Pinned Resistance - Feedback needed!

    Dear players,

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    Thank you for being a part of this!

    • Hello,

      I gave my feedback in the forum of Portugal, but i think it is important to give here.

      I'm dragon Shaman and I have evolved my char since lvl 1.

      When the Beta server open i was lvl 104 at the time i copy my char and there i went on the way to the forest to experience my 40% wind.

      When GF opened the map of the enchanted forest i had 10% of wind resistenc, i died but i could kill the tree, alone.

      In the Beta with 40% wind resistenc i did not even have time to get to the tree, i took a brutal damage and of course entering alone to me it´s impossible.

      Well, in the enchanted forest i analise the damage in the normal server and beta, with the same equipments and the same defence and other thinks.

      Normal server with 40% wind resistence in the En-Tai soldiers: Damage between 400-600

      Beta server with 40% wind resistence in the En-Tai soldiers: Damage between 1400-1600

      I took all the resistences in the beta damage increased to 1800 more or less.

      I think the discrepancy is very high.

      But it´s important all feedback. The damage must be readjusted to be possible the gameplay by all characters

    • Enchanced forest
      Lycan 95lvl
      Full mat perf alchemy
      700 defence 5% deff in tasliman 20% magic abs 0% arrows 16% chance to block meley attack 18% skill defence Dmg in metin 120 lvl 6,5k/13k
      60% wind i was getting 200-400 dmg (without piercing hits)
      75% wind i was getting 20-100 dmg (without piercing hits)
      With 20% dmg to pż and 60% wind abs i was finally able to destroy metin 120 lvl with not much problem.
      In ochao temple dmg that i was getting was almost the same as it was in the enchanced forest.

      NICE !!!!!!!!!!

      I believe that you should leave enchanced forest and ochao temple as it is right now.
    • We're back almost to square one, the formula work in the same way as in the live servers, but a bit nerfed.

      Ochao soldier in live server, 629 defence, 52 wind resistance, no alchemy pet whatever: 455/545
      Ochao soldier in beta server, same set but 55 wind resistance (i didn't wait for wear off the energy crystal): 570/730.

      Still subjected to abuse (101 wind resistance, no damage withstood beside piercing hits, averaging on 480 points), but this is a fair nerf who respect our current equipment. Now, if something further is really needed, i suggest to look at the costume system...

      Edit: obviously 90 DEX and Zelkova branches quest completed.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Kelius ().

    • I have a diffucultly understanding most of the players.Why do you want everything in the game to be so easy.I don't think it's right to raise resistance again and I don't want it.

      2 players finish the dungeon for 16 people.(Meley - is it normal?)
      You can be from 1 lvl to 120 lvl 1 month. (is it normal?)
      The game is individualized when it is so easy.No one does anything as a group.There's no point in being in the guild.

      I do not agree with other players.Resistances must be reduce and the game must be difficult.

      To be succesfull, everything must have a value and it must be difficult.
    • LeeChen wrote:

      I have a diffucultly understanding most of the players.Why do you want everything in the game to be so easy.I don't think it's right to raise resistance again and I don't want it.

      2 players finish the dungeon for 16 people.(Meley - is it normal?)
      You can be from 1 lvl to 120 lvl 1 month. (is it normal?)
      The game is individualized when it is so easy.No one does anything as a group.There's no point in being in the guild.

      I do not agree with other players.Resistances must be reduce and the game must be difficult.

      To be succesfull, everything must have a value and it must be difficult.
      But it s not the fault of the player s Community. Why make existing content harder so most of the Community can t participate in the content anymore? The right way would be new content for the top players: New Maps and Dungeons. That s like every other game handle with that problem. WEBZEN can t make existensten content harder every half year and then be wondering why more and more people loose the contact to the high-lvl content which is the same since years...
    • LeeChen wrote:

      2 players finish the dungeon for 16 people.(Meley - is it normal?)
      You can be from 1 lvl to 120 lvl 1 month. (is it normal?)

      Yeah, but you cannot make the game impossible to normal players for the sake of making it A LITTLE BIT more difficult to over-achievers.

      If you really want to prevent solo dungeons and players doing everything by themselves, you should rather suggest to forbid multi-account (at least in dungeons).

      Also, you could suggest to make bosses more resistant: this way, even with the best possible equipment, a single player wouldn't manage to kill the boss and would need to ask for some help (and invite other players). This way, equipments would not lose their current value, but you'd encourage playing in group.

      Nerfing resistances wasn't the way at all.

      Anyway I'm going to add a new feedback concerning wind resistance, brb.
    • BlueShade wrote:

      encourage playing in group

      The solution is simple to apply the playing in group in all maps & in all dungeons .
      Workaround is simple:- (prevent or cancel the lure (pulling) of monsters & bosses to distant places+ Reduce the effectiveness of resistance)

      I will try to explain them in detail ، for example:-

      Jotun Thrym
      Only one person with 5 accounts can complete Jotun tasks easily, as we can see in the following simple explanation:-

      This method takes from 30 minutes to 40 minutes per stone

      But if we imagine together, you can not pull the En-Tai Sovereign boss out of his place , the result will be:
      You will have to go back and forth to the En-Tai Sovereign 25 times a total of 5 accounts, and this is only for the task of killing the En-Tai Sovereign.

      In this way it will take from 55 minutes to an hour and 20 minutes per stone and this is very difficult, so some may turn to join the other players with them to help them to kill Jotun

      Also take many other examples: -

      - cancel the lure (pulling) of Dragon Watcher Idall from their places ، The player alone will not be able to go to the Watchers all in their (place) and kill them on his own, so he will join other players with him to help him.
      - cancel the lure (pulling) of Razador The player alone will not be able to go to Razadur in the middle of the map between many Ember Flame Chieftain and kill him alone, so he will join other players with him to help him.

      The examples are too many, I will not say that will contribute to solving 100% of the problem of playing in group, but it will encourage playing in group very much.

      - just cancel the lure (pulling) of monsters & bosses to distant places+ Reduce the effectiveness of resistance.

      I really hope this solution transferred to the company's officials (Anayra unforgiven badidol)

    • HZZA3 wrote:

      But if we imagine together, you can not pull the boss En-Tai Sovereign out of his place , the result will be:
      I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work. There's already lots of players who do Jotun solo... by moving their 5 characters to the Sovereign. Even if it's really annoying, they still do it, because they farm lots of yang and chests (that do not have to share with anyone).

      You won't stop this just by making Sovereign impossible to move.

      The only way is to prevent the access of 5 characters from the same computer. Unless they're going to change this, there always be the chance to do solo-bosses...
    • BlueShade wrote:

      I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work. There's already lots of players who do Jotun solo... by moving their 5 characters to the Sovereign. Even if it's really annoying, they still do it, because they farm lots of yang and chests (that do not have to share with anyone).
      Yes, it is true, but it is illogical
      I will explain to you why, to do a small calculation: -
      Each login process for the Gotun takes you less than a full hour thing (complete with the task of Stone, Kill Gotun)
      Between each entrance to the Gotun and another entrance there is a two-hour break.
      One player can normally complete 5 times a day. For example, if you wake up at 12 noon and sleep at 12 pm, you have 12 hours every 2 hours you can log in. The total will be 10 hours sitting on the computer, and two hours of rest will be 12 hours.
      Who is the crazy who will spend 12 hours fully in front of the computer without a break every day to complete the 5 times if we cancel the pulling Gotun ?
      There may be some crazy people doing this but not everyone.

      BlueShade wrote:

      The only way is to prevent the access of 5 characters from the same computer. Unless they're going to change this, there always be the chance to do solo-bosses...
      Many players have more than one computer at home and can use them so there is a gap in this solution as well

      Conclusion Unfortunately, every solution has a gap, but few players can use it.

      I had an idea why we should not integrate your solution with my solution at the top
      So cancel the pulling of monsters & bosses & prevent the access of 5 characters from the same computer.
      That will make it difficult for them and they will really have to look for help from other players

      The post was edited 3 times, last by HZZA3 ().

    • HZZA3 wrote:

      There may be some crazy people doing this but not everyone.
      Believe me, the 99% of Jotun/Bagja/Nemere/Razador chest who are sold (at least in my server) come from solo players... There's people leaving PCs turned on in order to keep their characters in the Enchanted Forest... :D

      This may be crazy, but you all have to understand that when something in this game is allowed/possible, they will always be exploiting this chance.

      The only way to prevent exploitations is preventing them.

      So, it's pointless to cry for the resistances working too much, because that way you'll mainly damage also those players who just log every now and then.

      The only way to prevent solo playing is preventing multiaccount, that's the way it is.
    • BlueShade

      BlueShade wrote:

      The only way is to prevent the access of 5 characters from the same computer. Unless they're going to change this, there always be the chance to do solo-bosses...

      HZZA3 wrote:

      Many players have more than one computer at home and can use them so there is a gap in this solution as well

      Conclusion Unfortunately, every solution has a gap, but few players can use it.

      I had an idea why we should not integrate your solution with my solution at the top
      So cancel the pulling of monsters & bosses & prevent the access of 5 characters from the same computer.
      That will make it difficult for them and they will really have to look for help from other players

      The post was edited 1 time, last by HZZA3 ().

    • The moment that a game turns to individuality, it comes in pursuit of commercial purposes(yang-won-char trading) because a player who can do anything alone doesn't have to explane for anyone.The game should appeal to groups as it used to be.

      Therefore, everything in the game must be a little difficult.

      in this way, many boss revenue on each server, belongs to several players.(meley-razador-beran setaou-nemere-jotun)

      The first version of the 18.4 update was very good in accordance with these requirements.
    • LeeChen wrote:

      The moment that a game turns to individuality, it comes in pursuit of commercial purposes(yang-won-char trading) because a player who can do anything alone doesn't have to explane for anyone.The game should appeal to groups as it used to be.

      Therefore, everything in the game must be a little difficult.

      in this way, many boss revenue on each server, belongs to several players.(meley-razador-beran setaou-nemere-jotun)

      The first version of the 18.4 update was very good in accordance with these requirements.
      im gonna have to agree with you... they should nerf the resistances just a little bit more and thats it
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