[Discussion] Yut Nori

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    • RabbitRun wrote:

      All oldschool events are the best imo instead of these minigames.
      I share the same opinion.

      The old events were more fun. The current mini-games are boring.

      Anayra wrote:

      Fragments will start dropping today 13h30 (German time)

      The drop rate is special and just for Beta, to allow you to try the Yutnori game
      I did some metin stones and bosses with a secondary character (level 97).

      13 metin stones level 100
      2 bosses level 105
      4 metin stones level 105
      1 boss level 104

      The result was 0 fragments (Rätselsplitter).

      I would like to test the new functions of the event, but currently it is impossible. It's a waste of time.

      How about putting the fragments (Rätselsplitter) on sale in a NPC?
    • Yesterday I farmed about 15 Yut Nori Tables on the BETA and the result was:
      -3 Silver Trophys
      -3 games that I won but I received Bronze Box
      -9 games PC won me
      -0 Rätselsplitter

      How many games I have to play to be able to get enough Rätselsplitter to get a decent box ???? 500 ??? 1000 ???

      The best option is trying to find an alternative option to get these Rätselsplitter. Maybe getting 1 always after playing a game, or making this event independent to the Yut Nori one (best option). Most people doesn't like Yut Nori event (worst event you have never implemented, is difficult and with the amazing drop of lv70 weapons, spirit stones +0 and purple potions), so we want the option to play the other event even if we don't want to play Yut Nori.

      Here you can see the drop of 5 silver trophys: 0 Rätselsplitter

      The post was edited 1 time, last by YoTeDoPo ().

    • During some hours of testing, I can share some od the drops i have checked:

      -Costumes: past events Halloween costumes and some new ones based on Wolfs (similar to lykans)
      -Mounts: various terrorific mounts like Equus-Purphyreus, Lava/Ice Cave Lizard... and a new mount in two colours, Cerberus (Silver and Gold)
      -Pets: Opened 3 chest, obtained Wayne, Jade Phoenix and a new pet, Astrabell (a little witch).
      -Zodiac: opened 1 and received 50 Red Zodiac Case... Too expensive
      -Alchemy: not tested but looks too expensive the ammount of shards needed.
      -Bands: all sashes can be obtained (included Chou, Mao, Si, Wei, You and Hai)
      -Mystery: looks to drop upgrade items like pearls (I got 1 Red Pearl...)
      -Ruby: looks to drop typical item shop items that are dropped on events (encanted item, reinforce, blessing marble, maybe magic stones, ...)

      It can be a good event only if you put the Mysterios Shards (Rätselsplitter) droppable on metin and bosses
    • YoTeDoPo wrote:

      During some hours of testing, I can share some od the drops i have checked:

      -Costumes: past events Halloween costumes and some new ones based on Wolfs (similar to lykans)
      -Mounts: various terrorific mounts like Equus-Purphyreus, Lava/Ice Cave Lizard... and a new mount in two colours, Cerberus (Silver and Gold)
      -Pets: Opened 3 chest, obtained Wayne, Jade Phoenix and a new pet, Astrabell (a little witch).
      -Zodiac: opened 1 and received 50 Red Zodiac Case... Too expensive
      -Alchemy: not tested but looks too expensive the ammount of shards needed.
      -Bands: all sashes can be obtained (included Chou, Mao, Si, Wei, You and Hai)
      -Mystery: looks to drop upgrade items like pearls (I got 1 Red Pearl...)
      -Ruby: looks to drop typical item shop items that are dropped on events (encanted item, reinforce, blessing marble, maybe magic stones, ...)

      It can be a good event only if you put the Mysterios Shards (Rätselsplitter) droppable on metin and bosses
    • Opened about 15-20 Silver Trophies and 0 Mysterios Shards. Only got 1 from Gold Trophy, which it is almost impossible with that game. You should adjust the complexity of the game and the rewards, and increase the drop chance of Mysterious Shards from Silver Trophies (50-100%). Also, as I said before, Mysterious Shards should be dropped from Metins and Bosses in a lower % (maybe the same chance as Mounts and secondary events like Red Ebony Box, Metin Compass, ...)
    • RabbitRun wrote:

      YoTeDoPo wrote:

      Thanks for ignoring us, you are going to implement an impossible event :) @Anayra @Rocket @Salsie @Comkra @badidol
      Don't worry, they already found a solution for that:

      Still is not a solution, if you need basically a golden yut nori trophy if you want a Mysterious Shard, and the chances of getting it are really low (I ignore the chance of getting them from silver trophys, opened more than 20 on beta and got 0 shards), just imagine the ammount of $$$$ you'll need to get 50 Mysterious Shards that are needed for some chests.
    • YoTeDoPo wrote:

      RabbitRun wrote:

      All oldschool events are the best imo instead of these minigames.
      Yes, I miss Magic Wands, Christmas event and the first okey event. Catch the king event is funny but the prizes are trash, fishing jigsaw is the best minigame and Yut Nori is the worst event they have never made in this game (difficult game and terrible rewards
      And they also killed the alchemy. Good job Gam€forg€