Pinned Resistance - Feedback needed!

    Dear players,

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    Thank you for being a part of this!

    • BlueShade wrote:

      The only way to prevent solo playing is preventing multiaccount
      Plus it will prevent exploitation of auto-hunt (If applied for auto-hunt)

      HZZA3 wrote:

      I had an idea why we should not integrate your solution with my solution at the top
      So cancel the pulling of monsters & bosses & prevent the access of 5 characters from the same computer.
      That will make it difficult for them and they will really have to look for help from other players
    • [list=1][*]

      aha15 wrote:

      BlueShade wrote:

      The only way to prevent solo playing is preventing multiaccount
      Plus it will prevent exploitation of auto-hunt (If applied for auto-hunt)

      HZZA3 wrote:

      I had an idea why we should not integrate your solution with my solution at the top
      So cancel the pulling of monsters & bosses & prevent the access of 5 characters from the same computer.
      That will make it difficult for them and they will really have to look for help from other players
      I know people crazy... This type of ppl in this case will buy a lot of computers just to continue doing all solo xD
    • On the change of the resistances, I think that we are going on the right track having tested the current changes. We have practically reached a total balance, I think, we need just one step further.
      I have a suggestion on what could be done:

      -In the current beta server could reduce the effectiveness of the elemental resistance between 10% and 15% to prevent monsters from beginning to hit 50 or 0 damage practically since when you reach 80% wind resistance, they do practically nothing and the monsters at least in enchanted forest.

      This could be a solution I think, last if most agree with the current change, is not wrong, the only problem is that even autohunting would still exist and is still the chance that wearing customes and everything that can be put on a characters it would continue to happen the null damage.

      Another solution that I have thought with the current system of how the resistance works in the beta, is that the penetrating blows ignore the elemental defense, in this way even when carrying a lot of wind we could suffer high damage blows and also if we carry good elemental resistance, We would have less damage because we would only hurt penetrating blows.

      This is my idea and I think changes have been good in general, just polishing some details. Greetings hehe and I hope it will be read @Salsie @Anayra
      JonyBelmont, Body Warrior lv112. Server: Nemesis.
    • HZZA3 wrote:

      BlueShade wrote:

      encourage playing in group
      The solution is simple to apply the playing in group in all maps & in all dungeons .
      Workaround is simple:- (prevent or cancel the lure (pulling) of monsters & bosses to distant places+ Reduce the effectiveness of resistance)

      I will try to explain them in detail ، for example:-

      Jotun Thrym
      Only one person with 5 accounts can complete Jotun tasks easily, as we can see in the following simple explanation:-

      This method takes from 30 minutes to 40 minutes per stone

      But if we imagine together, you can not pull the En-Tai Sovereign boss out of his place , the result will be:
      You will have to go back and forth to the En-Tai Sovereign 25 times a total of 5 accounts, and this is only for the task of killing the En-Tai Sovereign.

      In this way it will take from 55 minutes to an hour and 20 minutes per stone and this is very difficult, so some may turn to join the other players with them to help them to kill Jotun

      Also take many other examples: -

      - cancel the lure (pulling) of Dragon Watcher Idall from their places ، The player alone will not be able to go to the Watchers all in their (place) and kill them on his own, so he will join other players with him to help him.
      - cancel the lure (pulling) of Razador The player alone will not be able to go to Razadur in the middle of the map between many Ember Flame Chieftain and kill him alone, so he will join other players with him to help him.

      The examples are too many, I will not say that will contribute to solving 100% of the problem of playing in group, but it will encourage playing in group very much.

      - just cancel the lure (pulling) of monsters & bosses to distant places+ Reduce the effectiveness of resistance.

      I really hope this solution transferred to the company's officials (Anayra unforgiven badidol)

    • BlueShade wrote:

      HZZA3 wrote:

      But if we imagine together, you can not pull the boss En-Tai Sovereign out of his place , the result will be:
      I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work. There's already lots of players who do Jotun solo... by moving their 5 characters to the Sovereign. Even if it's really annoying, they still do it, because they farm lots of yang and chests (that do not have to share with anyone).
      You won't stop this just by making Sovereign impossible to move.

      The only way is to prevent the access of 5 characters from the same computer. Unless they're going to change this, there always be the chance to do solo-bosses...
      If I open my basic account and buf and store two accounts and my account in the city, what should I do?
    • HZZA3 wrote:

      BlueShade wrote:

      I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work. There's already lots of players who do Jotun solo... by moving their 5 characters to the Sovereign. Even if it's really annoying, they still do it, because they farm lots of yang and chests (that do not have to share with anyone).
      Yes, it is true, but it is illogicalI will explain to you why, to do a small calculation: -
      Each login process for the Gotun takes you less than a full hour thing (complete with the task of Stone, Kill Gotun)
      Between each entrance to the Gotun and another entrance there is a two-hour break.
      One player can normally complete 5 times a day. For example, if you wake up at 12 noon and sleep at 12 pm, you have 12 hours every 2 hours you can log in. The total will be 10 hours sitting on the computer, and two hours of rest will be 12 hours.
      Who is the crazy who will spend 12 hours fully in front of the computer without a break every day to complete the 5 times if we cancel the pulling Gotun ?
      There may be some crazy people doing this but not everyone.

      BlueShade wrote:

      The only way is to prevent the access of 5 characters from the same computer. Unless they're going to change this, there always be the chance to do solo-bosses...
      Many players have more than one computer at home and can use them so there is a gap in this solution as well
      Conclusion Unfortunately, every solution has a gap, but few players can use it.

      I had an idea why we should not integrate your solution with my solution at the top
      So cancel the pulling of monsters & bosses & prevent the access of 5 characters from the same computer.
      That will make it difficult for them and they will really have to look for help from other players
      Why do you describe who sits 12 hours crazy? I consider it insulting ..And I do not accept it
    • Ok so maybe because I am a weapon suraI didn't feel the resistance nerf(I don't use resistance at all except a few % from the alchemy). But I did like the bigger nerf from the first version of this beta just because I hoped that this way I won't see players mindlessly leveling all the time with auto the end of the day if all of us reach the max level and just kill each other or farm the same 2 or 3 bosses then the game will be unbalanced on the economical side.
      I've seen it on my server (hungarian) they are leveling to 120 with the auto hunt and every week one it's two 120 character is popping up on the list. It should be harder to level up not just let you character on auto and come back a week later and you are 120 with no real items or skills.
      Therefore I am for the big resistance nerfto put players to work if they want to achieve something !
    • mickelandro wrote:

      If I open my basic account and buf and store two accounts and my account in the city, what should I do?
      The multi-account block would only apply to dungeons, so you could still play as long as you stay in the common maps... :)

      Anyway don't be scared, my reasoning is just theoretical. It'd much better if they allowed us to use off-line shops, but it probably won't happen very soon - many things would have to change in order to prevent multi-account in a way everyone agrees with.
    • Anyway, here's my test.


      BlueShade wrote:

      - Lv. 101 Ninja

      - Physical Defense ranging from 670-700 (let's ignore the slight difference of about 30def, here)

      -Matt DSS (except for flawless onyx)

      Mob: En-Tai Soldier (lv.102)

      95% res wind, no buffs:
      Range of damage suffered by my character: 1-3
      Piercing hit: 513


      85% res wind, no buffs:
      Range of dmg: 2-13
      Piercing hit: 693


      80% res. wind, no buffs:
      Range of damaged suffered by my character: 91-223.
      Piercing hit: 802


      70% res wind, no buffs
      Range of dmg: 160 - 273
      Piercing hit: 883


      65%res. wind, no buffs:
      Range of dmg suffered: 353-503

      65%res.wind, WITH DRAGON BLESSING BUFF:
      Range of dmg suffered: 201-241


      40% res wind, no buffs:
      Range of dmg suffered: 648-869
      Piercing hit: 1319

      40% res wind, WITH DRAGON BLESSING BUFF:


      6% res.wind, no buffs:
      Range of dmg suffered: 1307-1600
      Piercing hit: 2241


      0% res wind no buffs
      Range of dmg: 1406-1648
      Piercing hit: 2318

      As you can see, elemental resistances have been restored, even if their slightly less effective than they were before.

      Dragon blessing is a huge help here, since it almost cuts in half damages and allows a player equipping about 60% wind not to have any problem at all.

      As a Ninja, facing a Tree Beings Metin (lv100) without buffs is more difficult on this beta, but I guess it's fair, because you can still rely on other bonuses (such as chance to block physical attacks, damage absorbed by HP) and moreover, because you are supposed to travel with a fellow Dragon Shaman.

      Wind resistance won't become useless but you cannot rely on it only, unless you reach about 80-85%wind: in that case, you probably won't have any problem.

      Obviously Weapon Suras do not have to worry at all: they were able to withstand mobs without wind resistance on 18.3, let alone on 18.4...

      Physical def seems to be quite important to me, anyway. Other players also noticed that by maxing out phys. defense, you can actually reduce damages. So I guess that wearing a 15% wind basic helmet vs a lv100 one (with the same bonus!) will make a difference, and that's good to me.

      Oh, thanks to @Blesenth and @YoTeDoPo for keeping me company. :)

      @Salsie @Anayra @unforgiven @Olthir

      The post was edited 3 times, last by BlueShade ().