent alchemy one stone giving something "new" within connection with others that he already have, you can even name it Legendary Rainbow Stone or whatever.

      Pic as example:

      In order it can be hard to get it + to get perfect bonuses and/or if you rly want income from it (as you are Gameforge) player can lose random 3 stones from all 6 if the process won't succed + you can put also quality (from mat to excellent) of it so the process will be longer but the ones that craft it finally will be the ones who deserve it (and there won't be such thing few days after update, just people will work with it to try their best).

      By this you will make all things well - 1) old alchemy will still be useful and will work well 2) excellent alchemy without bonuses or wrong ones will be finally useful to craft something new.

      Putting quality in the "new" stone you will make that player on EVERY level will be happy because someone will need excellent one and someone just a mat one to fulfill his expectations.

      Why Rainbow Stone? It will be the 7th collour, and as we know Rainbows has 7 collours :D
      Nickname: Dosarphic
      Profession: Ninja Archer
      Lv: 115

      Metin2 PL
      Server: Samos [s.51]

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Dosarphic ().