Pinned Pet System - Feedback

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    • Charradas wrote:

      You're right, but these pet subtypes have to be special in some way.

      Does anyone have a Razador pet at 105 level?
      Guess we need to wait for some oficial information.

      Meanwile, i got tested the strong against monsters skills, and im not sure but i think on the live servers already worked the way it is by calculating first the added % of moobs to the damage and only then calculating the berzerker melee damage % so it boosts a little more than if it is just % added to the base damage.

      536 - punch on metin lv5

      558 - punch + 4% monster belt (22 dif)
      574 - punch + monster 7% (38 dif)
      597 - punch + 4%monster belt + monster 7% (22+38+536=596, but damage is 597)
      597 - punch + berserker 12% (61 dif)
      621 - punch + 4% monster + 12% berserker (61+22+536=619, but damage is 621) (2dmg diference)
      640 - punch + monster 7% + 12% berserker (61+38+536=635, but damage is 640) (5dmg diference)
      664 - punch + 4% monster + 7% monster + 12% berserker (38+61+22+536=657, but damage is 664) (7dmg diference)

      As long i add more % of monsters, it adds more damage diference along with berserker, than by its own.
      So tecnicaly i guess it is better to have 12% berzerker and 8% moobs, than 12% moobs and 8% berzerker.
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel

      The post was edited 1 time, last by hugoW ().

    • The sub-types may keep in account the number of days - I mean, the duration of the pet. We generally know that Razador/Nemere/Monkeys pets should have a maximum of 14days: while rolling pets, we also got some pets which exceeded this limit (is it intended?).

      Another feature could be the relative dimensions of the pet.

      And also, the HP percentage. We got the impression that a Mythical pet has got more days and less HPs than a Legendary one (but our impressions are based upon 4-5 observations, so we may just be wrong). The prismatic pet probably gets the best durability and HPs in combo.

      However, I'm pretty sure we all agree that there are now 4 types of "perfect" pets, according to their capability of maxing out specialized skills: prismatic, mythical, legendary and that other thing starting with a- * :D I can't recall.


      Also, do not forget that Meley maxes out chance to block physical attacks: while this bonus has been kinda hindered by the 17.5 elemental resistances, it's still pretty useful in certain situations (such as multiple metin rocks or Zodiac Temple) and it could retrieve its importance if they'll decide to modify elemental resistances anyway. A combo of "strong vs. mobs" + "block" wouldn't really be THAT bad.
    • Kelius wrote:

      Ok, i read again through this thread and i can't be sure, so i deleted this post, my bad.
      Non of us are 100% sure on the stuff, without official information we are just guessing based on logic, i personally think the Mytisch and Prismatisch are the top tiers of the pet system, inicially just because of the "animation event" that occured after that pet type appears on the system, there is no other reason for this to happen, only to mark that is the best you can get.

      Soo just comment and we see were it takes, no pressure xD
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel

    • There are the photos with the values, I do not know which power (I only know that the monster does not power it)
      I do not add the value of the active skill since I do not see any information
      I hope they serve and if someone is encouraged to do the same but with a razador lv 105!

      PD: Google translator xD
      Patriickx Ninja Dagger lv 120
    • Hola
      well i already knew that it's impossible to get +14 berserk on razador .. cause on arab server we had a level 105 razador with 20% hp or so

      it had 13 berserk on it
      but just for the sake of it

      i rerolled a legendar razador to mythisch

      and then rerolled it into prismatich

      i already lost hope into finding a 14% berserk pet
      also since i have leveled many pets
      as example it has 3 skills
      skill 1 increase at 93 and 103 , skill 2 increase at 94 and 104
      skill 3 increase at 96 which happens to be berserk all the times therefore it shall be 14% berserk at 106
      i hope i helped you out , and thanks for all the information about the 8 kinds of pets that will help me out :thumbup:
    • guggi wrote:

      I can Test with a blue Dragon lv 105, but its still soulbound for 2 more days
      Would be great. Thank you.

      BlueShade wrote:

      The sub-types may keep in account the number of days - I mean, the duration of the pet. We generally know that Razador/Nemere/Monkeys pets should have a maximum of 14days: while rolling pets, we also got some pets which exceeded this limit (is it intended?).
      There are two options:

      1) Not intended - bug

      2) Intended - an additional advantage for those who use the new system

      In my opinion is the first option because the real advantage of using this new system is rescue the lost percentages pet's age.

      Patriickx wrote:

      Hello, as I told you now, I bring you the mascot type "prismatisch". It gives me more hp than the "legendary" but still follows 13% of berseker

      Patriickx wrote:

      There are the photos with the values, I do not know which power (I only know that the monster does not power it)
      Thanks a lot for the help :thumbup:
    • lmcdoss6 wrote:

      Patriickx wrote:

      Hello, as I told you now, I bring you the mascot type "prismatisch". It gives me more hp than the "legendary" but still follows 13% of berseker :(
      dont forget that to see the change in the skill % you have to re-login
      What do you mean?
      Can you please explain me this point?
      Maybe we can ask for a better solution, but i need to get it!

      Game and Wiki Admin at
      Metin2 tester with love :love:
    • Hoping atleast Razador will stay good PVM. Or they are also waste now...

      Alchemy they want to waste, now maybe also waste pets....

      I know this will make some people spend more again, but it will make a lot of people quit too :D
    • ProGamerIII wrote:

      Hoping atleast Razador will stay good PVM. Or they are also waste now...

      Alchemy they want to waste, now maybe also waste pets....

      I know this will make some people spend more again, but it will make a lot of people quit too :D
      In My opinion gf is looking to change the alchemy system but it depends on webzen.
      In The Pet systems Looks like the pvm Pets are the same , razador blue dragonnette, beeshido
    • Patriickx wrote:

      lmcdoss6 wrote:

      Patriickx wrote:

      Hello, as I told you now, I bring you the mascot type "prismatisch". It gives me more hp than the "legendary" but still follows 13% of berseker :(
      dont forget that to see the change in the skill % you have to re-login
      It was the first thing I did xD
      The Bashido is now the same size as your character hahaha
      Metin2 Portugal | Chunjo
      Body Warrior | Lv120 / 2
      Youtube Channel
    • abu7med wrote:

      i already lost hope into finding a 14% berserk pet
      also since i have leveled many pets
      as example it has 3 skills
      skill 1 increase at 93 and 103 , skill 2 increase at 94 and 104
      skill 3 increase at 96 which happens to be berserk all the times therefore it shall be 14% berserk at 106
      i hope i helped you out , and thanks for all the information about the 8 kinds of pets that will help me out
      Thanks for sharing :thumbup:

      I'm disappointed with the two super rare pet sub-types. They are very rare, but they are nothing special... At least now i'm sure that my theory was wrong.